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What's on your workbench?


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Need to be patient.  You get good communications, but it took nearly 2 months to receive - seem to make / get them made on a batch basis, so depends on other requests it appears!


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I had mentioned I'd received a new / replacement motor for one of my 08 shunters.

Motor has been installed, chassis cleaned up, and all is working perfectly!  Job done.

That's 4 Class 08's now!  Probably about right.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've an older, fairly recent 'super detail' Stanier 8F 2-8-0, which looks great, but wasn't going brilliantly, but worked.

4 sanders on the base plate are there, but the 2 longer ones located in the body weren't in great condition.  I removed what remained of these, drilled out the locating holes and replaced with wire I shaped into an acceptable profile - not perfect but sanders replaced.

Now the chassis.  12-15 months ago I thought I'd try some silicone R/C car shock oil to lubricate, bushings, etc., but since found out it's way too viscous - motor removed, the wheels wouldn't turn properly when the chassis was pushed.  Copious amounts of contact cleaner, dried, then light-oil-lubricated later, the motor a little as well, all replaced, and all is superb.

I'd even ordered a replacement motor thinking this was the issue, but it'll be a 'standby' for now - same as the 2x Kings I have anyway I believe so a useful backup.

Nice to see the 8F on the rails again and running very well.


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Purchased a second hand  tender-drive GWR King in allegedly good condition but found the slide bars slightly bent. Also it had a BR logo on tender yet the body was clearly GWR. but given that it was less than £30 including P&P I was not bothered as I intend to strip out the motor, severely weather it and use it in a scrap train minus con-rods.

However, with a bit of a service and straightening of the bent parts, I could probably get it running again, so I've put it back into the project drawer for something to think about later while I focus on my 3D printed LNWR Prince of Wales body project.

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I recently received a Dapol 'Western' Class 52.

Looks superb, goes well, but makes a strange 'whining / grinding noise' - so not amazingly happy.

Power required and performance more than good enough, particularly for a larger Dapol locomotive.

A check on YT, and there are several, all with similar noises.  All has been cleaned and lubricated - transmission bushes and motor included, but the noise persisted.

I observed a 'couple of cables' fitted to the bogie surrounds, which are actually wire, and moved them out of the way of the wheel they're alongside - one pair each bogie - and hey presto - MUCH quieter!!

I'd already verified it wasn't actual cabling, and Dapol's job is really extremely thorough and neat - one of the best I've seen internally tbh.  Once I've relaxed enough I'm going to work on fitting the 'lifting hooks / loops' onto the roof - going to be great fun .... but others have succeeded, why not me?  !!


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Most detailing is now fitted to the Dapol 52, black tack on the metal number / name plates, and the extra bogie detailing are now fitted.

Next to complete the hoses and consider those lifting loops - not certain I want to TBH!  Very nice locomotive and fortunately - famous last words - running reliably.


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That Dapol 52 was completed, metal 'hoses' realigned, but she's still quite a smooth, free-running but noisy runner.

One 'old favourite' I've pulled out pending the anticipated-soon receipt (within the next month) of an AccuraScale Class 66 - I've purchased 66 779 Evening Star - is my Hattons' H4-66 Patriot.  It has the 'well-known' wobble but otherwise is a superb runner; heavy, super smooth and very powerful with a huge speed range.

The 'wobble' is due to the rotating axle boxes being a quite snug fit in the bogie surrounds, but are misaligned slightly.  I located the 'culprits', removed, cleaned out, and simultaneously opened out the bogie surround holes, then relocated, glued, aligned, let set .... all seems as good as it can get now.

She's running at the moment - haulage capacity is probably the highest of all locomotives I own, if I tested this.


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Hornby Class 31 bought in the current Hornby sale. HM7000 21-pin bought from big 'A' in their recent sale. I thought I might have to remove the fan to get the speaker in, but the smallest "stepped" speaker enclosure fits across the chassis next to the fan assembly with a couple of  Glu Dots to hold it in place. I am really happy with the result - just under £200 for a sound-fitted Class 31 to sit next to my Class 24.


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Five-pole motor, twin flywheels and drive to both bogies. 21-pin DCC. Front and rear lighting independently switchable. And still in the sale at the time of writing.

I never thought I would feel nostalgia for diesels but as I remember the Class 24s spluttering around North Wales this is an equally ugly and noisy companion for my Bachmann 24.

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Should be fine!

I've worked on one of my 'frustrating favourites' a little - a H4-66 Hattons class 66.  I've modified one or 2 of the famous axleboxes in the past, but it still wobbled.

The cure is to remove the covers/ AB's, open out (carefully drill larger) the holes in the bogie covers / surrounds, clean all up, gently open out the entry point of the AB covers and reseal / glue.

She now runs as flat and smoother as I believe she ever will do.  Super smooth and powerful!!

I think only my Hornby SD class 60 and the new CavAlex class 56 come close.  I've a retooled A/Scale 66 coming in the next few weeks, so let's hope 'the good' remains - should do!


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An Ivatt 2-6-0 dating from mis 70s. Have remotored it and had fitted a Dcc chip.

It ran at full spees with no problem but when run at a slower more prototypical speed it produced an error at exactly the same point on the wheels rotation and tended to be a bit stiff at that point as well. I think the problem was the axle touching the back of the con-rod and creating a short.

The rear drivers were slightly out of quarter. so it no longer shorts when pushing it along. However with all the taking apart and testing the red wire has come off the chip so will have to hard wire another one 😞


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She was momentarily on my workbench, just working on the axle boxes to limit the 'wobble' of the Hattons' Class 66 'Patriot'.

Absolutely superb locomotive, and the 'wobble' is nearly eliminated now - easy job, simply removing the covers, enlarging the hole in the bogie frame / surround, then re-attaching the AB's onto the axles, and aligning them as best as possible, as the glue is setting ...

Short video.  The wheels on each bogie of those wagons have been worked on to be as free-moving as possible, but each wagon weighs ~175g  (x12 = 2.10 kg !!).

The sheer power of this locomotive is phenomenal, and this is on less than half power!! (~42 of 100 on the Gaugemaster 'D').


PS:  Yes, that's an Accurascale Class 37 in the siding.

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All you need now is a smoke generator that chucks out a load of black smoke on startup! but I don't think anyone makes them for diesels

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I managed to get some time with a soldering iron outside in the dry weather!!! So soldered up these five electroten/jouef/hornby 0-6-0 chassis ready for some 3D printed bodies I will shortly be ordering. The Yorkshire Engine one has been a work in progress for a while now while I’ve been waiting for some lining transfers. I also changed the wheels and soldered up four Eurostar power bogies to make them fully self propelled. These were silly cheap off the Hornby spares website some time ago. One has been altered to replace a broken ROCO electric loco chassis and another to power an Atlas Editions SNCF EMU (which is in the box with the EMU). The other two are destined for a couple of DC Kits DMUs that have been in the ‘to do’ box for way too long. 

All tested and running well, just need the bodies now…..and some time….and paint… and transfers. 


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