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Duchess DCC


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I did actually type many not any but i sèem to of missed the 'm' off!! There are other makes apart from hornby, why do so many people put them so high up on the list? I've had 3 decoders blow in 3 different locos, replaced with another brand all is fine, there not as infallible as many seem to make out!!

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I have purchased both Hornby and blue box decoders in the past, and generally they are fine.  However, went to use my last blue oz decoder last week, found all the wires just fell off From the decoder end.  The decoder is about 2 years old, but still in original packaging so wouldn't have expected that!

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Oh Bachmann! lol Sorry I didn't realise ha ha. Still there are plenty other makers of decoder, I use Lenz and they seem to be very robust both in the build quality and in using them, as I said I have had 3 Hornby ones blow so I thought I would try some other makes. As Hornby hasn't replied to any of my emails about them.

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Depends on the stall current draw of the motor and it's condition.  I've fitted the standard decoders to the old 1970's ringfield Hornby duchess and not had them blow or the stall current reach anywhere near 500ma. To fit this motor you need to know its stall current. Motors on these models in poorer condition will require a decoder capable of handling a 1A stall current.


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