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Loco Detection (2)

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I just read that it was due later this year. Have you actually contacted Hornby and asked them?

Maybe they're just making sure it works properly before they release it, then they won't be inundated by 'why doesn't it work' questions.

I'm sure it


will arrive eventually, something for you to look forward to.

I've got several things (not railway related) I'm waiting for and will be nicely surprised when they arrive.

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  • 1 month later...

Please be patient regarding Loco Detection. This is a highly sophisticated system including four components: RailMaster software, loco detection module, track sensors and loco ID tags. This system is currently undergoing testing and manufacturing must


also be planned. It is the most sophisticated and best value-for-money system of its kind and it is important that everything is correct from the outset. We do not want disappointed users.


Any RailMaster users will have seen the array of functions that


can be triggered within the loco detection sensors on the track design part of the software. Additional functionality is being built into the programming system too. It will be worth the wait and we (and the testers) are excited about this new development


for RailMaster.


We hope to have Loco detection available within a few months, barring manufacturing delays. RailMaster can be run well without Loco Detection, although we do recognise that Loco Detection adds another level of sophistication to the overall


system as, for example, the HandHeld apps did.


We will make an announcement as soon as it is available.


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something is going on as far as loco detection is concerned, previously nothing happened, but in the railmaster settings, if you change the loco detection com port, to the com port that your elink uses, then your elink stops working, but the loco detection


light comes on, whether this means anything, I don't know, but it looks like Hornby are getting somewhere !!!

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I don't think this is really very significant. About all it tells you is that the loco detection module connects via a com port and if you specify the one allocated to eLink for it, then eLink can't use it. You have to allocate a different unused port


to it.


And having allocated one, the software has been fooled that one exists.

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  • 4 months later...
HornbyRailMasterSupport said:

Please be patient regarding Loco Detection. This is a highly sophisticated system including four components: RailMaster software, loco detection module, track sensors and loco ID tags. This system is currently

undergoing testing and manufacturing must also be planned. It is the most sophisticated and best value-for-money system of its kind and it is important that everything is correct from the outset. We do not want disappointed users.

Any RailMaster users

will have seen the array of functions that can be triggered within the loco detection sensors on the track design part of the software. Additional functionality is being built into the programming system too. It will be worth the wait and we (and the testers)

are excited about this new development for RailMaster.

We hope to have Loco detection available within a few months, barring manufacturing delays. RailMaster can be run well without Loco Detection, although we do recognise that Loco Detection adds another

level of sophistication to the overall system as, for example, the HandHeld apps did.

We will make an announcement as soon as it is available.

Would it be possible for someone who jnows what the system can do to start a new thread

and in the first message list what features wecan expect from loco detection system.

You may initially want to reply by referring us to the RM software and loco detection setup but, I would ask, if possible, could you list the things wd can exoect here.

I ask for several reasons the main one being as a separate subject on the forum everyone will read it, that has to be good for business. There are many new people to the hobby or many who are spending hours building their layouts, to have the details listed

in the forum under a separate thead would help us also. It would also allow us to think about how the system works and how we will fit it in to our layouts.

Thank you, you are doing a great job.
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PJ_model_trains said:

Would it be possible for someone who knows what the system can do to start a new thread and in the first message list what features we can expect from loco detection system.

I cannot imagine this

happening (unfortunately).
It appears that it is currently going through the patent process, which I guess means 2 things:
1) The chances of learning much about it, pre patent, are remote.
2) It may take a while before it is available because the

patent process is not quick!

Even what we did know about the planned system may not be reliable any more because it may have been the earlier version, prior to the 'Eureka' moment.

We have to wait and see but it does seem to be rather special.
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RDS said:

I cannot imagine this happening (unfortunately).
It appears that it is currently going through the patent process, which I guess means 2 things:
1) The chances of learning much about it, pre patent, are remote.
2) It may

take a while before it is available because the patent process is not quick!

Even what we did know about the planned system may not be reliable any more because it may have been the earlier version, prior to the 'Eureka' moment.

We have to wait

and see but it does seem to be rather special.

I take your point RDS but we are not looking for the nuts and bolts of 'how it works' just what we can do with it. e.g.

Setting up zones so that only one loco can be in one area at a time.

it change points?
Can it change signals?
etc, etc

Other than zoning which I have heard mentioned and setting up loco so that you can see where it is in the RM schematic layout I don't know a lot more and guess there are 100's more like me.


are not asking is it barcodes or other reflective system, etc. just what to expect we can do with it.

This has to be good for sales, Hornby will know how much they can tell us but, by telling us what we will be able to do wets our appetite but also

allows us to think... I didn't know I could do that, how can I build it in to my layout.

I notice there are now several threads for loco detection, it needs someone, from Hornby, to start a new thread in a new subject heading, to include all the features

we can expect from it and let the thread grow from there. There is a lot of excitement here and this will grow.
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OK, I understand but Hornby have already provided quite a good statement a few months ago.

The trouble is we have numerous threads running on Detection (2 this morning and they even have the same title) so it is extremely difficult


to find the Hornby statement.


The sooner we concentrate on just one thread - the better!



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RDS said:

OK, I understand but Hornby have already provided quite a good statement a few months ago.
The trouble is we have numerous threads running on Detection (2 this morning and they even have the same title) so

it is extremely difficult to find the Hornby statement.

The sooner we concentrate on just one thread - the better!

Agreed 100%

There needs to be a new section as this is such an important subject.

It needs the first

message to start by listing the benefits of Loco Detection, what it will do for us, we can do with it, etc.

We don't need the nuts and bolts that affect the patent just the grass roots, what can we do with it.

I can see more and more threads

for 'loco detection' as time goes on, as more people inquire and get excited about it and more buy it and start to use it.

Hopefully Hornby will see how this subject is repeating itself in the forum and prepare a list of what it will do in a new subject

in the forum.
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They won't say what it will do until the patent is sorted. If they give any clues it won't be long before another company works things out. The best thing they can do is keep quiet until things are sorted and for you to wait until they feel they can make


a statement. No point in trying to second guess. Everybody does it when early photos of a new loco appear and get all worked up over nothing.

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The simplest way to figure out what detection will do for you is to set up a detector in RM, then look at the range of programming options you have once something is detected. The system can't do anything but detect and give you options, so the whole system


is sitting staring you in the face in RM already.

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Fishmanoz said:

The simplest way to figure out what detection will do for you is to set up a detector in RM, then look at the range of programming options you have once something is detected. The system can't do anything but detect and give

you options, so the whole system is sitting staring you in the face in RM already.

I have seen the tab for loco detection but what about the usb port. elink is using com3 on my laptop but it wants another port and obviously loco detect hardware.

Shall I put loco detection on com3?
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When you get to buy a detection controller and install it, it will have to be on a different com port to eLink. Two devices can't use the same port.


But that is al irrelevant now. Go into layout design and install a detector, somewhere, anywhere.


Now we know you don't have one but RM doesn't and you can now right click on it and look at all the programming options you have, 22 of them if I can count correctly. Now take those 22, multiply by a number of detectors detecting a number of locos and your


options get large exponentially.

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Fishmanoz said:

When you get to buy a detection controller and install it, it will have to be on a different com port to eLink. Two devices can't use the same port.

But that is al irrelevant now. Go into layout design and install

a detector, somewhere, anywhere. Now we know you don't have one but RM doesn't and you can now right click on it and look at all the programming options you have, 22 of them if I can count correctly. Now take those 22, multiply by a number of detectors detecting

a number of locos and your options get large exponentially.

We know from previous intel that the detection 'controller' will be connected by USB to the pc/laptop.
Do we know how many remote detectors each controller can handle, i.e. if I

need lots of detector elements and each controller can only handle say 4 or 8 elements where am I going to get that many spare USB ports on a desktop, much less a laptop, given that previously we have been instructed only to connect Elite/eLink to a direct

port and not a hub...

PS - Not sure how long it has been available but have you noticed typos are now highlighted and right clicking on a duff word gives spelling options - well done Forum Support.
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Fishmanoz said:

When you get to buy a detection controller and install it, it will have to be on a different com port to eLink. Two devices can't use the same port.

But that is al irrelevant now. Go into layout design and install

a detector, somewhere, anywhere. Now we know you don't have one but RM doesn't and you can now right click on it and look at all the programming options you have, 22 of them if I can count correctly. Now take those 22, multiply by a number of detectors detecting

a number of locos and your options get large exponentially.

I am aware that the loco detection needs the new hardware when available, I am also aware it uses a different USB port. What I was asking was did I need to set the com port for the

loco detection to com3 same as the elink to view the items you previously referred to.

I had previously viewed loco detection to the point you stated and added a loco detection icon for suggested position of a loco but, didn't right click the icon so

couldn't see the options you refer to, hence the reason for the question did I need to set it to com3 to view it.

If this information is readily available for anyone with elink and RM I cannot see what all the fuss is about as discussed earlier in

the thread. If we can see it then so can any competitor. The information referred to was all we asked for, not the nuts and bolts or the Eureka moment or anything to do with the patent information.

Thank you for confirming the above, I will try it

later today.
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RAF96 said:

We know from previous intel that the detection 'controller' will be connected by USB to the pc/laptop.
Do we know how many remote detectors each controller can handle, i.e. if I need lots of detector elements and each controller

can only handle say 4 or 8 elements where am I going to get that many spare USB ports on a desktop, much less a laptop, given that previously we have been instructed only to connect Elite/eLink to a direct port and not a hub...

PS - Not sure how long

it has been available but have you noticed typos are now highlighted and right clicking on a duff word gives spelling options - well done Forum Support.

Hi RAF96

I am sure Fishy will update this but meanwhile I add the following for you

Take a look at http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/79982-hornbys-railmaster-loco-detection-system/ referred to by Phul in a previous thread. I have not heard of any changes to this.

Railmaster Loco Detection System


Pack contains: LD Module, 1Pk LD Tag Strips, 4 x LD Track sensors. £79.99
R8307 LD Module £69.99
R8308 LD Track Sensor £ 7.50
R8309 LD Tag Strip £ 9.99
R**** LD Track Sensor Transformer £ 9.99

Regarding your last comment, I think you will

find your system is picking these up. They work on my laptop but not on my tablet.
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Sorry PJ, misunderstood. No you don't need to set up a Detection Controller at all, so no com3. Right click your detector in layout Design and it should bring up a setup window and that contains a drop down list with the programming options.




there's something somewhere that says how many detectors a controller can handle and I think the number is 24, but can't remember for sure. And you can only connect 2 controllers.

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