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Loco Detection availability - Let's start a sweep


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I think RAF's 12th of Never should be included.  He wins if Hornby announce they have abandoned it, or the company goes broke in the meantime.


And please stop encouraging Hosh by replying to him.  He seems to live in one of the more beautiful areas on the mid NSW coast so should be getting enough pleasure without our adding to it.

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  • 2 months later...

I have just realised that I said I would post the latest table, within the next few days - 3 months ago!

Apologies for that and the fact that some guesses that were valid at the time, have now expired.

Here is the up to date table, with all the guesses received so far.


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OK... I was the last to post on this in May with a new date but didn't realise no-one had posted after moi...


What the table shows is that for at least two years we have been waiting with great patience for LD and with that the Shaolin Monks would be great admirers of our said talents for hanging on for long periods...


I also note I have a greater chance of winning with three dates in line for LD to be announced... there again, it could be said that only one date can be given so only one date for each can come true and therefore all guesses are equal. Right... dunno where all that came from but at least I knew what I meant...!


At least, RDS, you gave us the table after three months... whereas Hornby, after years, have still not announced a single thing with LD... so next time you will have six months before offering a table up... lol :-)


Still, it'll be there somewhere in their offices... they've just gotta locate it first before they can do more with it.


Thanks for the update RDS... looking forward to new dates popping in now... :-)

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I will go for never as my date. I suspect this will be a casualty of the streamlining of products drive consequent upon the current Hornby financial situation. I would also take a side bet on Railmaster itself being at risk though the fact that Windows 10 should remain fairly stable vis a vis Railmaster for some years may give it a reasonable shelf life in its current form. Just don't expect any significant upgrades.

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Windows 10 aniversary update has just been released by Microsoft and will be arriving on your Windows 10 PC very shortly as an automatic upgrade. There have been rumours in teccy-world that on some PCs it breaks USB connectivity, so there is a chance it could break RailMaster's connection to the E-Link/Elite again. If this happens it may well be the final nail in the coffin and may cause Hornby to pull RailMaster alltogether. I hope not, because I am still patiently waiting for LD...

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So you are predicting MS will introduce a USB bug affecting every laptop/PC currently in creation and never fix it, thus condemning RM?  I think not.

Not exactly what I said. The story going around that there is a USB bug that affects some upgrades, not all. And if it exists maybe Microsoft will fix it, maybe they won't. After all, as far as I know, they have not fixed the 'bug' they introduced in Win10 that stoppedRailmaste working for a considerable number of people. It was HRMS who modified Railmaster to work around the problem instead. 

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The 'bug' as you call it that MS 'introduced' with Win 10 which 'stopped RM working' was NOT a bug which MS introduced at all. The USB driver was a generic one which, if MS added ALL the code necessary to run every piece of USB hardware, would have become bloatware as too many parameters would have been needed so all USB hardware ever created in the last five or so years would work. No sense in that.

It was up to the manufacturers of the equipment being built to add code to their hardware (firmware) or drivers. That is why firmware upgrades are so easy to find and why they are in use. That is also why drivers go hand in hand with firmware updates where required.


Basically, MS would NEVER have rewiritten that driver for a small piece of hardware like the eLink unit. I studied that driver when all this talk kicked off and said the only way to sort it was for Hornby to add extra firmware. Lo and behold...


One thing with Windows 10 that annoys me is the fact that you literally have to EJECT a DVD or CD disk in the PC or laptop drive (this is very common and almost the biggest bug in their code). Simply pushing the button on the drive bay door does not mean Win 10 recognises the disk has been removed. Putting another disk in will not mean it will be read. The OS does not recognise the disk as being removed originally and simply does not read the second disk when it is supposed to. All one gets is the first disks content. Upon using Eject however, all functions well and correctly.


So from the above paragraph I would take it the same issue arises from this problem with USB hardware. There will also be other reasons and it is most likely due to the hardware firmware or driver not being compatible with the new anniversary update of Windows generic drivers. Simple as that.


As for RM being made redundant? Not likely, unless Hornby can't be bothered to update the firmware within the eLink again.


It is no surprise Norton's products are now incompatible... pretty useless software really and considering Norton's relationship with Microsoft is not too good anyway it will be on Norton's head to rectify problems anyway on their lonesome.


Just as has been discussed on here many times in the past it will take time for vendors to rewrite firmware once they discover where the generic MS driver has been changed and what parameters or variables are in need for compatible changes to that firmware.

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Page 56 and still running - yes PJ but most of the last 2 pages are on a completely unrelated topic.

(To whoever it may concern -  please raise a new thread for anything other than the LD sweep)

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Well, I was certainly drifting from the topic in hand in answer to another post above but only because the info was incorrect in some ways.


Anyway, isn't talking of being off-topic off-topic as well? What IS the topic anyways? Oh yeah... LD and all the guesses as to when it will arrive... or not. No wonder folk are going off-topic with all this off-topic talk about being off-topic. 😎

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