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hm7000 operating system?


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If you already have the iPad then simply grab the free HM DCC (not HM DC) app from the App tore and see …

A) if it will install and …

B) if it will open and get you to the login screen.

If so then it is suitable, if not it may be later - ref the compatibility table Rog linked to.

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IOS16 can be downloaded onto a 5th generation basic iPad and as it happens that is what I use.

IOS16 won’t download into earlier generations.

Probably not recommended to buy anything earlier but as for earlier versions of IOS for the IPad to permit earlier generations to be used is there anybody out there using an earlier version to run HM7000?

One thing to bear in mind though is that, knowing Apple policy on updates, it is very likely that IOS17 when launched will not download onto a 5th generation iPad. So when purchasing future proofing can be a consideration with a later generation.

The thread below has suggested IOS13 might run HM7000 so may be worth a read:-


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Not necessarily true - my iPad air is at version 12.5.7 and although it installs the app it won’t run it yet. They are still working on it per the compatibility list in the HM7K support area.

My iPad Pro is running fine with v16.5.

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Not necessarily true - my iPad air is at version 12.5.7 and although it installs the app it won’t run it yet. They are still working on it per the compatibility list in the HM7K support area.
My iPad Pro is running fine with v16.5.



This sort of stuff just makes me shake my head. Why provide this data when it is inaccurate? My general approach with Apple products is if it won’t run the latest software release it is a user beware situation. Your experience validates that

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Not necessarily true - my iPad air is at version 12.5.7 and although it installs the app it won’t run it yet. They are still working on it per the compatibility list in the HM7K support area.
My iPad Pro is running fine with v16.5.

This sort of stuff just makes me shake my head. Why provide this data when it is inaccurate? My general approach with Apple products is if it won’t run the latest software release it is a user beware situation. Your experience validates that



You can shake your head all you like. The data is not inaccurate, it is conditional per device type. It has already been reported on forum that a particular iPad works at v11, just not every iPad.

There is a type by type compatibility chart linked to somewhere on the forum which tells of which iPad type and variant of type by age can be updated to which version. This is not the same exception data that Hornby has posted.

The trouble is folk take everything they read at face value, regarding it as set in stone gospel when in fact it is guidance and may require common sense to be applied leading to further self investigation. This was plainly evident by those who bought decoders on the assumption they could run both DC and Bluetooth locos at the same time on a regular analogue layout, when anyone with a basic understanding of decoders would realise this cannot be done.

The fun will start when zillions of Android devices are given the app to play with. The list of posts asking if my xyz phone or tablet works will be never ending. My answer will be the same as I said previously, if it installs and you can get past the login screen its going to be OK, else its not OK.

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