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Voice Control

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Hi  Now got it working using the Logitech headset.   Initially my commands were being recognised by the voice control dialogue box but nothing happening on the track and then after a few minutes first train would work.  I closed and opened railmaster and seems to have started to respond. I now have one sound train that seems to be responding great to all my commands except for whistle.  Cannot get it to recognise whistle.   Also noticed that if I ask for cab lights to be switched on the voice control says lights on and the cab lights come on but for the life on me I cannot get them to go off.   Equally if I say horn on my sound Class 66 the function tabs on the railmaster software light up as 1 or 2 and the voice recognition dialogue box then say confirm number and say ok.  When you do you get horn or two tone  as appropriate.   Not sure if this is what is supposed to happen or not.  Seems odd because with a roving headset I do not wish to be looking at laptop all the time to see if it saying state 1 or 2.   Not sure if it could be made to function commands  e.g   if my engine has F5 as whistle then I just say F5  would be simpler but perhaps not technically.

Overall I am pleased albeit it will take a little time to get all commands responding well.  The problem is not knowing what may be an issue with the software or my set up.

Hopefully RM support will advise having read this post.  

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Hornby don't seem to advise what wireless headphones + mic will work the best with the voice control with pro box,

I have ordered a 8 In 1 WIRELESS CORDLESS RF HEADPHONES HEADSET WITH MICROPHONE FOR PC TV RADIO but I don't know if this will work with the voice control due to lack of direction by Hornby. Just have to wait and see seems a rough way of doing things.

It seems like giving you something great and then saying work out the rest yourself !!



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Ray, Thanks for your answer above.  Most of the time, my Loco's start to move with just the Speed 20 etc command.  I have noticed though that more often than not, they go in the opposite direction to what I expected.  For example to get my Royal Scot to go forwards, I have to say Royal Scot, Reverse, Speed 20.  This is even when Railmaster is showing it as forwards and just operating it with my Elite, it goes forwards no problem, without having to call for a change of direction.

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I agree with Hornby here, why should they recommend any particular make or model from the many on the market. 

The basic requirement is simple - you need something to transmit your voice to the voice control module. Such things are called microphones. Then you need to hear the responses, such things are called headphones. They've gone further and said the way to go is a good quality wireless headset and how much that might cost. Others have said Bluetooth works fine in their situations, and the aim of either is so you can move around without being tied to the PC/laptop. 

Then the forum kicks in and a number here have told you what they are using. Then you can let everyone know how yours goes. I think it will be fine. 

A simple test when you have your headset is to record your voice then play it back. If it plays back at a reasonable level such that you can hear it, and it's not all distorted or muffled so hard to understand what you say, it will be fine. 

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Hi Andy 

thanks Shedington was in the shed and took about 2 years to get together then last xmas decided to move it into the loft (start again basically but in the loft) for better enviromental reasons - cold,damp, risk of overloading neighbourhood electric grid with so many heaters on ..... only joking 

I'm enjoying discovering the voice control, all installed and worked pretty much first time no probs 

Thanks again maybe  I will do another vid and show some more of "Shedington II" 


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Hi MJ 

Hornby won't recommend another companies product unless there's money in it for them which there obviously isnt', perhaps it may have been better just to say headset required "compatable with your operating system" 

Us older contributors are expected to know  these kind of things days I'm affraid 

hope you are succesful and enjoy when your headset arrives, let us know how you get on 


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Your all big boys now, surely you can buy a headset and microphone without being helped. I managed to buy some headphones for my HI-FI all by myself and if I'm really good I'm allowed to buy locos for my layout without any help at all. 

Why oh why can't people make decisions any more. Poor old Hornby, they bring out a ground breaking voice control system and all you can do is complain that they didn't hold you hands and give more help.

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Oh Dear MJC a bit unnecessary?  I thought the guys on the forum had helped with various makes of mic and headsets?  I too am hoping to try the voice control and used a search engine to identify models within a certain price range and there are dozens that come up.  I understand where you are coming from in wanting a bit more advice but as the guys who have contributed have said it is a bit unprofessional for Hornby to recommend a specific model.  There are a few mentioned and I think I will pop into a local Curry's PC World and have a personal look at some and ask about the different specs before taking the plunge.  In the meantime I've got an old wired set with the old type of fitting and a single earpiece and mic which I might well try out in the meantime - If I can remember where it is and where to plug it in?

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All I'm saying mcrook is why don't people use their brains instead of wanting to be spoon fed all the time. I have no interest in voice control or Railmaster but do read the threads and get the impression that Hornby are pulling out all the stops to help with the latest upgrade. I've given masses of advice over the years and hopefully will give loads more and my latest is, if something isn't working or you're having problems ask an expert, but surely you don't need help to buy a headset. 

I'll give you some, the more expensive they are the better they'll be. 

Ask a company that sell headsets. Don't go to Currys for advice about model railways. 

Enjoy your trains. 

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Adding to what WTD has said about where to buy and what to buy:

Most shops that sell half decent audio kit have a 'try-me' bar, where you can strangely enough try out various bits of kit before committing to buy.

Buying on line of course you takes your chances, but many sellers do have customer reviews you can read and most are posted warts and all.

The important thing about any headset for RM is don't overlook the need for a microphone - easily done online.

One bluetooth item I looked at said it wasn't compatible with some smart TV's, so I thought maybe it would help if HRMS gave out a minimum spec, then having thought that I realised the headset is talking to YOUR pc, laptop and/or tablet so compatibilty is firmly in your own hands. 

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I don't want to be spoon fed just a little direction being on a pension means you have to be careful what you buy,

So that's all I ask for and you get people talking to you suggesting your a idiot or your brains not working you just don't need that kind of comment , so i will go my own merry way and don't ask again.I thought this was forum where people could speak and not suffer abuse .

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Thanks admin for the positive.......o.k apart from headsets...... what have the Romans ever done for us... 

Sorry just trying to lighten the mood a little...

What other things are have folks found either positve or problematic wtih voice control that maybe useful ?

I have only briefly used the basics and have yet to delve into the progarmming side,

One thing is for sure so far I've read the effin manual and intend to read it again before going any further ,,,,

cos yow cud get ya yed bitten off in ere if ya doh .....an it turns owt yam rung 




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Apologies if someone has already mentioned this, but....

When you install Voice Control, the headphones become the default audio output for the pc, which means that Windows system sounds, and program generated souns are all channeled to the headphones. More seriuosly from a Railmaster point of view, any RM programs which include "Play Sound" commands, those sounds are also directed to the headphones. I've searched the PDF and I'm pretty sure there is no way that the system can be configured to distinguish between the Voice Control sounds to be sent to the headphones, and all other sounds to be sent to the original speakers.

Maybe HRMS could comment on this if they see it?


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Hi all. I did an earlier post ( tab 3) regarding the function buttons lighting up with a number on each on Railmaster when you gave voicecommand. Eg. Horn and the windows voice listening dialogue box asking to choose number and then press okay.   I am still experiencing this issue and still cannot get it to recognise whistle also stop often generates emergency stop.   No suggestions been forthcoming from Railmaster support or the forum.   Should I presume I am alon with this problem.    Thanks.  Malcolm

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