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Railmaster next update

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The next update to RailMaster (1.56) will be released shortly.  It was hoped it would be launched towards the end of May however we wanted to continue testing.  You will appreciate this update, with the new Pro-Pack, having over 100 enhancements including complex new features (Voice Control, multi-aspect light signals and so on) must be tested thoroughly to ensure that it works for the wide variety of different installations out there.

We are hoping to release the update in early course.

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Further to the small amount of info above, would HRMS like to tell us which improved bits of v1.56 will be free and which will only come as part of the Pro-Pack. Also has the upgrade price been fixed yet.

I note that RM web page is still stating free automatic updates here https://www.hornby.com/digital/hornby-railmaster-pc-model-railway-control-system.html

and as time passes there will be further updates bottom of the page here in Upgrading 


In view off all the hassle that many people have had with setting up and operating RM and especially the eLink maybe Hornby would like to offer v1.56 in toto free of charge as a 'we are very, very sorry' gesture.

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I find that it is very clear where Hornb's key competencies lie...excellent models and, I hesitate to say it, excellent value for money given the quality and detail.

Sorry to say though that the DCC side is extremely amateurish in comparison. RailMaster looks like something I would have run in DOS on my old Amiga from the 1980's, the interface is flakey, and compatability issues are totally unaccptable. If Windows had the same problem driving printers and scanners as we have getting decoders to work and a USB interface that would only work as long as nothing else is running they would be out of busines by now. And what is the point of programmes without accurate stopping / loco detection?

So I agree, we should not pay for updates until they have a stable and reliable product. For me the hassle with Hornby's attempts at DCC has taken a lot of fun out of the hobby, and if I hadn't already invested so much money, would scrap it all. Time they looked for a better IT / software partner.


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I agree, while I am not a professional at programming I do it to make my work life easier, thr RM software is not consistent in with windows standards, eg ok or cancel instead of a tick and cross, context fly outs do not always appear when hovering the mouse over the buttons etc.   The worst thing I found out the other day was the programming where the clock stopped and the loco kept going as the PC processor went off and did some other activity which threw the whole programmer out when the clock resumed counting!   These issues should have been ironed out during the beta stage before releasing, so it strikes me that Hornby and their software partner do not have such a setup,  it seems they have shot themselves again in the footas with the accessory decoder issue making people wait until now for this to be deliverd from china .

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Lets hope Hornby have listened to 'all' the gripes and suggestions.


I feel the software behind the screen is reasonable but, on the screen really is as said above... extremely amateurish 

There are icons the size of dustbin lids  and so much space used for items once seen always rememebered.  Tortoise, hare, hand, etc, etc.

And when you open the train control the box and items in it are even larger!

Lets hope the upgrades are much improved.

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As my previous waffle seems to have been lost in the forum rejig, could you please let us know what (in general terms) is going to be included in the 'free' update to v1.56 and what we will get only if we shell out for the Pro-Pack, bearing in m ind that I suggested (and was supported by the troops on the basis RM was not fit for purpose as is) that the entire upgrade should be issued f.o.c to compensate for the errors and ommissions, etc flagged up in past revisions.

Also you are still advertising RM as coming with free future upgrades on the associated web-page I linked to previously. If this is not so then you need to change that soonest.

Finally is the release date getting any closer.


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Off course it's getting closer RAF, so too is Christmas.

Really think that it is time that Hornby advised us exactly when this update will be ready, after all it is not being shipped from China is it so someone must have an ETA.

In my opinion RM is great, it needs some tweaking and updating, the overall concept is brilliant. I have tried it for a while and come to the conclusion that I am going to use the system as a mimic board running on my ipad and using a handheld for loco control. I cannot seem to adapt to clicking a mouse to control loco running, it means I cannot watch the layout but the pc, with a handheld I can do by touchy feely and only need to look at it to select another one.

Anyway, come on Hornby finish the job release the updates and make a huge amount of your customers satisfied, we all get things wrong but it is how that is addressed that matters.

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To be fair, I don't think they gave any date, just said their planned May release had been delayed as they were still testing. 

The serenity prayer is applicable here, just as it has been on the firms in the past. For me, there is no point getting hot under the collar, they'll release it when they release it. And if you look at it this way, you can be pleased when it arrives not just say "about bl...dy time". 

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  • 2 weeks later...

All fine and good, but I think people who have already invested in Hornby systems need reassurance as we have already been waiting for the accessory decoder, the update and now they are looking to release a Pro version of railmaster.   They just seem to keep missing deadlines much to the frustration of people who just want to get on and enjoy their hobby, the result will be people taking their business elsewhere.   Hornby need to effectively manage their development pipeline with realistic timings and ensure they have the technical expertise in place to have tested the products thoroughly before launching.  Sorry for the long rant but I am a long time Hornby fan who wants it to become the Apple of model railways.

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Nice comparison Smithy - and as a new Mac user, I agree with you. In Hornby's defence though it should be said that they have suffered from, and are now hopefully in the final stages of dealing with, a series of problems all of which are well documented elsewhere. They have just secured ongoing funding and the new CEO seems to have done a good job on that. If the rest of the plan to move forward works as well we will all get the brand we want. Keep your fingers crossed that what we, the users, want is what Hornby Ltd. want. R-

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Sorry if that was confusing. I use a Windows laptop for Railmaster. I was mentioning Apple Mac in the context it was first brought up in that it would be wonderful if the Apple brand values / support etc. could be emulated here. Before you all shout at me, I personally think that Hornby are doing their best with the resources curently available, and to be honest, it's not bad. But, just like my Maths master used to say to me "could do better". R-

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Just me going the next step - in the wrong direction!

I have a Vista laptop in a cupboard that I thought I might use but my preferred workstation is a Mac laptop that I am running XP on using Parallels software for those times when the Mac software has compatibility issues with some websites.

Is there anyone on this forum using this as their set up as I'd rather just use the Mac for all things.

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I am surprised you have not had an answer to your question but you would be better to start a new thread (or topic as Hornby now call it) with a title specific to your question, because this thread is intended for posts about the next RailMaster update.  

Also, be specific with your question because I cannot make my mind whether the set up you are asking about is Vista or Mac.

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