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Collector's Display Cabinets


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37lover said:

My single large is now on the wall and loaded out with locos and carriages. I am very pleased, assembly was straight forward but I had my son help when fixing it to the wall. I fitted an extra wall batten under the bottom because

I was a bit worried about the weight. In two minds whether to buy some straight track because at the moment everything is direct on the glass shelves.

A piece of straight track with Gauge****** foam underlay - the ready ballasted type. Would

just finish it off?
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Buy 2 of the big ones, afix to his bedroom wall. He may take the hint!!!! (Think positive)


bulleidboy said:


There were still three of the larger ones in the B'stoke LIDL this morning. Having alerted forum members to this bargain(?),


I haven't bought one myself as I have no where to put it - my son must move out soon!!

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Hi rayarpino


I don't think Lidl have reinvented them as such. They've merely marketed them at a sensible price. I saw them advertised fairly recently at some stupid figure of £200 ($ 300) plus. The way Lidls appear to have shifted them shows


there is a demand.


rayarpino said:


Well after these four pages of extremely interesting comments, we know what the big gap is in Hornby's 2013 range: display cabinets! And also who reinvented them: Lidl. I am so relieved.

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Well I hit the local Lidl Wednesday and there was one small and 3 large left so I took the small one as wasn't sure the large would fit (I saw the post on here Wednesday at work and went straight down). It took me about 20 minutes to assemble the small


one, very easy. Then I went into the train room, looked at a shelf and thought "thats coming down" and back Thursday to see if the large ones were in stock, they still had 2. The wife said to me "Do you want both?", after picking myself up off the floor in


shock I picked one up and said Im struggling to carry this one and no space for 2.


Anyway, got it built and up in about an hour and then spent 3 hours unboxing locos and arranging them, all 45 of them. The shelves will take 2 Pacifics, 5 0-6-0 (3 Jinty


size and 2 terriers) or combinations of (just to give people ideas on the size). Then looked at the box of boxed locos, then at another set of shelves and thought damn, I could have got 2 side by side on that wall.


Moral of the story, listen to the


wife when she makes an offer like that :)


Thanks for the tip off though, much nicer to have them all on display than stuck in boxes

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