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Locomotive derailing on points


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Could anyone help fairly New to this hobby and loving it, however l seem to have a problem with several locos reversing over points some will reverse absolutely fine but some derail every time l switch the points.

I have checked points and they seem fine as rolling stock and some locos will switch over points fine others derail even traveling to forward,any ideas would be most welcome thank you.

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Hello SGB 👋

As this is your first post: Welcome aboard!

You wrote

"as rolling stock and some locos will switch over points fine others derail"

I get the sense from this that you expect the points to switch from diverting to non-diverting (or visa versa) when you roll a locomotive through the point backwards. That is, from the diverting route to the singular route in front of the points. Or from the nondiverting route to the singular route in front of the points.

This practice is highly dependent on the spring in the point. You should not expect light stock to do this on a normal basis.

Further, whilst there are examples of this on real railways, in my view this is prone to exactly what you are finding: derailment. Switch your points to the desired route before you traverse them.

Just my practical opinion. Warning: Incoming messages about how this railway or that heritage line uses this practice at some particular location. These are examples out of the norm. Special cases.


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Rolling locomotives and stock over points that are set the wrong way is bad practice. Even if the stock does make it over without derailing, it will wear the points quicker. I have enough problems with point wear anyway.

On the prototype, all passenger carrying facing points (IE diverging routes) must have locks on them to prevent them changing underneath a train.

I agree with Bee, Set the point to the desired route before traversing it, it works better that way.


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