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Hornby Railroad Trains in Doncaster North


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I thank you very much my friend,it is dedicated to all the Hornby friends of this forum that i follow with much pleasure.In the future you'll see my Hornby class 67 red rover running on an American circle as my British diorama is too short to full appreciate that loco

have a nice evening


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I agree a like button would be useful! Thanks for posting.

Nothing wrong with running UK trains on an American layout or vice versa. The UK exported locos all over the world including to America and we had a number of American locos here, especially after the Second World War. More recently we had the GM diesels. More to my own tastes Tri-ang Transcontinental, choose virtually any part of the world and they will fit in.

The French had the American Liberator class 2-8-2s as produced by a number of manufacturers including Lima and Jouef so part of the Hornby family now.

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May I gently suggest that a "like button" has unintended consequences?

If we must have a like button, then it is also required that we have a dislike button.

Are we really going to total the Up votes and subtract the Down votes? That is only fitting and appropriate. We voted, what is the score? Are posts about to become a popularity contest?

How will you handle a child's post? Specifically, as we are generally not privy to the age of the poster. A child's enthusiasm for the hobby could be destroyed as we send his/her post down the escalator of doom. Thank you but NO!

There is a place to like Alberto's video. If you feel so compelled to vote, sign in to youTube and give the video an Up vote. I did, because I truly liked Alberto's video. I can appreciate his effort.

I prefer the conversation we have here to continue unburdened by likes, subscribes and the notification bell. Its far more egalitarian and welcoming, without urgency or pejorative judgment.

My apologies for being slightly contrarian here. I can see opposing viewpoints expressed by other contributors. I would just like the unintended consequences considered.


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I add support for ‘like’ button.

I also wholeheartedly agree that providing the facility for ‘disliking’ something is neither productive nor constructive (there is already the ‘report’ option for the truly objectionable.)

However I question why a ‘like’ option necessitates an opposite?

In the past (and hopefully continuing in some places) developing minds were encouraged to be silent if they had nothing pleasant/constructive to contribute. I see no reason why Tim Berners-Lee’s remarkable invention must void this.

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There is little chance of a voting scheme in the forums. It is, for all intent and purpose, moot. Live with the forum in its current realization.

Yet here is a perfect example of why a dislike button should be available:

A question about the Gaugemaster high frequency track cleaning device and modern DCC ready locomotives came in.

In providing an answer that considered only the motor, I indicated that the Gaugemaster device would not hurt the motor. Yet, I thoroughly ignored the blanking plate and the noise suppression RC circuit mounted there. The advice that it would not hurt the motor was true. The device would destroy the blanking plate, said others. I accepted that correction and revised my comment, making it strike thru text. I added a note of the error as well, indicating why it was strike through text.

So would you want to down vote that bad advice? Perhaps you would. Perhaps not, as my error was retracted.

Now suppose I was stubborn and ignored consensus, without accepting my mistake. Correspondents may wish to mark my poor advice for others. To warn them, especially as I would not relent under the stubborn scenario. That could be expressed with a down vote more readily than a conversation. Far less confrontational too.


From a philosophical view, an upvote, without the facility for a down vote, is undemocratic. Head on over the Parliament and tell the MPs that they may only vote for something, never against. The ideas they disagree with, well, say nothing.


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Personally I think the discussion that your scenario prompted was far more useful & informative than a simple down vote would be. Any post that endangers contributors or risks damage to equipment, could perfectly legitimately be reported for that (if poster refuses to edit) & could be edited/removed by mods, if necessary.

I still don’t believe that this forum needs to implement voting - a simple emoji or word expressing appreciation & encouragement, (for a contribution) does not require an opposite. The unmarked post is merely neutral & the norm - not openly rejected.

Of course from a democratic viewpoint, voting needs to allow both accept & reject. However having watched multiple genuine videos of what purport to be elected MPs ‘answering’ questions, where they actually only demonstrate how (in)articulately they avoid answering them, (or even just simply sound like a load of drunken braying louts) personally I think voting (like other political reminders) should remain banned from this forum! 🙂

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