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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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Won these three from the auction place, total cost around £43....all work well:-


Hornby 00 LNER B12 4-6-0 number 8509








LIMA L205129 B.R Class 33 Diesel Engine No.D6506 http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/InwAAOSwzgBYz7Af/s-l1600.jpg 

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No need for apologies Jacob, many on here use Chrissaf, some use Chris. I really don't mind either way. If I was offended by the use of Chrissaf, then I wouldn't have chosen it as a forum ' user name'. I'm just suggesting that Chris is a friendlier greeting. For example, people call Fishmanoz, Fishy and 2e0dtoeric, Eric for the same reason. It also saves on typing to use shortened abbreviations like those above and also other abbreviations like WTD for 'Walking the Dog' for example.

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No need for apologies Jacob, many on here use Chrissaf, some use Chris. I really don't mind either way. If I was offended by the use of Chrissaf, then I wouldn't have chosen it as a forum ' user name'. I'm just suggesting that Chris is a friendlier greeting. For example, people call Fishmanoz, Fishy and 2e0dtoeric, Eric for the same reason. It also saves on typing to use shortened abbreviations like those above and also other abbreviations like WTD for 'Walking the Dog' for example.


Thaonkou Chris. I will be calling you Chris in the future. That is true about your username. Why would you choose it, if you get offended by it?  😆


I think I will start calling Fismanoz, Fishy and 2e0dtoeric, Eric in the future, if they don't mind, of course!  😆

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That's me. Jacob you'll probably end up as JW.  😀


By the way the loco was £75. 


I don't mind what I get called. Jacob Wilson, Mr. Wilson, Jacob, JW, etc. I really don't mind, as long as it isn't rude!  😀


Good price, walkingthedog.


Do you mind if I call you WTD, walkingthedog?

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