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Desirable features for future Railmaster Software updates

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If others would find it beneficlal could consideration be given to users being able to move the point / signal ID number to a different location as suits their layout? At the moment it always sets itself on the lower right hand corner of the green point icon or to the right of a signal icon ..........

I would like the option to NOT display the point/signal ID at all as I prefer to use my own IDs using text labels, which can be placed anywhere.

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... I would like the option to NOT display the point/signal ID at all a...

You can already do that.  Go to the settings icon on the main screen and select the 'Loco Detection' tab.

There is a checkbox on the Left hand Side called 'Show point numbers on plan' (I don't know whether it applies to signals as well but I certainly leave it blank so as not to show point numbers)

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... I would like the option to NOT display the point/signal ID at all a...

You can already do that.  Go to the settings icon on the main screen and select the 'Loco Detection' tab.

There is a checkbox on the Left hand Side called 'Show point numbers on plan' (I don't know whether it applies to signals as well but I certainly leave it blank so as not to show point numbers)


Thanks RDS, strange place to hide this option away. Screen looks much tidier now!


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Without wading through all the pages again to see if this has been requested previously:

I would like to be able to list coaching stock that has had a decoder fitted to say control lighting, etc, same as you do for a loco.

I haven't tried the loco list to see if you can input a coach R-number, then import a picture of it, define the decoder address, etc, but that's the gist of my request.

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I have another one to add:The command to switch lights on or off, just toggles the present setting, so if the lights are on, it switches them off and vice versa. I would like to see 2 separate commands. One to switch lights on and one to switch them off. (Unless anyone can suggest why Hornby have set it up like this?)

Hi Dave,

I was scanning through the posts in this thread to see if I had posted here on this very subject when I found this one of yours. I'm sure I have mentioned this before, but in another thread. My approach, as you will guess, is from the point of view of RM programs. For any loco which has these so-called "latching" functions defined, two program commands are required - one to switch the function on, and the other to switch it off. A human operator can see or hear whether one of these functions is on or off, but a RM program has to assume a setting when it starts. For example, an early command in a program may be to switch sound on, and one of the later commands may be to switch the sound off again. Just as an aside, when you SAVE a RM program, you get a warning message if you don't have a pair of these commands. 

The Desirable Feature which I would like to see, therefore, is that when a loco has latched functions available, then the program editor dropdown list of commands should show two commands for each of these latched functions i.e. the ones which contain "on/off" in their description. So for example, if a loco has F1 Sound on/off as one of its functions, then the list of commands should contain:-

F1 Sound on

F1 Sound off



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... I want to repeat certain lines in the program ...


There is already the facility to use the repeat command on any section of your program, starting with the command 'Repeat [n] times' and at the end of the code to be repeated 'End Repeat' (page 126 of the v1.62 manual), or is that not what you mean. 

I would like IF THEN etc type commands as well though.

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... With the "go to line#" command you can repeat specific parts of the program ...

Actually, this is the way RailMaster works, the repeat command can be used to just repeat a specific part of a program or all of it.  Sorry, I am not sure what you mean by your last sentence.

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LD is going to give pretty powerful If Then commands, but only when detections are made.  They can apply to individual locos, groups of locos or all locos.

Now here's a thought. What if they were to introduce some If Then commands now. For example, if signal 123 = stop then decelerate etc. That way if someone wanted to control points and signals outside of a program, then the program could take different actions depending on which points/signals have been changed.

Just a thought .... :-)

 Here's another which has just occurred. If there was some sort of IF command available, which could divert control down two different "legs" of the program, would these different legs be able to have similar times for the commands in those legs, and therefore cause time sequence errors? Just playing Devils Advocate - you know me by now :-)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Not sure if already mentioned - a search didn't reveal it had.

How about letting us use the full version of RM on 2 computers. I currently have it installed on my laptop for flexiability but my layout is downstairs in my study. It would be great to be able to have a computer attached downstairs to the layout plus have the flexiability of  it being on my laptop to tweek mimic plans etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When LD is released, an instruction is required to be included in the sensor Actions to allow a general instruction to be given for all locos that is then only implemented for a loco sitting at a particular location.


An example is a loco T stopped at a danger signal A.  When the loco in front is detected at B just up the line, and this implements an instruction to turn A back to green, we should then be able to implement an instruction at B to resume all locos but do this conditional only for the locos which are positioned at A.  So this time, only T resumes, but next time when it is TT sitting at A, TT resumes (without having to change the instruction in B's setup).

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RM with Loco Detection. Although not yet launched may I ask HRMS to consider the following if you have not done so already


Last carriage tags will be important, as mentioned many times in many threads these can be, the tender on a large loco, the last wagon on a goods train, the guards van on a goods train, the last carriage or brake carriage for passenger trains.


If this category has not been included in LD may we ask that an additional category be added in the loco section, so that we can have, steam, diesel, last carriage categories etc.


If not included in LD, although I think it possibly will, I note here for consideration. When we add commands for Loco's or All Locos, can we also issue commands relating to groups of locos, so as to easily avoid All Loco commands for tags to last carriages and target commands specifically to the groups we intend them for.


Thank you.

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The most important feature in RM updates is to fix the usb link between Elink or Elite and Railmaster. This is very temperamental and is easily lost. The system then locks up and a restart needed to remake the link. 

Some sensible screen themes would be a good thing. Some without garish colours and with text colour that is readable. Also do away with the silly tortoise and hare icons.

Being able to change the default zoom level would help. 

For wide layouts having the train control boxes along the bottom instead of on the side would give better screen visuals.

Also a convenient way of deleting stored running programs that have become redundant.


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I think most of the icons are far to big, they take up so much room the layout screen is reduced as a result. 


We are used to working with icons, image MS Word and Excel if they had icons the size in RM and some of the small icons in Word and Excel do far more complex work.


The point I feel is, people only need to see icons once and they know what they do, so why so big?


The layout screen pieces are also very big, 50x50. If these were 30x30 or if we were given option of two sizes would be a big improvement. Do sensor and signal icons need to be as big? Sensor ones are just markers for where they are. Smaller buttons for points would be better also. As we move towards programming and then LD must are rarely clicked manually. We need them but they don't need to be as big.


Those who cannot see all their layout now would be able to if loco boxes were smaller increasing layout area, and if layout area gave the option of 50x50 icon pieces or 30x30 icon pieces.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I suggest to add multiple line selection and drag&drop feature in programs editing, as well as the abovementioned program deleting feature.


A more simply displayed loco control box on handhelds with turtle/rabbit icons for shunting/cruise, as well as just loco controls screen option on handhelds, with no plan control for show and didactics use.

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