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Totay I started work on the tail.  Unfortunately as I was removing the masks I hit the fresh red paint.  The starboard side of the tail will need repainting.  I printed out the decals and tried a few of them out.  Will try to complete painting the red on the tail tomorrow.


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Hi AirportsEd,  I wouldn't know.  Planes are not really my thing.  I suspect it isn't a 500 because the windows don't quite match the drawing I'm using.  The decals in my kit were old, yellowed and unusable.  Moreover, I liked this particular BA colour scheme.  I mentioned earlier I build planes, tanks etc as a break from scratchbuilding my liner models and as a way of improving my model making skills.   Hence I'm not too fussy about details.  If it were a liner then I would be very fussy.  With aircraft, If it looks the part then I'm happy.



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A bit more progress.  All the homemade decals are in place and they worked our really well.  Still got a bit more touching up and painting to do before I install the undercarriage. That will be the last thing to go in given how delicate they tend to be.  


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Undercarriage is in place and it sits nicely on all 3 sets of wheels. It seems I got the nose weight right.  A few finishing touches tomorrow, a coat of lacquer to seal everything in and it will be done.  It was a fun build.  6-weeks in all ......lightning fast for me!


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No, the instructions didn't specify the weight required.  As always I taped the basic model together, fuselage, main wings and tail wings.  They I blue tacked short bits of toothpick where the u/c legs would go and added weight till the model sat properly.  You have to un-tape and re-tape the fuselage each time to add / reduce weight.  I didn't tape the engines on at this stage as they would help shift the centre of gravity forward and thus would provide an additional safety margin. 

For masking the various colours I use Tamiya tape which is readily available here.



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Thanks Paul.

I need to finish it off and also finish off the DC10.  Today I received notification that I have a parcel waiting for me at the post office ....I think the DC10 decals I ordered may have arrived.


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Great job with such an old kit, lovely modelling! I flew (as a passenger) quite a number of times on the RAF versions to Australia, Bahrain, Singapore, Oman, Ascension Island & the Falkland Islands. Nice comfy aircraft!

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They are both virtually done.  Tomorrow I will give them a protective coat of satin lacquer but they are otherwise complete.  Not perfect, but they were great fun to build.   They look so massive next to the Boeing 737.  Goodness knows what an A380 would look like next to the 737!    The Canadian Pacific Colour scheme is pretty gaudy but I must say, the British Airways Tristar colour scheme is great.  Very eye-catching.

Now that I've got my shipbuilding mojo back it's time to proceed to my next build .....a 1:600 scratchbuild SS Rotterdam.




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