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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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My latest Acquisition was 2 fold so should be acquisitions - the Tylsley connection trainpack by Hornby and the Ambulance Train by Bachmann. The first as it contains the engine 'Pitchford Hall' the engine I drove as a 60th present from my family and is a beautiful model. The second I saw it on display and had to have it. So tightening the belt for a few months.

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I considered the Tylsley pack and thought about what I would do with the BR coaches but more importantly is there any of those warning signs on the loco for electrified wires?

No there are no electrified wire warning signs on any of the coaches. The British Railways rondal is on both sides of the coach and along the chasis in the centre there is an 'Emergency Lighting Point' indicator.


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Hi Choralc,

The engine does not have any electric warning signs on it. On the tender there are two letters G W with a coat of arms between them. This appears on both side of the tender. On the engine, again on both sides, is the locomotive name Pitchford Hall and the number 4953. The number also appears on the smokebox door together with a small white rondal with the number 84 over the letter E. This is so small I needed to get a magnifying glass to decifer what was on it. Hope this helps

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A single slip and a metre of code 100 wooden sleeper track so I can rectfy my planning errors when I re-modelled my main station. The approach is to be changed to allow the 2 branch platforms to exit to the down relief as well as the branch and also to extend the branch platforms to accommodate the terminus building and allow 4 coach trains to be run round. 

Plus a Hornby 9 plank loco coal wagin in grey.  

The bundle of 6 Mk1s in maroon landed this week - delivered at the 3rd attempt as they could not "find" my village !

Rubbish of course - it translates to "could not be bothered to deliver the parcel". 


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No chance - the loft is an absolute tip at the moment - total mess.


I have never learnt -always untidy and things get mislaid and lost ! And still I never learn. Wont change now been like this for all my life !


It was in theory just a monor upgrade to convert 2 bay platforms to through ones and add 2 more bays but it seems to be a lot more work than anticipated. I have planned it to renew interest as opposed to totally building a new layout.






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At the NSW AMRA exhibition today I picked up a Skale Regis station, a new Black 5 (Railroad Range), a Xuron cutter, some plasticard and some dogs and cats (in separate packets of course. We decided against wallabies/kangaroos and sulphur crested cockatoos.)


Back tomorrow. We were about 300 in the line to enter and when we left 3.5 hrs later we felt like two in a thousand.

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 just bought two new 14XX chassis (not sure if they are Hornby or Dapol) but I suspect the latteras the wheels are shiny and the motor is small so not the original Airfix. I will hopefully be fitting 3D printed GWR 517 class bodies to them as and when I can afford them.

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 Now had it running, and it goes really well, smooth and responsive.  One especial good point is the packaging. as it was the first loco model where the plastic outer sleeve slid off the inner plastic moulded without me having to fight with it, and it all went back in again snugly but without a tussle.


An excellent model all round.

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