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Un-linking device and deleting


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I no longer have a loco in my possession but the loco and decoder is still listed in my "Manage Devices" area. I cannot delete it as its wants to connect to device I haven't got anymore so can you remove it any other way?

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Do you want to delete loco, decoder, or both?

• if just decoder - attempt to ‘Unlink & delete’ the decoder 3 times - it will then offer option to ‘force delete’ it & if selected will disappear.

• if just loco - ‘Unassign’ the decoder from the loco - then delete loco & assign decoder to different loco.

• if both - follow decoder steps & then just delete loco.

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I’m reminded of my law lecturer from many years ago. In reply to the question why is a particular issue so, the answer was always because the law says so.

I think the answer to your question Colin is - because that’s what they implemented.

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@ColinB - The correct procedure for removing/deleting decoder is to have it powered & connected to app when you do ‘Unlink & delete’ then you only need to press this once. If this procedure is followed it can be added again later as if it were a new decoder.

Using either ‘force delete’ or deleting & reinstalling app will result in your having to use the reset code to add the decoder again later. Considering the available profiles are periodically updated with improvements/new features (which require manual reinstallation onto decoder to gain/access) - having to use reset code every time might be irritating?

Therefore 3 times seems a reasonable balance between encouraging the correct procedure & providing a means for removal of decoders that are no longer accessible.

For an answer as to why specifically 3 was chosen, you would obviously need to ask a dev!

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The issue you have with that is as in my case, loaded the profile for the device set it to DCC, the loco is now either in its box or on the main railway. I don't need the bluetooth setup anymore, so I want to delete it, if I want to use it again I would power it up and do a rescan and then load everything again. I currently have 5 HM7000s probably once I have finished (finances permitting) I will probably have well over 20, so it will probably start to have issues on the smartphone screen. According to your description if I do a rescan, then I would get a resettable condition. As to the three, normally what you would do is have a pop up box that explains what the consequences will be with a yes/no or confirm/cancel option. It sounds like deleting the App and reloading it wasn't such a silly idea.

Anyway now I know, thanks for the info.

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No, thirdline it shouldn't, just takes the decoder out of the app. There again that is another reason for unlinking it and deleting it with the loco not on the track, because if it is not being powered the app can't do anything to the decoder. Even so, even if it was powered then it won't do that. I don't know why the device comes up as resettable and I suspect nobody else does except the person who wrote the code, otherwise they would have fixed it ages ago.

The big issue is the person who wrote this didn't understand how some of us would use it.

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Assign and unassign a decoder to a loco is the app equivalent of fitting/removing the decoder to/from a loco.

Linking/bonding/mating/etc the decoder to the app is equivalent to taking it out of the box and putting it in a decoder test rig and setting it up. Thereafter it is ready to do what you want with it - usually put it in (assign to) a loco or keeping it powered up on the bench.

From that it should be clear that the decoder is not reset to factory defaults unless definitely reset and even then the existing sound profile is retained.

The step by step how-to guides were written for complete numpties but unfortunately they failed to fully grasp the actual audience skills, hence people declared problems due to using the wrong app, using the wrong power supplies and failing to read and understand the written word even with pictures.

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I don't know what the reset code really does, other than something you enter when the app asks for it. Probably something to do with the bluetooth communications and pairing between nodes. It will do nothing to the profile loaded and nothing to any of the CVs stored. The only way to change the profile is to download a new one and wait 20 minutes for it to do it. Setting CV8 to 8 will reset the decoder as with any other decoder other than a LaisDCC. As you gather from my posts I consider it to be an issue that needs fixing.

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The reset code has 1 single very simple purpose - it is a security check when trying to link to a decoder from an unrecognised device.

It prevents an unauthorised device/person from taking control of a decoder (that is already linked to another device.)

Imagine what mayhem could be caused at a club/show if anyone with the app could randomly take control of running locos!

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That has got to be the most amazing answer I have seen, so all of this is to prevent an action that most of the user community will never use and if anyone wanted to do that I am sure that there are tools around that can do that. Thanks for the info though.

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Whilst the proxy nodes (hosts) stop broadcasting their address when actively linked to the App (Gatt), all other nodes in the mesh continue to broadcast mac addresses. As I have said for months, despite constant rebuttal of my posts, this now appears to be official doctrine, the reset code is the mac address. It must be the most insecure security check imaginable.

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@ColinB & @Daedalus - security check as in the ‘token’ system used on a single track heritage line, rather than xxxx bit encryption!

Considering car manufacturers struggle badly to make keyless entry systems that are only accessible by the authorised owner… Hornby aren’t even attempting to make the decoders theft-proof!

I sincerely apologise if the language I use is so very confusing, but at times it does feel as if you simply want to jeer & criticise. I respect everyone’s right to their opinion, but I have never understood why anyone would want to express such negativity. 🤷‍♂️

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Thanks for the replies guys, so resetting a decoder with the reset code Horndy supply will return it to factory defaults but not delete the sound profile, is that right?



It will restore default settings for the installed profile, not necessarily factory settings which are for SD999, nor will it carry over any custom settings you have made - think what happens when you set CV8 to value 8 on any other decoder. All CVs go back to datum values.

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Sounds to me that the reset code is not much more than a password unique to each decoder. Why can’t it be called that! Reset code confused me into thinking that CV8=8 was not the way to reset the decoder to default!

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If you want to reset the decoder when the app requests it, then you need the code hence reset code. It is not required at any other stage.

Maybe reset is the wrong word as what is happening is the decoder locking to a previous device is being by-passed to allow it to interface with a new device.

Regardless those are the words the app uses so we are stuck with them. Call it whatever you want to in your own mind.

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