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HM7000-21TXS appears in (wrong) app as HM6010_CD74


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I'm a total newbie to DCC and have just received my HM7000-21TXS chip. I linked it to my Android phone and before doing anything else updated the chip to the latest firmware.

Now the app sees the chip as an HM6010_CD74, so have I made a major mistake when updating the firmware?

I've tried to update the firmware again to resolve the issue, but the app says I must be in Mesh mode to do this. In Mesh mode, the scan can't see the device.

Any ideas?

Mod note - title amended in hope of warding off any other wrong app users.

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Thanks for the info..... I'll keep an eye out for the Android app release.
Many thanks



It is going to be some weeks before the Android app is out and Hornby is suggesting you should send the decoder back for reprogramming as a 7000 device. Contact hm.customercare@hornby.com and tell them your story.

Edit - they will replace the decoder upon contact to that email.

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