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2 locos showing as Bluetooth connected on layout but there is only one on track?

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I updated my class 50 sound to the latest v1.40 today. No errors were received. The class 50 shows as connected with the Bluetooth icon, but does not move nor is there any sound. Interestingly, I have a TXS fitted Class 66 King Charles and this is shown as connected with the Bluetooth icon,  though it is in the display case (with no power). 
I guess I’ll do a decoder reset on the 50 and see if that cures its ills. I wondered if anyone else has had phantom trains shown as Bluetooth connected when they are not? 

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Did you retype your DCC address after loading the new profile. Also check CV19 is showing value zero (no consist).

it is wise to deactivate a loco when it is off layout then the app won't try to find it. Standard practice is to search for anything listed as active in the engine shed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I realise I risk sounding very dim here, but what is the dcc address which one re-types after loading a profile? I too have experienced the phantom connection and locos in the display cabinet turning blue on the app, but wonder if it’s somehow related to my attempting to spread my stock of locos across 3 apple devices. 

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14 minutes ago, George-351466 said:

I realise I risk sounding very dim here, but what is the dcc address which one re-types after loading a profile? I too have experienced the phantom connection and locos in the display cabinet turning blue on the app, but wonder if it’s somehow related to my attempting to spread my stock of locos across 3 apple devices. 

The DCC address is that used by a regular DCC controller. If you don't use one then leave it at 3 the default.

You should make sure that decoders are only listed on the devices you want to control them from. Delete from any other devices. If they are present and will not delete then repeat 3 times and use the force delete option to clear them.

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Ah yes, thanks for that. Yes, I always type in each loco address after loading and am currently rationalising the allocation of locos about my devices with the likelihood of reducing them to two. But it still doesn’t explain the odd phenomenon of linking detached or otherwise dead devices. I’ve noted others on the forum experiencing similar oddities, such as two separate decoders being activated simultaneously by one. All very odd, although happily not critical - just strange.

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