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Unrebuilt Merchant Navy


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Sorry about that, got my sources muddled and forgot where I was. Try Model Railways Live 06-12-2012 instead. Interview between Simon Kohler and Andy York, about half way down. Verrry Interestink!

Now none of this says there will NOT be a MN this

time, but somehow I doubt it. Otherwise my bacon would be coming by air, self propelled.

However I waited 45 years for a RTR SECR 'C', so who knows? I'll probably have to wait another 45 for an 'H'.

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In answer to "Mortehoe"! An invitation to log into Grahammuz.com to view the shortlist of Southern Hornby releases, has been posted on that site. This will happen tomorrow at around midday.
It is where I obtained the "Passage" on my previous post.

don`t think, hope! I will be treading on any ones toes in identifying my source, at this stage?
The other query you came up with, was that related to the "ASBESTOS" cladding?
Thats an interesting one and am glad you raised it!
Without a complicated

explanation, it was a weight saving mod introduced to the Series 1 on Royal Mail, called "Limpet Board" it was only 1/16" thick. The horizontal rib, running the length of the casing was to cover the join between the upper and lower boards, plus provide more

rigidity to them. It also carried the centre "SOUTHERN" Yellow livery line. Most of the Series 1`s were further modified with conventional Smoke deflectors and survived complete with Limpet board up to Rebuilding. The Series 2 & 3, appear to have reverted

to conventional cladding as the Stiffening rib is not present on any of the photographs I have or seen published of 21C11 onward. However I stand, open to correction in this respect?
Sorry for appearing to be a tease! Hope this helps and makes amends
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Shame, an "as built Merchant Navy" does not appear in the 2013 announcements! However a slight shift away from this particular thread. Hornby have produced a well balanced mix which I think is worthy of praise. Grahammuz.com has filtered out the "Southern"

elements of the new releases and I don`t think those of us who have the "Southern to the fore" can be disappointed.
As has been suggested within this thread, we can`t rule out the contents of a "Blue Box" delivering the goods?????

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I should not hold your breath if I were you. I think you'd be better off getting a 'Golden Arrow' body kit of one and a Hornby chassis and doing it yourself. (I did!)

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Simon Kohler is saying he wants to hear views on what we'd like for 2014, as he is finalising the program shortly.
Sad he hasn't looked on his own Hornby Forums as this Wishlist thread asking for an Unrebuilt/Original/Airsmoothed Merchant Navy has been

on Page One here continuously for 564 days now.

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Hi Forester

Even though you're not getting your Merchant, I sure it makes you feel a lot better when you see that I'm getting the P2. We've only been waiting since 1934 for it (78 years).

Particularly since they're doing DoG as well they

surely won't ignore the Mercant in the future. As you said at the beginning of this 'thread' it's the only class 8P missing.

Your reward for your patience lies in heaven - no reward for LC&DR and Mortehoe because they won't go there!!!

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With my horns and spiked tail they won't let me in anyway. Come down and see me some time I'll have a WARM welcome for you!! He He He!!

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Your 'punishment' will be to fire a Merchant Navy, and according to the various tests they did, they could certainly get through the coal.

Me? I'll be down there with you, firing a Q6 on one of the 'bonus' turns!!!

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I guess the maniacal laughter is because

you're a maniac so no need to take any notice of what you say. Think it's time for my electric shock treatment!!
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I think that people are slowly waking up to the fact that the Southern Region has a large enthusiast following, and not just for the South Western section either.
I gather that a certain newly introduced Eastern Section Southern 0-6-0 is selling out

fast. A few shops have already sold out. I know - I bought the last one at one place. Fortunately I did not make the same mistake I made with Hornby's Southern P&P set, and pre-ordered (and thus took delivery of) my first five.
There were some absolutely

delightful branch lines in Sussex and Kent, and then there is the Isle of Wight, where very soon the ubiquitous staple motive power (is it a loco or is it a mobile 'phone network?) will be produced by a minor manufacturer under commission. I predict this one

will also sell out PDQ.

Wake up Hornby there is much more to make for the Southern. Let us have some REAL Southern stuff before the competition beats you to it. You could start by making some LB&SCR and SECR coaches to run on the Island, your Terrier

could pull these, and those who bought the O2 will also have something to hang behind it. Then there is the E1.
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  • 4 weeks later...
I am afraid I have only just registered and have not been right through all the Forum posts.

To get back to the air-smoothed MN Loco, it is still at the top of my "wanted list". Until 1980 I still had the Triang TT Gauge "Clan Line", but foolishly

sold it to a collector friend. Does any of you recall the original Graham Farish 00 gauge MN loco? I have searched but so far can find no one who has one.

Gautier0929 13/01/13
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i am not the most well informed on the MN being of good teast and a LMS FAN (sorry could not help my self) did any as-built MN make into BR? or did all the cabs etc get rebuilt to confourm with the rest of the class in SR days. as i was wondering the blue

box will be showing what they have planed for the next year soon. And i know that G F are doing one in N scale and was wondering if ba+~M#~n might just do one in OO but being able to build SR & BR models would make it more likely
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Certainly all 30 MNs operated on BR in air smoothed condition, the last few were even built by BR, and were turned out in BR livery from the first. Rebuilding started in 1956 with 35018 first, and 34028 'Clan Line' was the last in November

1959. Although there were three batches each with differences, in SR days they were all brought into a broadly single general appearance during the late 1940s. There were still tender variations, the safety valves were resited, and smoke deflector differences

werre to be found within the class and some of the casing ahead of the cylinders was removed during the pre-rebuilding period.

After the 1956 rebuilding the engines were all broadly identical, but tender variations still existed.

I doubt if the

blue box company will tackle this one, they seem to be having some success with the smaller and more useful pre-grouping locomotives.
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