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Elink Connection problem thread dissapeared???

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The thread concerning Elink connection problems to a PC seems to have disappeared..


I have been unable to get my PC in fact any PC to connect to my Elink, often taking numerous resets to get it to work.


I have tried all the suggestions from


the Customer Care and the Railmaster people all to no avail..


Somebody else (sorry don't remember the name) who was having similar problems found they disappeared when they upgraded to the 4A supply...


So clutching at all straws before sending


the Elink back to Hornby for testing, I acquired a 4A supply to try... And lo and behold, the Elink connected perfectly to the PC..

Just in case it was some kind of fluke, everything was powered down, left for a while and powered up again, and it all connected


right away..


Been in IT for many years, and to be honest, nothing surprises me anymore with computers and associated equipment, and I have seen similar behaviour on PC's with failing power units..

I didn't expect this fix to work when I tried it,


but more than happy that it did, especially as the DCC operated points also now click over with a resounding click ..


I have read that others with this problem when they send their units back to Hornby, have them returned with no fault found, but in


the offer for me to return mine, I was only asked for the Elink and the USB cord, perhaps they should request the PU as well, maybe it's not the Elink that is faulty, but possibly the PU's have a problem.


Anyway, with the new 4A unit, everything is


now working and I'm back to being a happy camper, just have to wait for the loco detection to be available.


Thanks to all for their help.

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We have been monitoring the forum with respect to the problem some have been having with eLink communications. Unfortunately, the forum thread has disappeared completely and our team do not control the forums.


It appears that two or three users


have experienced this issue and as there are many thousands of users, this represents a tiny proportion and therefore we need to gather as much information as possible in order find a resolution.


Would any of you who have experienced communications


problems with the Elink and who have managed to solve it by using the 4amp power supply please use the Help Request facility within RailMaster to let us know. Please also let us know which country you are based in so that we can look into this and hopefully


provide a conclusion.


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hi, i belive it was i who said that a 4 amp transformer would cure the problem, as it did for me and i past it on to two others, who had same success so with you it makes 3. I will try to communicate this to hornby support, as asked , but have no internet


where my laptop is However, as i am sure they are reading this, i live in france, in bourgandy. I first mentioned this some time ago, in jan, when hornby support said that the 4 amp transformer would make no difference, but they were unaware, that i lived


in france. A colleague in greece had same problem, and cured , same way, which is why i mentioned to guy in australia. It may well be something to do with locations, and guys with far better brains than i, may be able to explain. However, the last guy, lives


in plymouth. If all the people returning these may be allowed to try a 4 apm transformer, it may save hornby a lot of work, who am i to comment, john

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Greybags said:
... Somebody else (sorry don't remember the name) who was having similar problems found they disappeared when they upgraded to the 4A supply ...

I think RAF96 was also one who had success with the 4A supply.
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Was probably me yesterday who caused the thread demise, so I'll be circumspect with my language today. Let me just say that I used fit for purpose words and their possible consequences. Those with the problem please draw your own conclusions. Will be interesting


to see if this has the same effect.

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Just did a couple of searches and, as previously, the thread may be gone but you can find the posts that were in it, at least I found mine, including the one I referred to above. Search on 4Amp and 4 Amp and you'll see what I mean.
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Hi Guys


I think it was the thread I started, titled eLink Problem, that has gone missing. I don't understand why it was removed.


I have been trying to get eLink to connect with the computer without much success. I'm already using the 4 amp


power supply that came with the Elite unit I bought a couple of years ago. This hasn't solved the problem for me! My eLink still will not connect.


I'm in contact with RailMaster Support, and have supplied the info they have requested. I live in Perth,


Western Australia.

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I managed to cure the connection issues along with problems with two RLM's all Hornby and all bought directly from them here in UK. By purchasing a 4 amp supply also from Hornby. So the issue is on their doorstep also and I am still light of £30 because


I had to buy the the 4amp supply to fix the issue. Maybe Hornby should raise their paw and admit a problem here? We all make mistakes it is not a crime but admission goes along way to amend.

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I think we covered that one at the time geo, including that there should be a note with the RLM to say it will only operate reliably with eLink with the 4 Amp supply.


On this one, we need anyone having the eLink comms problem that is solved by


the 4 Amp supply to reply to HRMS, as per their request on the previous page, so they can get a handle on the extent of the problem.

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RDS said:

I think RAF96 was also one who had success with the 4A supply.

My problem with the 1A eLink psu was skipped program commands and eLink locking if points were switched manually (on screen) in rapid sucession and that

was with the Elite looking after the locos.
As you say all fixed now and totally reliable.
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I have suggested to Customer Care that perhaps they should be supplying 4A PU's as part of the guarantee process...

It is not our fault that we need to use the different PU to get the system to work reliably, so the new PU should not be at our expense.




be interesting to see if anything comes of it, as the person I borrowed my 4A unit from will want it back at some point.



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From the outset, I had problems with communication between eLink and my Toshiba laptop running Windows 8.1. Over a week Railmaster Support were very helpful, exploring all possibilities but eventually concluding that the problem was a faulty eLink. This


was replaced by Hornby but the results were not very different - it takes several, sometimes many, attempts before I can establish reliable communication. I bought a 4A power supply to solve the RLM problem, which it did, but it has had no effect on the reliability


of communication between eLink and the laptop. As I reported in an earlier post, I have had no problems connecting the eLink to a desktop running Windows 7.

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Greybags said:

I have suggested to Customer Care that perhaps they should be supplying 4A PU's as part of the guarantee process...
It is not our fault that we need to use the different PU to get the system to work reliably, so the new

PU should not be at our expense.

Will be interesting to see if anything comes of it, as the person I borrowed my 4A unit from will want it back at some point.

Will be interesting to see what the discombobulator has to say about this suggestion

as I believe it was my post detailing this that got the last thread pulled.

From my perspective, thread-pulling isn't going to solve the problem. Anyway, HRMS is already on the case and, as long as everyone with this problem emails them from within

RM tot tell them as requested, the extent of it will be revealed and appropriate action will be inevitable.
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Hi Fishmanoz..


Have had a phone call from Customer Care and they are sending me a couple of PU's to test my elink with.

A new 1A one to see if that will work and report back to them, and a 4A one in case it does'nt.

Also they want me to return


my original 1A PU so they can run test to see if that is faulty.

So I have to say that Customer Care have listened and do seem to be taking the problem seriously.


Will let you know how it all pans out

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Thats very good, by customer care, maybe the growing number of folk with same problem has sparked this. Support were very quick to tell me that 4amp was not necessary, but at that time, i dont belive they knew my location, john
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  • 2 weeks later...

hi AusMod

i live in A delayed and have just purchased elink.  I used it successfully for a couple of days and then all of a sudden I can't get RM to handshake with elink controller.    It either tells me 'failed to handshake' or 'cannot open port'.   I have gone thru everything that I may have changed and I cannot come up with anything that would cause this sudden overnight prob.  I am beginning to think that the elink unit has just failed.      

I have contacted Mark, Customer Support Managerin UK and, after a couple of replays from him to my initial q on set up, I cannot get him to reply to any emails regarding this sudden connection problem.  I am at a total loss as to why this sudden overnight failure after 3 days of successful operation.   I don't know if I can uninstall RM from my current lap top and reinstall on another.  Ie. I have already entered the activation key on my current lap top.  Can I enter it again?

i am at a loss as to how to get this all happening again.  What could have possibly changed after successful operations?

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hi AusMod

i live in A delayed and have just purchased elink.  I used it successfully for a couple of days and then all of a sudden I can't get RM to handshake with elink controller.    It either tells me 'failed to handshake' or 'cannot open port'.   I have gone thru everything that I may have changed and I cannot come up with anything that would cause this sudden overnight prob.  I am beginning to think that the elink unit has just failed.      

I have contacted Mark, Customer Support Managerin UK and, after a couple of replays from him to my initial q on set up, I cannot get him to reply to any emails regarding this sudden connection problem.  I am at a total loss as to why this sudden overnight failure after 3 days of successful operation.   I don't know if I can uninstall RM from my current lap top and reinstall on another.  Ie. I have already entered the activation key on my current lap top.  Can I enter it again?

i am at a loss as to how to get this all happening again.  What could have possibly changed after successful operations?

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