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We need a "You are Welcome" reaction

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When a question is asked and answered, the person posing the question will likely thank those who answered

Aside from typing "You are welcome", it would be nice to have a reaction button that does the same.  

It rewards the person who said thanks with reputation points.  This also encourages good behavior in all.

Its just a thought


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These are the current 'likes'. I am sure there are more in the choice library that could be rolled out even if just a simple tick or thumbs up.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I’m not sure. It just seems a bit irrelevant. I don’t see the benefit in needlessly replying with a ‘you’re welcome’ post once a question has been successfully answered or having a similar ‘like/reaction’ to someone saying thanks. IMO, once and answer has been given which fulfils the question, that’s the end of the conversation. I use the same forum for a car club I belong to. It also doesn’t have the feature described in OP’s post. I understand that it’s nice to be polite and courteous, but I don’t believe that the application of the above is necessary here

Edited by Troublesome Truck
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Posted (edited)

Hi Troublesome Truck

That's a fair point, we should be polite an courteous.   That is the objective of my post.

When a member asks a question, that question should be answered, considering the age and acuity of the member.  We should be polite in answering the question.  Its a quest for knowledge and by providing help, we extend the hobby, which indeed, helps us.

In real life, when someone thanks you, you are expected to acknowledge their thanks.  "No worries",  "It was nothing", "My pleasure", "You are welcome", etc

If I was to stand there and say nothing, I would be considered socially inept.

As to the behavior of other forums?  I can offer the youTube comments, which contain crude insults, snark and argumentative behavior.  Name calling seems to be the rule of the day over there.  Resulting, how members behave on any other forum, such as the one you offer, is largely irrelevant to behavior here.  This is the Hornby forum.  Best Practices.

Only our mothers and fathers could force us to be polite.   No one will force you to use the reaction button that says "you are welcome".  So if it is there, and you feel so strongly, don't use it.


Edited by What About The Bee
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What About The Bee,

This is a forum. This isn’t considered to be ‘real life’. People just want solutions to their questions - not a back and forth with pleasantries. 

Furthermore, your point about the behaviour on other sites is irrelevant, I made no mention of how other people behave on other sites. I was merely stating that another site that I frequent utilises the same forum provider as this one (powered by Invision Community). It does not feature a ‘thank you etc.’ reaction.

Therefore, I doubt that the feature even exists and I doubt that Hornby or whoever is in charge here will be able to influence Invision into adding it and they won’t because it doesn’t offer anything of value to the hobby/site. It is wholly unnecessary.


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@Troublesome Truck - this forum includes many different people, some who think like Bee, some like you, and others who think differently again (thank goodness for differing opinions - how boring if everyone thought the same!)

There is a forum called RMWeb (I hesitate to actually recommend viewing it 😬) however it is also powered by Invision & includes Heinz 57 varieties of reactions - so no need to add anything (merely tick a box to enable reaction!)

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I'm kind of on Troublesome's side here.  The question has been asked and answered and the member who asked the question responds with thanks - thus acknowledging they've seen the post and appreciate it.  Other readers may also choose to Like/Thank if the answer helped them too.   In my view that's usually the end of it in terms of the way people tend interact on an online forum or email  discussion group.  It's not necessarily the same as they would respond face-to-face which is a real-time conversation.  There are often long gaps between posts, and to be frank if I reply and give thanks for answering my question I'm not likely to come back hours or days later and see if I got a "You're welcome" in return 🙂 

Edited by ntpntpntp
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Then, pray tell, why do we need a "thank you" button? 

Is that not simply courtesy? 

The button is meant to encourage courteous behavior, making it easier than typing "thank you".  

Further, those silly reputation points are accumulated by use of reaction buttons.  Thus, getting a "You are welcome" reaction provides a point to the person who said thank you.  Further encouraging good behavior.

As silly as the points are, they can be a useful moderation tool.  They can also be used by the general public  to recognize who provides poor advice and who, in general provides good advice. 

The reputation points are split out by category under your membership data.  For example NTP has received 39 thanks, because he is indeed a helpful fellow.  LT&SR_NSE has received 45 thanks.  I've only got 38, I really need to step it up 😄.  96RAF has 102, which is a testament to helping.


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No argument about the "Thank You" button I use it when appropriate,  though I'm not keen on the "trophy" for its icon but I'm not sure what would be better?  

I've never paid any attention at all to all this "points" malarky, I forget they exist 🙂 

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I agree with @Rog RJ about changing ‘thanks’ symbol to a tick (or equally a thumbs up) - it could then also be used as a ‘you’re welcome’ in any instance when someone actually posts a thank you reply message too.

Personally I am not too interested/worried by points - but I do appreciate thanks & try hard to thank others.  I can’t imagine how buttons that express gratitude & appreciation can possibly be a bad thing?

If anyone takes the trouble to compose an expression of gratitude, I most certainly choose to acknowledge my appreciation.  (However current options of like & trophy feel rather clumsy/inadequate - so I would certainly prefer a tick/thumbs up!)

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