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Upgrade to Pro pack


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I thought I would add a few lines on this topic in case anyone else gets the same response as I did from the RM software when upgrading to the Pro Pack. When your code arrives you will probably need to "copy" it (Cntrl C) as it's quite long. When you open RM, if it happens for you as it did for me, you will get a prompt for the code - by all means try entering it here but if you get an error message "Unable to enter resource. Cannot connect (12029)" let RM go into standard version (note there may be no internet icon top right) and there may be another message about being unable to connect with the orders / licensing gateway - come out of the software. When you go in next time ignore the pop-up asking for the code (click the "x") and let RM open in standard mode (you will note now that the inteernet icon is "lit"). Go to settings and then the Loco ID tab. At the bottom there you will see another field to enter the code. Enter it here (Ctrl V - if it's still on your clipboard) and click the little "accept" key. That worked for me. Now off to play. R-

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May I ask, are you all getting exactly the same message - Cannot connect (12029)

I'm getting a different one - Name not resolved (12007), and going in through the Loco Detedtion tab in the system settings doesn't work either.

Earlier today I had all sorts of problems buying the update key, but eventually managed it by turning off my McAfee firewall. HRMS have told me I may need to do the same to activate the upgrade key, but even that didn't work. I am waiting for a further email reply from them.

Do any of you use McAfee Internet Security?


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I'm afraid I also had the same problem.  Did what you said (and now support have said) but just get a "Please wait..." box which just sits there, I suspect forever if I let it.  By the way I use McAfee and find that Adding Railmaster as an exception doesn't work.  I need to disable real time scanning and my firewall during any railmaster internet communications - weird that I don't have the problem with any of the hundreds of other programs I run.  Somehow the evidence would point away from it being the antivirus software's fault

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Two very good programs guys but I would add Spybot to the list... reason? Malwarebytes takes care of malware usually, Spybot does spyware and Avast is the AV product. All free. When you download and update Spybot ALWAYS immunize the system afterward before doing a scan. Each program has its own version of heuristic detection and each prgram will catch different things on your system.

If MWB or AVast doesn't get stuff then Spybot will and vice versa etc. You will be secure for a long time with these with regular scans.

Microsoft Security Essentials is too basic. Replace it with the above three programs or leave as is and add these to the list. It doesn't interfere with other programs like the paid for AV versions do. I offer these to all my clients and firewalls don't get in the way because you would use the Windows one anyway which is less problematic.

Paid for AV programs like McAfee and Norton are a waste of space and bog your system down far too much.

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Just picked this post up and the AV program you are using IS the offending product. By adding exceptions to its firewall and you thinking that should be enough to allow the program access to the net is oddly not enough. You will have nightmares trying to sort it out and each new version of its software, like Norton, changes the goalposts so when I had it on my system a few years ago to test I soon got rid. It's a reasonable program but bogs everything down and slows your system down too.

Try uninstalling and downloading the programs I list above and see the difference. If you still cannot get access to the net, which is unlikely, after adding these then Windows Firewall needs an exception added... which will work first time.

The problem you have is that when these programs run you are running your PC with real time protection and the ports for the net are scanned continuously for any information going out and coming in. Anything it does not recognise is classed as suspicious and blocked. The reason you cannot get the firewall exception to work is that the real time protection is still scanning and therefore blocking your vital connection for RM as this program is not known by McAfee or any other AV product to let it safely connect.

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We believe we have discovered the reason why entering the Unlock Code on the initial pop-up box may be failing on some users' systems and then working when you enter it into the Unlock Code box in the Settings window.  Essentially, both must work because they are calling exactly the same function.

What is the likely cause is that when you first run RailMaster it checks for updates and licensing and all sorts of things and this normally takes a few seconds.  If a user has a slow Internet connection, say, or it takes a little longer to check these things for whatever reason, then comms may be busy hence the error and by the time you have gone into RailMaster, let it do it's starting up things and gone into the Settings window to enter the Unclock Code, this is no longer an issue.

In any event, we hope we have now fixed this and a few other minor things and you can download and install over your existing RailMaster installation from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_Setup.  The version number will be the same.

Any new users upgrading automatically will get the latest version.

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What is the likely cause is that when you first run RailMaster it checks for updates and licensing and all sorts of things and this normally takes a few seconds. If a user has a slow Internet connection, say, or it takes a little longer to check these things for whatever reason, then comms may be busy hence the error and by the time you have gone into RailMaster, let it do it's starting up things and gone into the Settings window to enter the Unclock Code, this is no longer an issue.

 If no internet connection is available what happens?

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I have followed Roger's insturctions and am getting an error message about lack of availabilty of resources. Blah blah.

This is my 2nd night and day of trying. I thought one more time I would come out of the software and it left a white box with a green tick in it which I could not get rid of even in task manager. So I had to restart the machine. 

So here I go again...

I dread using this software, four attempts to pick up a controller is normal...you must do better

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