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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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Hi vespa I agree with you upto a point when the scots were release hornby did get the chimney wrong but this was quickly corrected by the second year as there was a bit of a fuss made. And as a out of the box it is one of the best lms locomotive around.  Even if you you still not happy with the chimney you can replace it with the brassmasrter detailing kit. Which most of mine have had done. If hornby were to make a change that it be horrible tander base lip that ruins the tender base  body lime.  Also can we have the right bogei wheels for the patirot scot black 5 coronation and royals. Moan over 

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What a great link.  Thank you.  

I think the tender driven one I had seen was not a Hornby. 

 I want to buy a new one, DCC ready or fitted but one that is the closest (Colour etc) to 46118 and therefore would be the easiest to make look like 46118.

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Hi WTD, Yesterday I managed to purchase, brand new from a dealer in Cumbria, Royal Scot number 46117 (R3085).  It is DCC ready.  My hope now, is to be able to obtain the items required to convert it to number 46118.

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Hi WTD, Just name and numbers will do for me.  I just want to have the Loco I have a picture of, with my Grandad (a Train Driver) in the cab at Blackpool Central Station.  I would then like to be able to purchase some carriages that would have been pulled behind the Royal Scot,  Any ideas what carriages they may have been, including item numbers for Hornby or Blue Box models would be appreciated.

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I have left you a link for the items you require in a previous post about 4 back. Regarding coaches, if BR days then BR Mk1's if LMS days then Hornby Midland coaches. Both Hornby and the other maker do MK1's You will need them with M prefix numbers in BR days.

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I have just had a thought. What crest is in the tender? Early or late? This may help more in your choice of coaches. All your BR period coaches should be either maroon with M numbers eg M5002 or red and cream with M numbers. Those older coaches in BR  midland days ie from LMS ownership will have an extra M after the number. eg M1501M. If your Grandad was in the photo after 1964 then you cold slip in a BR Mk2 in maroon or an odd  BR mk1 in blue and grey. I can't list R numbers or the other makers cat numbers but you can look under coaches above in the menu for Railroad MK1. Most are not yet available. Please get back with the year of the photo. The train sounds like a fast Blackpool- London Euston express that would stop at several main stations.

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I've just accidentally noticed something which others might not have done on this forum. It's very useful. If you click on a latest entry on the home forum pages, it takes you to that thread's last page straightaway, rather than having to work through a thread towards its end. You can then work backwards from that if you wish to.

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