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It gets better and better, PJ. Although my layout is slightly bigger, I wish I could progress at half the rate you have yours. Well done! Keep it up.


Hi Graskie


It has all been planned from the start, I knew exactly what I was going to do. I am like a dog with a bone though, always have been, I have a task list and pick one that suits where I am with the layout and how much time I have.


Waiting for signals to work right and running tests can get boring at times, so I think what can I do today and just go for it. So waitng for signals and dare I say it Loco Detection has allowed me to do other things with LD in mind all the way  ;-)  I say to myself at times, if I am frustrated HRMS must be very frustrated, mine is a hobby they are paid so sort things and move forward. 


It doesn't matter how much we do or don't do Graskie, so long as we enjoy what we do... I know you do  ;o)


Now what shall I do today? I think I might start the prep. work for my converted oil lamps on the station at the other side of the layout. But, I am still thinking so!!!




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I have started work on another station platform at the opposite side of my layout.


As this one is closer to my control point I don't want to much glare from the lights so have gone for, Kyte's Lights, 6v converted gas lamps with resistors.


Today I have managed to wire in the 5 lamps for the island platform.  It is not easy taking an image of a light so took it on an angle. It may appear there is a split in the lamp head, this is not so, it is same as the one behind it.




Image above shows... 5 converted oil lamp station lights




The image above shows the lamp and the subway, I decided on subways rather than bridges as they do not obstruct my vision further down the track.


A low relief subway was created on the station side, just behind the train, I will take another shot when I add the lamps to the main station.


Speed limit signs can be seen on this and several other images. (Purchased from Ten Commandments)




The above image shows the station platform lights, without camera flash as the light starts dip.

AWS boxes (Supplied by Hornby) are visible but not yet fixed on this image and the last one.




The above image shows the station platform lighting, view over the fishing lake.


The sidings lights in the last two images are Train-Tech, excellent and so easy to fix, no wiring at all.


I hope to complete the lights on this station in the next few days, then start to make station name signs and follow that with plants in planters.


Hopefully   :scratchhead:


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Some months ago I was asked for photos - when ready - of my new exhibition layout...

Well, here are some.

"Boghampton" is a ficticious terminal somewhere on the south coast of the UK. Set in the mid 60's it has trains arriving and departing to and from London and other places on the south coast between Ramsgate and Portsmouth. 

It is constructed over 3 boards, each 18" wide. Two are 5' long and the centre 'control' board is 4' long. 

Designed as an exhibition layout it has to fit in the back of my car, which it does! 

It is nowhere near finished obviously - it probably never will be 'finished' but it will be at our clubs exhibition in Cotgrave, Notts on the 18-19 April this year as an 'under construction' layout.

now I know how to get pics on here.... 

In order of construction :-











The third and final board is simply a sector plate with 5 sidings on it which connects to the opposite end of this board under the bridge!


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Hi John

It looks like you are going to be busy for a long time. Brilliant.


Yes PJ i am but the problem is i work away 5 days a week so cant get much done in 2 days but the ideas ive got it should look awsome


Hi John


We all have different amounts of tie for our trains, thats life I am afraid but, so long as we enjoy what we do that is all that really matters.  Please keep us updated as time allows, we like to share our layouts and ideas on here.



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I have managed to complete the lighting on the second station and island platform.


These are 6v lights so resistors are fit to each. All wiring is done under the platform of the island platform and connects to a cable connector beneath it for easy access.


The light on the up stand are fixed insitu, wiring runs down the inside of the up stand and is protected. A cable connector beneath provides power to the lights all 9 in parallel. This way the sides of the layout can easily be removed.




The above image shows the station, island platform, 9 lamp lights and seating. Flower boxes and station name signs etc will follow. It might attract a few people to the station we will have to wait and see.   :declare:

I  can only apologies  for those who didn't receive their Christmas parcels, looks like they are still in the wagon above!!!




The above image shows the subways, low relief on the station side. I still have one sign to add on the island platform subway.




The above image shows the subways side view. The wall behind the station subway is still to finish and the upstand at this side of the layout has not yet been painted.  :secret: 



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Metcalfe has a lot to answer for - just as well we have them.


My layout could be mistaken for yours - apart from yours is a tad better of course. I may post some pictures when I crank up the Train PC again tomorrow.


I do like the way you have low profiled certain things. All I did was chop my Engine shed workshop in half and wall mount both bits in separate places.

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Hi John

It looks like you are going to be busy for a long time. Brilliant.


Yes PJ i am but the problem is i work away 5 days a week so cant get much done in 2 days but the ideas ive got it should look awsome


Hi John


We all have different amounts of tie for our trains, thats life I am afraid but, so long as we enjoy what we do that is all that really matters.  Please keep us updated as time allows, we like to share our layouts and ideas on here.



Will do i will put a pic on tomorrow when i have most of the balast down.

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Metcalfe has a lot to answer for - just as well we have them.


My layout could be mistaken for yours - apart from yours is a tad better of course. I may post some pictures when I crank up the Train PC again tomorrow.


I do like the way you have low profiled certain things. All I did was chop my Engine shed workshop in half and wall mount both bits in separate places.




Metcalfes has certainly improved and continue to add to their range.  I find the models affordable, but also well thought out and well designed.


We look forward to seeing your pictures, it is good to share ideas and our layouts on here  ;o)




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Hi John

It looks like you are going to be busy for a long time. Brilliant.


Yes PJ i am but the problem is i work away 5 days a week so cant get much done in 2 days but the ideas ive got it should look awsome


Hi John


We all have different amounts of tie for our trains, thats life I am afraid but, so long as we enjoy what we do that is all that really matters.  Please keep us updated as time allows, we like to share our layouts and ideas on here.



Will do i will put a pic on tomorrow when i have most of the balast down.


Wow John


I think you are very brave!  Putting ballast on so early.


Make sure you are happy with everything before adding ballast. I would love to add it as  it makes the layout look good but, for me, it will be one of the last things I add.


Good luck, look forward to seeing your pictures



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Low Relief gives us so much more detail for very little space. 


I took this Metcalfe's Models station building  PO230 00/H0 Mainline Railway Station

It cost me just £13.99


I split the model and got two from it making then less than £7 each!!!




The  above image shows the front of the Station turned into the Railway Inn.


All I did, other than cut it down, was to run the floor through in line with the top step, cut and fit what looks like a white painted door and frame, glazed with the clear plastic that is like a window in the packet you buy the kit in.  Then make two signs.


The flower boxes were made from bits left over and flowers slotted on and glued in to position.




The above image shows the plan view of the Railway Inn. Notice it is on an angle not straight, this was to give extra dimension, easy to do the building but tricky when it came to the roof due to angles v angle!


It will look good when I get round to the uplighter and downlighter lights, fencing etc.  I think.




And this station is the other side of the same kit.


Doing things this way makes it more affordable, especially for any one just setting out. The way I looked at it was I wanted the layout of course, but also want trains with sound, signals and Loco Detection. Save a few quid here and there, more to spend on important items.


I hope this encourages others to have a go.



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Hi John

It looks like you are going to be busy for a long time. Brilliant.


Yes PJ i am but the problem is i work away 5 days a week so cant get much done in 2 days but the ideas ive got it should look awsome


Hi John


We all have different amounts of tie for our trains, thats life I am afraid but, so long as we enjoy what we do that is all that really matters.  Please keep us updated as time allows, we like to share our layouts and ideas on here.



Will do i will put a pic on tomorrow when i have most of the balast down.


Wow John


I think you are very brave!  Putting ballast on so early.


Make sure you are happy with everything before adding ballast. I would love to add it as  it makes the layout look good but, for me, it will be one of the last things I add.


Good luck, look forward to seeing your pictures



Well PJ I have had this track made up for about a year changing little bits as and when. But it was time to finally put it down so it look better heres a pic of what i have achieved this weekend


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John Pimm, what's the gradient on your incline?  Have you tested your locos going up it yet?  Looks as if it may be a tad steep, shouldn't be more than say 1:40.

Yes i did fishmanoz took a while but i got there in the end, tested it with most of my locos from small stuff to big stuff and adjusted it where i needed it one sode is not finished yet but i used them hornby track stilts or whatever there called then used foam to make the incline and yes PJ alot of work over the weekend i will hopefully have all the ballast down this weekend then will finish the othere incline 

Thanks john

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John Pimm, what's the gradient on your incline?  Have you tested your locos going up it yet?  Looks as if it may be a tad steep, shouldn't be more than say 1:40.

Yes i did fishmanoz took a while but i got there in the end, tested it with most of my locos from small stuff to big stuff and adjusted it where i needed it one sode is not finished yet but i used them hornby track stilts or whatever there called then used foam to make the incline and yes PJ alot of work over the weekend i will hopefully have all the ballast down this weekend then will finish the othere incline 

Thanks john


Hi John


I must admit I thought the same as Fishy, those inclines looked a bit steep but, so long as you have tested then and they work for you, just be sure they are on a solid base so that you don't get any give at all on the track when trains and carriages run up them.  Images sometimes make things look different depending on the angle.


Good luck



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