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Annoying Marketing text message

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So, you have a 33% off sale. An email would have been fine, quite happy to receive emails, but to receive a random text is very annoying. looked for option to opt out of marketing texts, I can only find an option to "opt out of emails and texts" . I am quite happy with emails but not texts so have had to opt out of both. Next time there is a 33% off sale, I won`t know about it because I have had to opt out of emails to stop any more annoying texts. Hornby , fix this and I am happy to resusbcribe to your emails ( but not texts !)  again ! Meantime one potential customer lost ! 

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Hornby acknowledge that the opt in is too broad in scope and are making changes. Unfortunately that will take a little while to implement, so for the time being it will be all or none. R-

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Posted (edited)

Just had my text as well. Can't really be bothered with SMSs. As with Greg, I'm happy with emails but don't need texts. MODs, please ask if we can get emails only please?

(RB was typing as I was)

Edited by ellocoloco
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Actually, while I have the ear of the mods, I got an email yesterday telling me the new TT120 magazine was out, I clicked on the link expecting to quickly read the magazine then found I had to log in , then download into shopping basket, then checkout .. well, I didn`t bother getting that far and gave up .. whatever articles the marketing team had come up with in that for me to be tempted by also never got the chance to tempt me.. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Gregory-374918 said:

found I had to log in , then download into shopping basket, then checkout .. well, I didn`t bother getting that far and gave up ..

The shopping basket and checkout is for joining the club (free) or rejoining if your membership has lapsed.   I just logged straight into the club section and downloaded the magazine issue.  Easy enough.

Edited by ntpntpntp
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