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If you read the older posts, you will find that most of us regulars already know each others ages,and in some cases condition of health, as it often comes up . It is fairly obvious from the times of postings,  that we cannot still be working.  It  is to my mind a good thing eg positive, as the advice normally given is from bitter experience, and likely to be well thought out. Also I believe from hornbys point of view  It is very positive that people our ages, with generally income to spare are investing in new technology,  good for the brain. i think it would be  a good thing to have our ages , in our signature, but knowing my fellow posters, there will be at least one discontented response john

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It's pretty easy to tell the age of some people when they keep on harping about locos they had new as a kid 60 years ago. 

I'm 65 Jailor and not stiff in body and have a mental age of about 16. 

I'm sure Graskie will be along soon with some sort of crude remark and PP with an insult. Can't believe they haven't responded yet. 

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Ahh, now you come to mention it...

My first train set was the ubiquitous Princess Elizabeth with Custard and Cream coaches. I know it came from Gamages in London and my lovely dad got them to swap the black engine for the green one. My uncle bought me tons of extras including the TPO set which my brother later came to work on the real thing as a sorter. I must have been about 10 so your spot on with 60 years ago.

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I think a check of the ears might be in order WTD. For me, the maniacal laughter only stops when I shut the cover on the iPad. But then, it might just be me?

I don't remember the locos as you lot do, they weren't here. I do remember standing on the bridge getting enveloped in steam and smoke as the train passed underneath. And I do remember Christmas morning when the Tri-ang set was there and how hard it was to get the infernal battery pack to actually make connection to those battery terminals. Fortunately I managed to get a transformer after not too long. 

A check of the birth certificate might suggest I'm 68, but tell that to the twenty something I beat on the squash court last night. And I still referee the game at a much higher level than I play, in fact I have ever played. Now that keeps you young if you don't give in. 

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Suppose we should move this back to railway questions then start a "stiff or not stiff, old or not old" section!

Now although in wrong section and trying to talk railway again I ask the following. 3 in 1 oil, to use or not? I keep reading conflicting answers everywhere I look. I notice in my service sheets from Hornby it tells me to use 3 in 1 as I have just bought some is it OK ? I ask you Gurus of modeling.


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I've got some "Halfords Cycle Oil" which seems to be similar to 3 in 1. Hope that's OK too? I also considered getting some sewing machine oil as this is less thick. Feedback appreciated.

How about point motor lubrication? I just fitted a couple of brand new Peco points with Seep motors. Had a hell of a time adjusting position one to get it to move both ways under power, then gave it a squirt of WD40 and now working fine

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I recommend you visit your local model shop and obtain oil and if needed white grease specifically sold for model railway use.

3 in 1 types of oil are IMO too thick for models. WD40 style of spray oils are just not suitable as they will over time go thick and form into a lump of messy gunge!   You need to be very sure any lubricant used is suitable for use on plastics as some will start to melt or discolour plastics!

One thing to remember when applying oil is.. If you can see it (the oil) its probably too much!  Immediately blot up any surplus oil with the aid of a piece of kitchen paper or a tissue etc. :-)

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