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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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This K1 has really impressed me!

There's a 'false' speedo fitting, which is I suppose quite a nice compromise to have to replace it every few hours' operation as they all break, eventually - this won't as there's nothing which moves.

In Sam's Trains' video he mentions, and makes obvious a hump / 'ski jump' halfway down the running plate, which mine quite simply doesn't have - mine's perfectly straight / flat.  Perhaps he's got something trapped somewhere and has forced the body shut, but I cannot see how - mine's totally fine!  I'll live with that!


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Birthday time so I get to raid the joint a/c and have a party.

I avoided another loco as I have had enough this year and the quality of my recent models has shown up the age of my DCC setup. This time I've bought a Next Generation Multimaus 10835 which although still used with my digitial ampifer 10764 from 2003 now gives my up to 31 functions per loco so I can fully access all the light and sound options on my latest models. 

The multitude of front/rear/and corridor light options on my Scotsman are now fully accessible along with countless sounds I never need to listen to again. Also the cab and instrument panel lighting on Scotty and my 66. I do like the subtleness of the lights in the Scotsman.






I am so impressed with how compatible this remains with my original ' free' digital set. I bought it with vouchers won in the Peco Christmas draw that used to be in RM and CM. 

The play factor has dramatically increased. 😎

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Lms black 5 what a loco no trials or tribulations with this one lovely runner straight from the box will be  fitting hm7000 when she is run in20240829_121331.thumb.jpg.9a64bd38acc55c3478d67235625969d0.jpg20240829_121331.thumb.jpg.9a64bd38acc55c3478d67235625969d0.jpg


Edited by sir john
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Well, I've a few pre-orders I'm waiting for, delayed by the high seas bandits and the 'alternative arrangements' being made to send around South Africa instead of through the Suez Canal ...

One other pre-order I was anticipating to receive is delayed 2-3 months which had me a little disappointed - took a punt at trying a SLW Class 25, which looks superb, and all comments, biased or not, say they are the 'go to' definitive Class 25 ... so I bought something else last night.

A Bachmann 94xx will be winging her way to me in the next couple of days - always liked these since Lima brought one out nearly 50 years ago!!  Photos to follow once received ...


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1 hour ago, atom3624 said:

Understood they're 'action shots', but looks a cross of 'great' (which it is, and looks fantastic) and whoa!!  Looks like it's about to fall off the RR!!

Glad she's running well for you.


Yes it looks worse than it is,it is a lovely looking loco only downside I took the top of the tender and whoa how do I get the speaker in its place under all those wires looks like spaghetti junction, I've put it back on and put it back in the box till I feel a little braver

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I received yesterday a non runner Britannia 7MT, it was sold with bent valve gear. I Straight the valve gear but loco would only run in one direction, backward. On forward direction wheel get stuck and won't move, as I was trying to work out what could be the reason, after few attempt loco started to run in both direction, later I found out that, one of step came off from chassis and got stuck between valve gear, only allowing the movement in one direction. Once the step came out loco ran in both direction.


What a beautiful loco with so much details, but that's another issue for me, one of the hand rail or part of the hand rail just came off, will try to attempt in day time once I can see better where the holes are for that particular part.



This is the which I need to install just above main hand rail, I think that's what it called.

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Still really impressed by that Hornby K1, but I 'took a punt' at a newer version of an older Bachmann model, again a 'Mogul', a K3 2-6-0 - I've had one before and tbh lamented selling her ... here's her replacement!

Picture 1 of 15

The other locomotive I purchased I should receive on Monday, the Bachmann 94xx 'super pannier tank' - most actually being built under B.R. it was such a late GWR design.

Archive photo from the Hattons' site for the Pannier tank:



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@Deem that Brit is a beautiful, but really super-detailed model.  White cab was for hauling a Royal Train apparently.

You obviously know, but take great care if you need to remove the body.

Parts of the valvegear mount through the running board. That whistle on the RHS is very fragile (like the whistles on rebuilt Merchant Navy locos).

It looks like it does have a speedo cable - broken on yours but quite easily replaced once located.

Nice find.


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3 hours ago, atom3624 said:

@Deem that Brit is a beautiful, but really super-detailed model.  White cab was for hauling a Royal Train apparently.

You obviously know, but take great care if you need to remove the body.

Parts of the valvegear mount through the running board. That whistle on the RHS is very fragile (like the whistles on rebuilt Merchant Navy locos).

It looks like it does have a speedo cable - broken on yours but quite easily replaced once located.

Nice find.


Thanks @atom3624 Speedo cable was fine when I took out the box (not original box though) while I was testing and trying to find out the issue of not running in both direction, speedo cable broke I don't how or why? I didn't even attempted to remove the body or fiddle with speedo cable, my focus was on the other side of valve gear. I do have older model speedo cables (few of them) I will see if they will fit. Very reluctant to remove the body due to this loco being super detailed with so many fragile parts.

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The main thing with the Brits / Clans is that valvegear - the plastic moulding must align with the running plate, otherwise, the body is generally a good but typically slightly tight fit - chassis is very clean and quite impressive - explains why they're so heavy!

Unless you just place it on a shelf somewhere, with regular use, obviously, the odd clean and dab of oil here-and-there will be needed!

With speedo cables, try not to kink them, but the main things are alignment and clearance.


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The things I bought last week were just bits and bobs, Fishplates, Cows, Sheep, cattle dock and some Dapol LMS signal kits which will be going back to France next week. 

I was very tempted by the Glasgow Highlander, but managed to resist, so far!!!

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If anyone's tempted, that 94xx has a small (powerful enough) coreless motor, so needs very little power, and is a tad 'lively'.

I couldn't figure out how to remove the cab / improve access to fit a crew, so had to perform 'keyhole surgery' - opening is large enough so no problem - looks great.

Running was quite erratic to start, but perhaps that was some oil I added as she was obviously pretty dry.  After 1.5 hours' running, all is well.  Very nice-running locomotive which can move slowly, but cannot crawl, but has a very 'decent' haulage capacity, without slipping either.

Nearly forgot, she has a glowing firebox.


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I'm suspecting that relatively poor running initially may have been self-inflicted - I oiled the motor front and rear as the 'bearings' can easily dry and squeal so thought it may be worthwhile with the lid off.

The 94XX is running about as well as is possible, and starts and restarts every time, and is smooth over points at slower speeds.

With 21 wagons, no slip remotely detected, she starts at power setting ~18 (<20) !!  This is perhaps the lowest power setting of any.

I have her running at between 30-35 (Gaugemaster 'D' goes 0-100 with F-N-B settings).   [Forwards   Neutral   Backwards]

Fantastic for power, but generally means I barely light up the 'glowing firebox' which she also has!


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That 94xx still continues to impress me - a little smoother at the slower speeds, and the traction is really pretty good.

Photo already above, but that (older) Bachmann K3 has arrived and a lovely locomotive it is too.

More-typical performance is expected, with a normal Bachmann 'can' motor and probably no bearings / bushes (present in the 94xx aka Hornby normal practice).

The only 'proviso' was that one side of the cab's lower steps need to be glued into place again - fallen off, but provided undamaged.

I will add weight to both locomotive and tender where able, lubricate a little, paint up the cab detailing a little (pipework, handles, etc) and add crew then she's good to go.  Seems to run OK from the 9V battery test.  Relative bargain as a very recent older model - £57 (plus a deduction of £2.50 for an Ebay voucher).


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K3 seems to be running quite well, with near-negligible power consumption, so that's got to be a good sign!

I've painted up the cab as much as I'd like, driver's installed, next the fireman.

I managed to get quite a bit of lead into the 'roll' of the inside of the body, which shouldn't interfere at all with the motor, and the tender's an empty space - so now has a really decent piece of lead inside - should be half to 2/3 the locomotive weight to be 'realistic'.  The tender's very free-running so isn't an issue.

Rest of the detailing to fit now - will take 'my foot off the gas' now - no need to hurry.


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Finally got my custom etched name, number and works plates from Light Railway Stores ordered in July. Superb as they were last time and well worth the wait. Worksplates for my two G&KER locos, Blackpool and Knott End, just need to finish painting and lining them now and add the plates. Also number and worksplates for my Kitson Manchester Ship Canal loco which also just needs a bit of paint and lining. 

The other nameplates are for various industrial locos from Shapeways and Oak Hill Works. Winter Hill and Catter Nab are two hills near Bolton and Chorley. The River Croal (Hence Croal No 3) runs through the centre of Bolton and there was a Croal Mill, visible on a lot of photos of the line between Lostock Junction and Bolton but I don’t think it was ever rail connected. 

I already have plates for Blackpool and a neverwazza G&KER loco, Pilling converted from a damaged ‘Nellie’. I just need time to finish off painting and lining and then it’s on to the next projects. 


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Just had delivered this superb Heljan Class 1361 saddle tanker. As you can see one of the vac pipes has already parted company from the rear buffer beam but that's easily sorted. Been on the look out for a GWR saddle tank for a while, I don't see many of them about.



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