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Loco Detection availability - Let's start a sweep


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Hello PJ

Loco Detection is a rumour.  

Do I think it could interest you?  On the basis that you have had more attempts on the sweep (all elapsed now!) than anyone else, I think it could.  Time for another guess?


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Well, it seems my usually reliable informant got his information wrong... my first date has passed into the great big annals of history... just like my first girly date... lol

So, it seems with a second guess I added I am still some time off, I will add a new date... 18 May 2016.

The rumour mongers down at the mill have it that Hornby are awaiting the release of the 100th anniversary edition of the Flying Scotsman to release loco detection on the same day!!! These guys know their stuff... I'll hang back from that date because my own information tells me that will be wrong! 

Anyway, I have my own version of loco detection and have had it for years... pop into my train room and I see LOADS of 'em... :-)

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Could it have been overtaken by LCC studies, cos if you read the blurb,  Loco detection, will be much easier, , with its introduction. Perhaps we should start a sweep for Lcc introduction. Me thinks, some of us will not be around for its  arrival. john

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Well, it seems my usually reliable informant got his information wrong... my first date has passed into the great big annals of history... just like my first girly date... lol


Memory Lane AC  ;o)


The rumour mongers down at the mill have it that Hornby are awaiting the release of the 100th anniversary...


100th Anniversary of what? That is the question!


Anyway, I have my own version of loco detection and have had it for years... pop into my train room and I see LOADS of 'em... :-)


Who needs Loco Detection AC, seems you have a system that works already.  ;o)




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Wow and there are been so much excitement in a rumour?

Yes, I agree.  Unfortunately I had passed the 'edit post time slot' by the time it occured to me that I should have added that although it is a rumour, it is one that has kept many of us very excited.  Anyway, where is your new guess because you are currently out of the sweep.

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The rumour mongers down at the mill have it that Hornby are awaiting the release of the 100th anniversary...


100th Anniversary of what? That is the question!

PJ... it seems in my hurry to type that one up I forgot to put this bit in there somewhere...

where the Fl. Scotsman... "was used to haul the inaugural train from London on 1 May 1928, and it successfully ran the 392 miles between Edinburgh and London without stopping" ... which was to have meant we may wait until that date 100 years on for LD to pop up!!


So, just another 12.5 years... :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So a Hornby Rep has stated 2017 but nothing official posted here! If released towards the end of 2017 that's two more years. I did buy RM for LD although I'm happy to acknowledge it does a lot, and is a great product, without LD. With due recognition to AM, LD = "Limitless Disappointment".

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It was one of those replies you think several times before submitting has it could be an issue for some people. My step dad struggled a long time with it, my father in law passed away earlier this year with a long period of vascular demnetia, my mother in law is hard work struggling with altzheimers.  


I felt it said what it should without offending...

Loco Dementia --- what was it we are waiting for?


I am really left shaking my head, why did Hornby raise hopes so long ago to leave customers dangling in mid air for so long.


To watch the market?

To keep people interested in Hornby LD and not go elsewhere?

I think it could come back and bite their bum so to speak!


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It is very much a programming system (being in IT that helps) so not your basic plug and click.


Do you want to say what it is called Phul? No harm in us having a look. I suspect it's above my head though if there is code to write, got enough to do with plain English. R-

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