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1.56 findings


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John and tony, let me be as direct as I can - the revisions contain many fixes to the standard 1.56, not just to ProPack.  Download the latest revision now as per my previous instructions. You will not be putting anything into it that it doesn't use and you will definitely not change the way RM is set up to work now. 

And when v1.57 comes out, you will need to do it again. The process for revisions and v1.57 will be exactly the same. And will be the same as for all future updates of which there will be countless. You will be downloading new versions of rm_setup.exe regularly for the rest of your days. 

Start now. No further delaying acceptable. Do it!

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At the very bottom of the screen on the right hand side, there is a tiny yellow box. Hover the cursor over it and the version number comes up after a few seconds. beware though, it shows below the yellow box, possibly off your screen and not visible. If this is the case, you can use the normal windows trickery and resize the screen by clicking on the centre of the three boxes at the top right corner.... 


Fishy, I spent the last 20 years of my working life updating windows and living with the resulting MS screwups... I'll let you guys test the RM updates and do mine a few days later :)

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Yes of course you need a connection to the Internet but even with a connection, RailMaster will not see the update automatically because it is still v1.56 and (at present) it only checks for updates that go to a new version number.  HRMS have now introduced different Revisions to v1.56.

When did you update to v1.56, because if you are not seeing anything when hovering over the yellow box, you must be on a much earlier Revision of v1.56 than is currently available.  The hovering feature, was introduced at Revision 4 as far as I am aware and we are now on Revision 8.  Having said all that, if your current version of v1.56 works for you, then why not just stick with it!

However, if you do not have a permanent internet connection on your RailMaster Laptop, you will need to keep an eye on the forum to see when v1.57 is available.

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I cannot see why Hornby cannot include the updates in the file reference

eg v1.56


now v1.56.8

Everyone could see at a glance which file they have downloaded and if they have that version they have no need to do anything at that time.

Having said that, as discussed before using the version upgrade referrence Hornby can make the downloaded automated and everyone is guaranteed to have the latest version.


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The touch screen icon (yellow hand) does not remember its position any more.  It used to in 1.55 now whenever I start RM (propack rev 9) it is back at the top left of the layout area again, and I have to move it again.  As it is meaningless if you don't have a touch screen, I would like to see a railmaster.ini setting to disable it, like the mouse setting, but in the meantime if it could remember its position like it did before that would be handy.  Small thing but quite annoying.

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