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HM6010 Firmware Update v1.8.2

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It is for compliance with HM7K app mesh connectivity requirements.

The 6010 module also has all the features of the R8247 accessory decoder, but presently no way to access these additional features via either HM6K or 7K apps, but by using Track power you can use it on DCC as an R8247 equivalent.

You can use DC track power to use it with Bluetooth in lieu of a PSU.

6010 latest is actually v1.8.2.

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Updated to 1.10.0 still goes to slep after one minute.
I went back to 1.7.1 it shuts off after one minute, this happened after updating to 1.8.2.
This problem make my HM6010 un-useable so I have had to resort to probe and stud to keep my shunting plank working.



Reported again.

Edit - trying to get v1.6.3 put onto the server for you to revert to until the reported problem is fixed.

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OK a resolution of sorts.

For use on HM7K app only the version to revert to for now is v1.6.3. This gets you back working again. Any problems please come back here.

For HM7K app use there will be a higher version but for now the two apps remain at different versions.

The problem will be fully sorted at the next HM6K main app update, yet to be scheduled.

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OK a resolution of sorts.

For use on HM6K app only the version to revert to for now is v1.6.3. This gets you back working again. Any problems please come back here.

For HM7K app use there will be a higher version but for now the two apps remain at different versions.

The problem will be fully sorted at the next HM6K main app update, yet to be scheduled.

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Be aware now that HM7K app is live that there are 2 different rev states each for 6000 and 6010 when used in each app. A pest for now but it will be sorted by an update to the HM6K app.

HM | DCC (7000 series)

• HM6000 - v1.12.0

• HM6010 - v1.10.1 

HM | DC (analogue control)

• HM6000 - v1.8.2

• HM6010 - v1.6.3

These are the correct versions users need to be on for each app.

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Updates usually flag up on screen for you to disconnect your module from the mesh.

Before we get into any deeper discussion, which app are you using HM DC or HM DCC and what are you using the 6000 module for.

Select firmware update in settings and select your module. Pick the correct rev state for the app as per my table above and press update device.

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When using HM DC I have never been able to get the HM6000 to be picked up in a mesh scan, I have only been able to scan and find it when BLE is selected.

When you press update, it says you have to be connected to mesh to update. So i can't update.

I have tried using the HM6000 to start using HM DCC but I'm having trouble with the sound files being uploaded, it times out on the SPIROM. Thinking this was something to do with the HM6000 not being updated, that's why I've asked the question re updating.


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Are you trying to update the 6000 firmware or are you trying to load a sound profile onto a 7000 decoder.

If you are simply using the 6000 to power your track then it needs to be set on full whack per the decoder manual.

You cannot have a mesh of one device. A mesh by definition is more than one device talking to each other through the app.

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Are you trying to update the 6000 firmware or are you trying to load a sound profile onto a 7000 decoder.
If you are simply using the 6000 to power your track then it needs to be set on full whack per the decoder manual.
You cannot have a mesh of one device. A mesh by definition is more than one device talking to each other through the app.



The mesh i refer to is the HM DC app settings for bluetooth mode. There are 2 options either mesh linking (provisioning) & forwarding or standard ble. Thanks to Foden 4400, although i had tried this a while ago, resetting to factory settings I was able to connect to mesh linking and update the HM6000 to 1.8.2, the higher version wasn't available to me.



I did actually manage to get sound and movement through the decoder after installing it.



But then I did the install buton again by mistake and broke it no_mouth

Now when i try to install SPIROM, it seems that the connection with either the HM DC app or the HM6000 disappears and the app restarts and then the HM DCC app whirls around trying to find the host device.



I will keep trying, I know it works but I learnt now not to hit buttons i don;t need to :)







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From your response above I have been able to deduce I think, that you are using the 6000 module in the HM6K app to power your track and that in the HM7K app you are installing a 7000-series decoder to your TT120 loco and that you now have it all working.

There is a simpler and more reliable method, use your 6000 module PSU to apply power directly to the track using the HM7020 (R7324) adapter cable. This will put 15v on the track rather than the 12v supplied by the 6000 module at full whack.

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From your response above I have been able to deduce I think, that you are using the 6000 module in the HM6K app to power your track and that in the HM7K app you are installing a 7000-series decoder to your TT120 loco and that you now have it all working.
There is a simpler and more reliable method, use your 6000 module PSU to apply power directly to the track using the HM7020 (R7324) adapter cable. This will put 15v on the track rather than the 12v supplied by the 6000 module at full whack.

Thanks 96RAF, you are correct and I'd already ordered the cable yesterday. Hornby were heavily promoting the HM6000 on their upgrade path, but with my experience I think I'll keep the HM6000 for DC on my OO kit.

Will the transformer I had for the HM6000 be powerful enough in medium term, i.e more locos?

Thansk again for your help

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