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Sound Function Repeating

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Here’s a curious thing.

I loaded up the Class 31 Sound Profile through an 8-pin decoder into a new Heljan Class 33 loco.

All was well until I ran the “Flange Squeal” function. After doing so I couldn’t get rid of it ! I turned the Function button on/off, I turned the AFC on/off, I tried other sounds over it so that there were four sound running simultaneously, but still it ran on. I then reloaded the Class 31 profile….and still it was there and running ! I even loaded a Class 56 profile and it was still there !!!

It was as if it was stuck/burned into the decoder’s memory and wouldn’t go away!

After much experimentation, my solution in the end was to:

  1. Shut down my iPad (Pro)
  2. Reload the App
  3. Delete the decoder and re-link it
  4. Run-through Class 31 Profile download process (again).

Success !

A strange one, for sure. Have any others encountered this phenomenon?

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Yes, I had something similar a couple of weeks ago. I think it was the flange squeal or perhaps the brake - certainly something very annoying. It was the Black 5 profile on a Bachmann 3MT Tank. I think I might have triggered it by using the sound test buttons in Railmaster's loco function button setup.

I couldn't get rid of it, but after powering everything down it had stopped when I next ran.

Regards, John

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  • 2 weeks later...

It sounds like you must have accidentally changed how that sound works.. think one of the combinations of those three buttons (in the function test) just puts it in a loop.. you can try them by going to test function, just remember where it was in the first place or reload a saved profile 😉

No idea re the OP though why it happened when you changed from 31 to 56 though. That doesn't make sense. The chip doesn't care what the sound is it's just sees numbers and data so that's baffling.

I did once mess everything up trying to get a 1 page profile for the engine in an order that made sense.

Primer, cold start, start, thrash, notch up, notch down, etc

But I ended up messing everything up quickly but just resetting the profile fixed it instantly.

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