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Desirable features for future Railmaster Software updates

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As well as new technical facilities, the user interface and manuals should be considered too. In my short time using Railmaster with eLink I have encountered deficiencies in both that should be corrected.

I find the user interface somewhat confusing


– some icons and facilities are not in the most logical positions and seem to have been added as an afterthought. For example, the zoom control for the track plan is in the top left corner with no label to say what it is. The use of the green ticks and the


red crosses is inconsistent. For example, in most windows the green tick means save the changes whilst in the accessory decoder window it means read the decoder settings – saving the settings is a small icon at the bottom left.

The manuals, again, I find


confusing and not logically set out. Apart from the typographical and technical errors there are serious omissions. We have become used to manuals describing complex systems such as audio-visual systems and cameras and those for Railmaster do not bear comparison.



As a few examples of the problems I have seen, there is a mention of activation of the software in the early pages dealing with installation but no information on how to do it, or a forward reference to it, until page 87. There is a clear instruction on page


16 to set the baud rate to 19,200 whilst on page 14 it had already been stated that the eLink can work at 115,200 and, in fact, eLink requests that this baud rate be set. I am not sure why there is insistence on using a COM port of 4 or less and what the consequences


might be if it is impossible to change it, but my limited experience is that the eLink will look for ports up to 16 and I have had it working with port numbers above 4. The programming section starting on page 76 has a list and description of the program commands


but there is no indication that in each field there is a drop-down list of all the available options. On pages 55-56 in the description of setting point switches there is no mention of the blue arrows indicating point direction when a decoder is connected.


Until one has done this, the blue arrows on the sample plan remain a mystery!


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I think it is possibly easier to add images than wording but, I cannot put RailMaster images with suggestions on another forum so have set up an account in PhotoBucket and include two images here.


Hopefully they work.













- smaller icons at top making working screen larger

- emergency stop button on bottom bar making list of locos larger

- list of locos column narrower and minimised when not using increases amount of locos seen

- suggest when a train is


not minimised it moves to top as shown (sortable)

- Program box, reduced in size, font reduced in size to balance with percentage box opposite side of page. Currently showing 'Reset to Start'

- Signals to include directional arrows (I have used arrows


and lower case 'v' in the image

- Signals 3 and 4 aspect signals required or 3 plus 2 and 3 aspect with feathers

- Signals to be larger like 100% which still leaves light smaller than point lights


Hopefully the images will help show some of the


suggested improvements. You may find it easier to cut n paste the URL in to two separate pages and view side by side.


Please feel free to comment for Hornby to view also.


Thank you

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ANOTHER IMPROVEMENT that could be made to RailMaster that would certainly give the user an even better feel of control of their trains would be...


The loco speed control is at present set by sliding the mouse up and down over the speed control,


this is not accurate and often we may slide it to far up or down and have to correct it, a suggestion would be instead of sliding the bar with the mouse and seeing the speed numbers raise or lower, is to type in the speed we require in the box. We may choose


to leave a station at say 20 get to the next position and raise it to 30 before raising it to the high speed set by Hornby for that loco.


I appreciate setting speeds will be possible in loco detection but, everyone may not have or want loco detection.


It would be a relatively easy thing to change and would give the user a more controlled situation with their trains. This small change would mean better and easier control for every train and every user.

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PJ_model_trains said:

... than try move the slider bar a bit and be accurate.


It is for that reason that I prefer the Elite so that the knobs can be used rather than the slider on RailMaster that I find awkward

to use.
I have often wondered whether a graphical representation of a knob, rather than the sliders, would be better?
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RDS said:

It is for that reason that I prefer the Elite so that the knobs can be used rather than the slider on RailMaster that I find awkward to use.
I have often wondered whether a graphical representation of a knob, rather

than the sliders, would be better?

I don't have room for a controller and a laptop, I prefer the laptop but do understand the precise knob control of the controller, especially when tweaking which is where the problem lies in RM.

A graphical

know would, I feel be worse than a slider.

I use Adobe Photoshop graphics program a lot, many of it's controls are sliders, opacity, etc, etc but they also allow you to type in the percent you want it is easier and more accurate. The same situation

applies in RM with the sliders, we can see the digital speed but cannot alter it there. All that is required is to make this changeable and we can set and control speed very accurately.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SIGNALS and RailMaster


Hornby please also see discussions in the above named thread.


We think signalling has been mentioned before but add this message now to make sure it is included. The reason for adding this is now just the need


for the items suggested and to explain the frustrations some of us are having and the increased conversations about signalling.


It is fantastic that model trains has moved forward. We can now control track, points, locos with sound and lights better


and with ease and run many locos at the same time, even on the same track, again fantastic. But, sadly one area remains in the year dot. The semaphore signals and two aspect light signals have not changed for donkeys years.


We spend hours, weeks, months,


even years and a lot of money building our model train sets, not always to copy but to replicate situations in real life railway. Sat in the cab of a train and running down a track the first thing we will see (other than speed limits) is all the different


variations of signals. We want to add these to our layouts. We purchase 'super detailed' locos but do not have even the basic signalling system.


We need different semaphore signals, we need the different lighting signals, 2 aspect and feather, 3 aspect,


3 aspect and feathers, 4 aspect and if feasible 4 aspect with feather. It would be nice to have sidings ground signals but if we had the above I am sure we could happy.


I am sure with loco detection coming (I cannot say soon) that Hornby are allowing


for better signalling, I would certainly hope so as the two go hand in hand.


We think an update to RM software is coming, thank you in advance we look forward to receiving this. We understand a new version 2 is also coming and there will be an upgrade


cost for this, considering the improvements it could have this would be acceptable as a lot of work will have been involved adding the ideas we put forward. I must add though that should I pay for the upgrade and find signalling has not been upgraded to cover


the variations needed I would be very disappointed.


RailMaster is a fantastic piece of software, well done Hornby, having improved the detail on locos to the level we now have, having improved loco control to the level we have please, please, please


do not leave signalling out as they are a big part of our overall railway modelling experience and our layout design.


A colleague also asked for some of the above, he requests the following...

1. Hornby introduces a range of semaphore signals that


are intended to be used with servo motors.

2. An accessory decoder for servos is introduced.


Note; decoders for all signals would be required.


Thank you for reading and noting our requests. We look forward to the RM updates, loco detection


when available and should you feel you can reply to this request, we thank you knowing you cannot probably at this stage confirm dates.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I wonder if it would be possible for Railmaster to include a couple of new program commands to open and close the locomotive control window for a particular locomotive? I have been experimenting with a couple of my own programs today and once or twice


I needed to access a locomotive's control with the mouse while a program was running in order to stop the loco in an exact spot. The program slows the train to a crawl approaching the stop position, then uses a Display Message command to prompt me when the


loco needs to be brought to a controlled stop. I just thought it would be useful if the loco's window could be opened up by the program, rather than me have to scroll up and down the list looking for the loco in question.


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St1ngr4y said:
I just thought it would be useful if the loco's window could be opened up by the program, rather than me have to scroll up and down the list looking for the loco in question.

As a workaround Ray I think you can

assign a floating button to bring up a specific loco, which would be easier than scrolling the list.
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idlemarvel said:

As a workaround Ray I think you can assign a floating button to bring up a specific loco, which would be easier than scrolling the list.

Cheers Dave, I never thought of that I'll give it a go tomorrow.

I'm hoping, of course, that loco detection can allow my programs to stop a train precisely without 'manual' intervention.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's something I would like to see in RM, which could suit many layouts better than full automatic control.


Push buttons that can be placed at suitable locations on track and used as the Start, Via-Here and End of a desired route. As many buttons


could be placed on the track plan as required.


With loco detection on its way, the method would work by selecting a route using these buttons (Start/End/Via-Here). The requested route would set (i.e points would switch and the track would change colour


on screen).


The loco/train already known by the detection system to be at the start location would leave and traverse the route at shunt/cruise/shunt until stopped safely by the detector at the end location. In the event of any traffic conflict intermediate


detectors would manage the train safely by slowing/stopping/resuming as necessary.


Using buttons like this would simplify operations by removing the need for many programs.


The button-route setting system is already in general use by Rorail and


probably by JMRI.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

In the program editor, if you select a point operation, you are given a dropdown list containing all of the points configured on your layout, and the list is sorted into port number sequence. If you select a signal operation, however, the list of signals isn't sorted so it's a lot more difficult to find the signal you want, especially if you have a lot of them. Can this list be sorted also please?


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For users with a left to right track what I am to add is not as big an issue, for those with oval layout designs it is more of an issue.

With an oval layout it can mean a train going in clockwise or anticlockwise direction and includes all loops this is fine when viewing the layout but a little more complicated when looking at the schematic 'plan view'

Signals are placed around the track and can be on what appears on the plan to be on an horizontal section or a vertical section subject to the position on the loop. When a signal is placed on the 'plan view' it is hard at time to know if it is meant to  show trains going clockwise or anticlockwise.

My suggestion is for consideration when a signal is placed on the 'plan view' that it is clear which direction the signal is for.  For now to get round the problem I am adding the following text symbols, to the left or right of the signal touching the sides of the signal with a < or a > and above the signal, touching the top a   ^   and below it a   v  

I have an image here 


You can click in the image to make it a little larger.  If the link doesn't work cut-n-pasate it into your browser.

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Just upgraded to v1.56 with nothing much in the way of problems. Easily solved with a PC cold reboot.

Now I have used the new version just a few points:

1. The shunt/cruise/stop buttons on the RH loco panel would benefit from say silver/white text as opposed to the current black text over a dark background.

2. When a program is selected the ongoing progress text bar is pale blue over eau de nile. This would be easier to see if say black over pale any colour.

3. At startup all locos in the RH panel show at Reverse. Just my preference but I would like them at set to FWD or as last run (probably a wish too far).

4. The arrows in the points buttons (when configured via the ini file) are to my mind still confusing. I would like them oriented to match horizontal or vertical track. i.e. on a straight track the arrow would point in the track direction according to the 'Y' direction and the branch arrow would point left/right and/or up/down as applicable.

Re point 4, I know HRMS has made bold statement about this in the past but I still don't like it as presented. I want the arrows but I want them to make sense.

All else considered I think the free update is jolly good. Now I just have to stretch my pension book to pay for the Pro-Pack.


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The current version of RM Pro includes for two directional feather indicators, left and right.  (no1 and No 4)

I am sure it would not be a big job to include the various variations for these branch signals. They are.....

position - 1 facing as left does now

position - 2 facing hoizontally left indicating route take 2nd branch 

position - 3 facing 45 degrees downwards left indicating route take 3rd branch

position - 4 facing as right does now

position - 5 as 2 above but facing right

position - 6 as 3 above but facing right

It is possible for us to have signals with several branches requiring several feathers for example the distance line may have 3 branches left, these feathers would be fixed to the multi aspect signals neatly one behind the other. The train driver may be given a green or yellow light to continue but to branch at either the first, second or third junction/branch off the main line.

Thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...

Support for colour signals with feathers a.k.a. route indicators

I can confirm, having installed pro pack revision 9, read the manual cover to cover, and experimented with a layout plan, that there is no way to control the feather lights of a signal from RM.  Basically they are "hard wired" to come on when the light is green, whatever the route. This is not prototypical behaviour, and it should be added to the RM wish list.  The feather needs to be linked to a point so that it only illuminates if the signal is green and the point is set right (or left depending on the direction of the feather).  We won't get on to signals with multiple feathers / route indicators for now! :-)

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Pro-pack backup does not back up all your files

The Pro-pack backup utility does not back up the following files:

schedule.dat             timed program schedule

progbuttons.dat        floating buttons definition


It should be amended to do so.

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Touch Screen Icon

The touch screen icon (yellow hand) does not remember its position any more.  It used to in 1.55 now whenever I start RM (propack rev 9) it is back at the top left of the layout area again, and I have to move it again.  As it is meaningless if you don't have a touch screen, I would like to see a railmaster.ini setting to disable it, like the mouse setting, but in the meantime if it could remember its position like it did before that would be handy.  Small thing but quite annoying.

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