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Loco Detection availability - Let's start a sweep


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Maybe Hornby needs to detect where they put Loco Detection and share it with us.


It is a joke, 5 years of promises, including 'coming soon' 'coming very soon' and at one point I recall imminent.

I am sure when they said those things they were with best intentions.


May be it would be best to guess a year instead of guess a date when LD will be available/launched.


5 years down so I think it is fair to suggest up to 5 years from now.

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Definitely a gap in the market here. Only only one manufacturer I know of uses loco detection which includes identification of that specific loco, and it's expensive!. (Though I have seen a clever idea using FSRs to identify locos and stock through weight, but in reality that would be inpractical to use). I also doubt it would work with RailMaster


Maybe the 'gap in the market' here reflects demand / cost of production?


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  • 2 months later...

I thought you might like to know that in the course of an exchange with Railmaster Support, I asked if they had any news on Loco Detection.

The reply was as follows; "We will be launching loco detection in due course but cannot give you a date yet."

So no real information except personally I had been worried that Hornby had decided not to go ahead with the feature at all - and the answer suggests that this is not the case.

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The reply was as follows; "We will be launching loco detection in due course but cannot give you a date yet."

LD will come... in time... the reply above is in line with replies we have heard for a long long  time.


Hornby has it's own financial issues tat is public knowledge, hence the brakes were applied.


What is in Hornby's favour is the market is uncertain, imports are another headache for them at present as their products come mainly from China and are purchased in accordance with the value of the US $, which has dropped 20% over recent months. This naturally has affected all other model train companies so understandably they too are also cautious as they also import the majority of their products, hence the reason there is no direct competition for another LD system.


What I think we can be sure of is... when LD does come it will cost more than was origainally stated! Some will see this as to expensive a system to install, some already have, others maybe cautious, but in the end that leaves Hornby with a system that may not be as popular as they had hoped a few years ago.


Although frustrating for some, it is understandable, I think, Hornby are holding back, timing of launching LD has to be when Hornby can take the risk and see it as a profit making system, and when the market is stable.


That I think leaves us with a simple question, will we ever see Loco Detection? I think personally we will but if it has to wait for stability of the company and the country it could be a long time yet.


To conclude on a good note ;o)

In the UK and some other northern hemesphere countries, we will get an extra hour in bed this weekend.

Don't lose sleep thinking about LD.  ;o)

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I didn't need to go all the way to the Northern hemisphere to get the extra hour PJ, all I did was go from NSW to Qld.  In this federation of a country, daylight saving is a state based system, NSW has it, and Qld doesn't. So when I flew from Sydney to Mackay on Thursday, I gained an hour, but I'll lose it again when I go home tomorrow.  Then I'm going through it all again next week travelling to Cairns and back.


But back on LD, on arrival in Mackay, they don't have it either!

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I worked nightshift when the clocks changed here in NSW so got paid for an hour I didn't work :-) 

Just have to make sure I'm not working night when they change back!

I am looking forward to LD & hope its not too pricy but I guess if we want Hornby to survive we have to pay a little extra.

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Yes PJ, I agree it is a small list of valid dates but I had decided to keep all the history as well.  2017 is a possibility, 7th May.  I am considering adding another column, to show when the guess was actually placed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Loco Detection.... When?   That is the question.


As we know Hornby have recommended we use Train-Tech signals.


HRMS work to make RM compatible with 3rd party items, which includes Train-Tech signals.


So which will take priority with the new Train-Tech sensor Signals?  


LD's compatibility with RM or Train-Tech sensor signals and indicators?

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