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Two control points on a DC track?


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The easiest way would be to use a controller that supports a walkabout functionality. It isn't really practicable to have two separate DC Analogue controllers as you still have to hand over loco control from one controller to the other which involves physical interaction with the controllers and walking up and down from one controller to the other to make control adjustments.

In Hornby world, the new HM6000 system would provide a solution, as the control interface is via an APP on an Android or IOS phone / tablet device. The control hardware connects wirelessly to the APP via Bluetooth and physically to the layout replacing your current controller and you walk about APP Device in hand controlling the locos wirelessly.

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You can have a controller at each end, If it mine I would insert an isolating track at the mid point that way by switching the isolating track off two can play one at each end with out effecting each other, then switch the isolating track on then a train can be passed from one end to the other then vis versa.

In Hornby's track plan book 5 shows an U shape end to end layout for two persons with a single connecting track

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Thank you Paul, that's certainly something worth looking at.

Thanks Tony, but I think it'll only be me running the layout. The issue I'm going to struggle with is having a controller at one end while trying to shunt at the other. I guess one option would be to have a second controller and an either/or switch to decide which one supplied an isolated end. Then I could run a train from one end to the other having set the points first, then switch to a second controller to do any shunting required.

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Hello TFoch

One possible solution to your requirements would be to use so called 3-way switches. You may have these in your home, to control one light from two locations. The pair of 3 way switches controls one output. Flipping a 3 way switch changes the polarity of the output. If the output was on, it goes off. If the output was off, it goes on.

Now combine that with a double pole, double throw relay. The output of the 3 way switch pair controls the magnet in the relay.


So in this diagram, when the electromagnet in the relay is on, DC Controller B is selected. When the electromagnet is off, DC Controller A is selected.

Place one 3 way switch at one end of your layout, and the other 3 way switch at the other. You now can use either DC controller, selected at either end of the layout.

One Caution: Switching to a DC Controller that is at maximum power will lead to locomotive disaster. Remember to always turn the DC Controllers to zero when not in use.


PS plenty of 3 Way Wiring diagrams on the internet. Here is one


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Of course, the clever lads will add 4 leds that are two color. Say red & green.

Put two on either end of the layout. Label one at each end Controller A, the other at each end Controller B.

Wire accordingly, such that when Controller A is powering the track, the leds labeled A are green, whilst the other two, corresponding to Controller B, are red. When Controller B is powering the track, the leds labeled B are green, whilst the other two, corresponding to Controller A, are red.

That way, when at either end of the layout, you know at a glance which controller is powering the track. Fairly easy to do.


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Thanks, I'm well aware of the two way switching option - what I was trying to do was use one controller, but vary it from two different positions. The two controller method looks like it's the way to go though.

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Simple way I would do it, as you only need to drive 1 train at a time is get a Double pole Double throw switch. Connect the centre two lugs to the track. Top one put as controller 1, Bottom as controller 2. To switch between them, toggle the switch to the desired controller.

I have that on a few sections of my layout.

I don't think its possible to do the 2 from the same controller because you need to be physically able to operate it.


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That is what I suggested, a DPDT relay. I sprinkled in a pair of 3 way switches, to be able to control the relay from either end of the layout. Its nice to know we think alike!

But that isn't what TFoch requires. After carefully re-reading the initial post, I think TFoch wants to manage one DC controller from two physically different locations.

If that is wrong, TFoch, please do correct me. In searching for a solution, clarity of requirements are necessary.

If that is correct, then two of your DC controllers rotary outputs need to be injected into the DC controller. You could buy a duff controller of the same type, extract the rotary and wire up a switching circuit. It would mean taking your existing controller apart.....


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How about: 1 x Gaugemaster (or similar) GMC-W walkabout controller and 2 x GM75 6-pin DIN plugs & sockets, one socket at each end of the layout and one plug connected to the controller output, fed from one (or two) GMC-WM3 16V AC output transformer(s), each 6-pin socket accommodating the feed from the transformer(s) and output to the track.

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Create a 4-wire bus (2x power and 2x track) running from one end to the other and use a handheld controller which you plug into the bus at whichever end you need to be standing. Of course with DC the train will have to stop while you unplug and move the controller from one end to the other.

This is basically what I do with my central control panel. It has DIN sockets on either side for up to 3 controllers so I can plug a controller into whichever side is convenient. Usually the layout has two controllers for two operators with one plugged in the left side and the other in the right side, however when someone needs a break at a show we unplug their controller and move it so both are on the same side, making it easier for one person to look after the layout for a while.

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