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Blue lines corrupting layout display

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Has anyone experienced their layout display being corrupted by blue lines? I have experienced this a lot recently since I started using the Zoom facilities, both on the screen and from within a program. I found that I could easily recreate the problem


as follows:-

Allow RM to load up as normal with Zoom level 100%

Switch any point on display.

Zoom to 50%

The resulting 50% display will have blue lines, which look like out-of-control point indicators.

I reported this to HRMS and they reported


back that they couldn't reproduce this using my layout. They asked me to try again with version 1.54 but it was still the same.

Yesterday, after a bit of experimenting I decided to check the systems settings box which tells RM to set all points and signals


to their default values on start up. I don't normally do this because with 40-odd points and 20-odd signals, it takes too long. However, after doing this, the corruption of the screen disappeared and I was unable to re-create it. I reported this to HRMS, and


this morning I received this reply:-


"You do need to set RailMaster to set points on start-up or this may happen.


We did not test this as very rarely do users switch off the facility to set points at start-up, even with large numbers of points.


We are looking into this."


So, if anyone has this blue line corruption, here's a possible solution.


How do they know that "very rarely do users switch off the facility to set points at start-up"?




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I have my points set to OFF at startup as I consider that they will be set as and when I need them, either manually or by way of a route button or programme, schedule, etc.

That said when the plan loads under these conditions the points are without


their blue lines, these only appearing after a point is operated.

At no time do I see stray blue lines at any zoom level, either before or after they appear on screen.

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I forgot to mention this. At the same time that the corruption appears, all of the other points on the layout diagram are given half a blue line. By this I mean the half at the toe end of the point nearest the red/green buttons, but the other half


of each indicator - the part that actually shows the route set - is blank.


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  • 8 months later...

The "fix" never did completely resolve the blue line issue for me but it was much improved. It seems quite random when it occurs. One definite way to replicate the problem is to go into layout designer and then when returning to the normal control screen and operating a few points the blue lines get messed up. I do believe the that the “fix” is in 1.55.

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Would you mind trying something for me if you have a spare minute? ...

Start up RM with track diagram at 100%, then before doing anything else, switch any one point which is on display.

Now switch to zoom 50%

Switch any other point.

Are the blue indicators correctly displayed for this second point?

When I do this, the straight portion of the indicator is displayed twice as far from the top left corner of the layout as it should be. This is because it is using the x,y co-ordinates for where the point should appear at 100% zoom, instead of dividing the x,y co-ordinates by two to achieve the position it should be at 50%.


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Following your procedure the second point caused 3 other blue lines to appear on the screen and only half the one I actually clicked on. Most odd! Clicking other points caused similar blue line corruption. Had to close RM and start again to get things back to normal. If going straight to 50% after starting the software it works fine.

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For me the opposite occurs...

1.   Switch to 50%

2.   Switch any one point

3.  Switch to 100%

4.   Switch any other point.

This time the straight part of the second point is displayed on the screen half way between the point and the top left corner of the screen. In one instance, the straight blue line was half hidden underneath a stright horizontal track piece.

Another thing to note is that when these blue lines are displayed in the wrong place, they are also the wrong length - they are the length they should be in the "other" zoom level.


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Hi Ray

I'm pretty certain we're seeing the same thing. If I do as per your post above the corruption starts again. Only if I stay at 50% does it seem to work OK, its switching zoom level after switching a point that things go wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Since we now have the facility of posting images, I thought I would show the four stages of corruption of my layout diagram by the point route indicators...

1. Load RM without setting any points initially:-


2. Set any point ...


3. Switch to zoom 50%...


4. Switch any other point...


Notice where the horizontal component of the second point has been displayed? The first point is displayed OK.

Anyone else had this?


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Morning Ray - is there any difference in appearance if you allow the points to auto-set on start up?


I disabled auto-set on start up for a section of sidings (not wanting to undo all the settings) and although I couldn't replicate the problem you have there was some other odd behaviour at the 50% view. A linked pair of points only threw one pair and not the partner point. Back to 75% or above and all was well. Odd and not correct but no matter really as I never use RM at that level of magnification - coz' and due to, I can't see it!


Sorry I couldn't help further.


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Morning Ray - is there any difference in appearance if you allow the points to auto-set on start up?


I disabled auto-set on start up for a section of sidings (not wanting to undo all the settings) and although I couldn't replicate the problem you have there was some other odd behaviour at the 50% view. A linked pair of points only threw one pair and not the partner point. Back to 75% or above and all was well. Odd and not correct but no matter really as I never use RM at that level of magnification - coz' and due to, I can't see it!


Sorry I couldn't help further.


Morning Roger,

Yes - if the check box is checked to set point on start up, then this doesn't happen at all. I have given start up firing positions to all points on the "main" lines, and set firing positions to zero on all the others. When the track diagram is initially loaded, all of the blue indicators are displayed - even the points which haven't actually been fired. Chabging zoom level thereafter, doesn't cause corruption.

The only anomaly I have now at 50% zoom is with some points which are close together. Clicking one point changes the actual point, but changes the blue indicator on the other point.


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Morning Ray - is there any difference in appearance if you allow the points to auto-set on start up?


I disabled auto-set on start up for a section of sidings (not wanting to undo all the settings) and although I couldn't replicate the problem you have there was some other odd behaviour at the 50% view. A linked pair of points only threw one pair and not the partner point. Back to 75% or above and all was well. Odd and not correct but no matter really as I never use RM at that level of magnification - coz' and due to, I can't see it!


Sorry I couldn't help further.



Morning Roger,

Yes - if the check box is checked to set point on start up, then this doesn't happen at all. I have given start up firing positions to all points on the "main" lines, and set firing positions to zero on all the others. When the track diagram is initially loaded, all of the blue indicators are displayed - even the points which haven't actually been fired. Chabging zoom level thereafter, doesn't cause corruption.

The only anomaly I have now at 50% zoom is with some points which are close together. Clicking one point changes the actual point, but changes the blue indicator on the other point.



Perhaps our screens are pixelated? Just kidding. I used a mouse in my experiment so I doubt its fat finger syndrome either. R-

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