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number of locos on laptop screen


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hi, guys, up to now i have had my schematic/ track plan on screen @75%, and balance taken up with locos. having now got another loco, i cant fit them all on the screen at once. I could, if i could shrink each loco box down, ideally, would like 8 locos visible. Do you techys, know how to do this john. Also 2 of my locos have problems with hornby points. I belive you can file something down to help them. What do you have to adjust, thanks, john

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HI John - on the loco box size, I don't think there is anything you can do, although I would love to be proved wrong. On the points thing you could try widening the check rail spacing a little, and I do mean a little. Width of thin card at the aboslute most. I have had a couple of points where the sharp end of the frog was a bit high and again a light filing sorted this out. R-

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thats all very well, but how many do you run at once. I have ability to run 6, so must also be able to see 6 stop buttons. Interesting that the only word voice recognition is having problems with is stop. We had all bank machines on voice rec, there were sveral words then, but honrby seem to have got this almost right, >all power to them, john  

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As far as I am aware, we have never tried to gauge opinion on a new aspect before putting on our Desirable Features list.

My view is that if someone wants the feature, that they should add it to the list.  I don't believe you are asking for something that would be forced upon everyone, just a change that could be selected if a user needed it.

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RDS, roger was asking whether he or i should add it to the list. He was  not gauging anyones  opinion , other than mine. I cant think that this is the first time that  this problem has come up, unless everybody has massive monitors, or only runs 2-3 locos at once. I just cant find a way to shrink it. john

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That is correct John - just wanted to make sure one of us did it, if as I suspect, the answer from Hormby is that it cannot currently be done. 

I can't cope with any more than 3 locos running at once so I am happy to use the system in the way I described.


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Regarding the loco controllers size, this has been mentioned before.

We believe the current size of controllers for reliable and easy operation is ideal and we would not like to make them any smaller.

We have built in facilities to allow you to scroll through the list quickly by dragging the entire loco control area or using the scroll bar on the right.  There is also a Quick Select button that allows you to see a large number of locos on-screen and pick one which will appear at the top of the loco controllers list in just two key presses.

And finally, if you want to see more locos (and if you have that many locos cost should not be too much of an issue) purchase a 1920x1080 monitor, on which you will be able to see around ten loco controllers at their current size without scrolling.

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Hornby railmaster support, thank you for your post,it is not a question of the number of locos owned, if it was, as I run 15 on dcc layout ,even your proposed screen would not be big enough, it is more to do with disability, severe arthritis, which restricts quickness of the hands, and use of the mouse. My 15 inch laptop only holds 6 locos happily, and at 71 with limited income, one cannot shell out willy nilly on new monitors. It would be a much easier solution to shrink the box sizes, and this is not the first time this has been raised. Surely it would not be  a Herculean task. I would be happy to gauge support from my colleagues. one has to be able to hit the stop button, without voice control, and if it's not on the screen it  becomes more difficult. Perhaps more research could be undertaken,to help disabled people. John

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Hi John, there is an extremely long thread going back some months where monitors and resolutions were discussed almost at quite some length together with having locos in one or two columns (that setting is a drop down list in the Setup window) or even no columns and only have the track plan showing and the overall size at which windows itself displays. PJ started it so will probably remember the title. It should have some useful info for you. 

With your locos on points, are you talking about modern or older locos with different wheel profiles. Some older need the frogs to be filed a little deeper using a needle file to stop them riding up and derailing. And the suggestion about correct back-to-back measurement is a good one. Again, you'll find heaps on this on the General forum including posts from many who don't even visit this RM forum. 

Do you use the Forum Search facility at all? I know it's a bit clumsy and often difficult to find what you want but worth a try. These 2 problems should yield more info then you can jump over if you look with the right search words. 

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fishy, well aware of previous threads, but they resolved nothing. PJ got round his problem by buying a big touch screen monitor.Even if i was in a position to do that, it cannot be rocket science to be able to reduce the size of the boxes. They are large, and take up a lot of screen. You have to reduce track plan to 75%, to get them in. If you can reduce one, why not the other. Turning to my points, which are all hornby, a long hornby new diesel, which came with majestic, is one, the other being a new blue box loco, where the front little 2 wheels de rail. It is also front bogie with the diesel. john

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