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WANTED NEM complete coupler for Electrotren 6201K Mega combi

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I have recently obtained very inexpensively the above with a broken coupler sheared off at the junction of the NEM box. I have tried to repair with cyano and epoxy but find that the coupler does not swing  any longer which may have been the reason why it was broken in the first place. I can use the wagon at the end of a train but would wish to obtain a replacement coupler if available from some source - I should say that the wagon is  of 1995 vintage and pre Hornby takeover - does anyone have any ideas ???



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hmm... could do with a sharper photo to be honest - use the macro setting on your camera?   
Anyway, I trawled through AC Models Spares'  pages for Electrotren (better photos than Hornby's web site) but didn't spot anything.

I'd be looking to dismantle and remove the entire black KK mechanism part from the wagon and glue it back together, maybe using some brass wire or strip to add strength.

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Thanks for your suggestion, the photo appeared OK from the camera but it was awful when downloaded to the laptop. Will try the brass wire although there is very little clearance on the KK mech. Am not surprised AC models do not have it is a 1998 item.

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If you want a very strong bond with superglue, add baking soda/baking powder. Check some of the you tube videos to see how it’s done and practice. It sets like steel and is capable of being worked too, filed, drilled, tapped, haven’t tried milling it yet though! It does set very rapidly, hence advice to practice. 

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