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Model Rail Live...Hornby Elite V1.4 a bit of Information


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I was invited to this show to help out on a traders stand.
It was a very nice busy day with lots of people looking around.

Hornby had two full full demo displays there one of which was running the demo layout with Railmaster.

There was

also some promotion material about the V1.4 firmware.
It sounds like this is going to be a much longed for release.
The function operation as described to me sounds a vast improvement.

From how it was explained to me, you press the function button

and the display shows F0-F9 while this function group is showing press any of the number buttons will activate that function, so press 2 function 2 activates.

Now pressing the function button again the display will show F10-F19 while this function group

is displayed pressing the number buttons operates that function number, so pressing number 8 will operate function 18.

Pressing the function button again will display F20-F29 as before while this function group is displayed pressing a number key will

operate that function so press number 5 will operate function 25.

You can also select any of the functions to be momentary or Toggle on/off.

I think this is a much needed upgrade and makes function operation much easier, very much like the Lenz

The firmware is ready we are just waiting for the instructions to be written, as there are a few more menues that have been added for much easier CV adjustment and to make more use of the features of the Sapphire decoder.

From what I have

heard today it does sound very good, I just don't know when we will actually get it.


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@Gregd99, it's one of the features I wanted to see, it makes function operation much easier.
As for making it easier to adjust CV's thats alwasy a good idea.
I don't know if it's that much of a useful feature, setting up the auto control on the Sapphire

decoder via menues and not CV's as it is now.
I have been told that the shuttle operation built in to the Sapphire decoder is a bit of a pig to set up using CV's so maybe they have listened to those that have that decoder.
I personnaly prefer sound locos

and then use Railmaster for any shuttle type operation, but at least it's been looked at and improved.

@poliss, I think you're splitting hairs now and contradicting yourself, you've just said that you need to press shift plus the number keys for 11-20

thats the same thing as pressing the function button plus a number key!
This is the same on many mid range systems, so it's not uncommon.

It's a fair comment on the first group of funtions, it would have been nice to just press 0-9 to operate the

functions but with this latest firmware update(when we get it)function operation will be so much better than it is now.


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the description of operation given you would have to press function TWICE plus a number key on the Elite
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It's probably me not making it clear.

Having not actually used the new firmware only been told about it, it's difficult to explain it 100%.

Yes I see what you mean.
To operate functions 0-9 would need one press of the function button followed

by the number key, so yes this is two presses.
This is the same as pressing a shift key and a number key as described by Poliss which is what he has to do to operate the higher function numbers.

To operate functions 10-19 would need two press of

the function button then a number.
To operate functions 20-28 would need three presses of the function button then the number.

It doesn't matter, Poliss has a different system.
I just thought it was strange to imply pressing shift then the number

is ok but pressing function then the number is some how bad.
Yes I acccept that it would be nice to just press 0-9 to operate the lower function numbers but compared to how it is now it's a huge improvement!

When all is said and done this new method

of function operation will still be much better than it curently is and will allow the full amount of functions to be operated.



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Not really. The first 9 functions are the most used. On my sound locos I just need to press one button to sound the horn or whistle. The higher numbers are for different tone variations of the sounds. By using function mapping you can change which key

you need to press to operate the functions, so if you liked the whistle tone that was operated by f13, you could swap it to be operated by f3 for example.
More importantly, have they made it easier to select which loco is to be operated? Using my system

all I have to do is press the arrow key to select the next loco in the stack.
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Hi Poliss
I still think this new way of operating functions will be much better than it is now lets be right it couldn't really get any worse :-)

As for selecting which loco is to be operated, I have no idea!
Struggling to get all of the information.

be nice to see what they have got planned and what the full update includes, looks like we wait for the release.


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Some lively discussion. Good to see some interest.

points so far are:-
1. Function operation - any improvement iis good.... but is it as good as it could be?
2. Loco Selection - has something been done to make it easier to cycle through locos

on teh stack (ie recently used)

any other comments about what has been published above?

Any other "I wounder if it does X?" thoughts?

ps - this is my post #200! I hope there has been some useful feedback along the way
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Poliss, I really don't know.

They have put menus in place to make it easier to set things up on the sapphire decoder.
Also the display will show a count down for fuel usage(using the sapphire decoder)

Apart from that I couldn't actually

say what the full update will give us.


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Apparently the request for Elite/Elite linking was in the v 1.4 wishlist but was dropped as there needed to be a hardware mod to the Elites as well for it to work.

would need to quiz HH support as to whether this mod (if it happened) would be end-user installable or by way of return to works and/or freee of charge or at cost.
It's certainly something I would like to see.
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  • 1 year later...

Can you tell me how to "select any of the functions to be momentary or Toggle on/off"
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