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RailMaster says Evaluation again?


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  • 10 months later...

The same problem (i.e. reversion to evaluation registration) has emerged in a different context - over the weekend Australia went onto daylight saving (+ 1 hour). I thought that might have triggered the problem because of the warning message beforehand about date format. 

There must be others experiencing the problem so will update on response from RailMaster support.   

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I fixed it tonight by resetting my computer to Australian Eastern Standard Time. That's unsatisfactory because, the timing is out on all my other programs and more importantly will it arise again when the UK adjusts for daylight saving?

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DST is daylight saving time WTD - in October it works out as daylight losing time seeing as it gets dark well before 5pm.

Cyprus runs DST on same dates as UK. I sip my cold beer under a hot sun in anticipation of the event.

A bit like waiting for the Y2K bug that didn't happen.

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Just to get past curtains fading and cows not milking, has the deactivation problem gone away now?  I have to say it never happened to me, RM didn't skip a beat for me on Sunday morning after the laptop had automatically changed to daylight saving time. So something strange was happening. Has anyone asked HRMS?

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