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Loco Detection availability - Let's start a sweep


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Hi Guys


Just passing through, having the odd read whenever I can grab a few minutes. 


Now let me get this right... this is a 'sweep' for when Loco Detection will be available, yes.


Ermmm... doesn't look like there will be any winners here...

my guess is... someone 'swept' it under the carpet.  ;o)


Maybe Hornby needs a new system?  Loco Detection - Detection.

We never know signalling may be fixed first!

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Is there a prize for this, RDS?


Hi Graskie


Hopefully the prize will be that it takes away all the stress of the last year (or more) and that it doesn't come with a new package of stress.   Time will tell... coming soon... in the not to distant future... one hopes ;o)


Many of us have had our moans, me included, understandable I think due to thread of hope we were given but having said that, trading in the world market is not good... Hornby found a new manufacturer in China, requirements and tooling all had to be agreed and put in place. Buying from China was cheaper so in a competitive world market the right thing to do... twelve months ago!!! But is is now??? For six months or more financial bods have been saying prices in China are rising and it is not always cheaper to buy from China. Then Black Monday... as they call it, there seems to be a black day everyday for one readson or another.


Trading on the world market must be a nightmare right now as it is ever changing. Maybe Hornby should be manufacturing in the UK and riding the ups and downs, I think our financial ups and downs are much less than China's. Keep changing suppliers though must me costly. Maybe Hornby will carry on making trains/locos in China for now, maybe LD will be made in the UK, one thing for sure, I bet Hornby and many other companies that rely on manufacturing from China will be looking very closely at the situation, their ecomony and the world market. 


At present I think Hornby's stress level is more than ours.

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Missed my 2/11/15 guess posted in June RDS ...


Sorry Fishy, I don't know what happened because I have it entered in the 'master' table I have that I use to post the table.

I will re-send it (just in time, for it to be too late probably)

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