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R1126 - Mixed Freight


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Could someone who has this set, please advise what ID the decoders are set at when new.  Someone has suggested 1 & 2 but someone else thought they were both set to 3.

It does seem more logical that they would be set at different numbers so that a new starter could use it straight away but a definitive answer would be appreciated.

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Yes Sorry, I know you have said that from memory and I mentioned it in my post but I was hoping to get a response as well from someone who may have just taken delivery of this set, or even Hornby themselves.

It makes no sense to me, that someone who has bought a starter set, for Xmas say, should have to start learning how to reprogram it before the recipient can use it properly (and I don't clasify you in that bracket!).

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I have this set also - and my memory (always doubtful) is that they were both coded 03. I understand completly what you mean RDS, and it makes a lot of sense. However, and until a better memory turns up, this is what Amazon says about the locos in this set :-

You can really see the benefits of digital control once this set is assembled. Each of the locomotives has a decoder factory fitted and both are immediately ready for operation. Independent control is guaranteed for each locomotive even though they may both be on the same track.

Just read a customer review (also Amazon) which says:-

"Read the quick start guide for the engine set up. Shunter re-addressed within minutes followed by the black loco."

I know, too much time on my hands. R-

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You might note Admin only comments on technical matters when they get advice from HCC. They appear not to be technical themselves concerning model railways, only the web site and the forums.

And see the point in my last post on the other thread that locos in DCC sets all come on 03. It's still the case in the eLink Sets, a fact that confused a number when they first bought them. 

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The idiot-savant in me says:

1. Try putting both locos on the track and select ID 03 and see what happens - if both move then obviously both are set to address 03 and need re-addressing.

If nothing happens then:

2. Select ID 01 and see what happens, et seq with ID 02.

3. If not happy with IDs 1, 2 or 3 then re-address your locos to whatever address you are happy with. 

Given this simple test the obvious will become very obvious. It ain't rocket science, which in itself isn't very complicated either.

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