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power issue


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have 2 passing loops on my inner main line and having probs with 1 of them.

if i move the point so a loco can enter it they  stop dead about 2 feet before the point.

switch the point back and they go again.Doesn't short out the elite and there are no power feeds in the passing loop.

have another loop right beside it which works perfectly.

thought it might have been a bad point but have replaced and still the same

any ideas apart from ripping it up and replacing piece by piece


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It does tend suggest that you have a power disconnect around the stopping place.  As poliss is suggesting above it could be a rail joiner that is causing your problem.  Do you have a multimeter that you can check that you have power on all the track.

Set the meter to AC for checking a DCC layout and move along the track to check that there is voltage all the way along.

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i don't think its a rail joiner issue as it works fine if the points are set to the main line.Its only when i switch the point to the passing loop all locos stop about 1.5 feet before they reach  the point.

Switch it back to the main and they go again.So they only stop if the point is set to passing loop.Have point clips fitted.

 Had a go with the multi meter and main track shows  0.14 volt  but the passing loop shows 1.6 although there are no power feeds in it except clips to the main line

Have other passing loops,sidings etc and all work except this one


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As this is DCC geoff you need your meter set on AC Volts to get a representative value.

Look upon your track plan as a ring main, power can feed round the track both ways, so the dodgy mainline at the passing loop may be getting its feed from the other end as it were. Then when you flip to passing loop it loses that feed, probably as noted its a dodgy fishplate.

When you set passing loop do both ends switch at once or can you operate them separately for fault finding purposes.

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