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Peter Stiles

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Everything posted by Peter Stiles

  1. Hopefully someone will come out soon and confirm whether the Accurascale wagons are designed to couple to the Hornby Rocket... I suspect so from reading the blurb but it would be good to know before indulging in a box full...
  2. It's this, and oh my its lovely (IMHO): It comes with the stand. The peckett doesn't.
  3. You will all be interested to know that the Order in question arrived this morning. That's One Box, with the entire order wrapped and packed as one... The website still proudly proclaims the order status as "Part Dispatched". Knowing these facts we can take comfort in the knowledge the "Part Dispatched" appears to mean "Dispatched".
  4. Thank you kind sir. I'll save my money and just watch with bated breath for the post person to arrive clutching half a rake of coaches...
  5. I have an order at the status "Part Dispatched". Does anyone know of a way of knowing *what* part has been dispatched?
  6. I buy weights from The Auction Site, specifically sold for this purpose. The weight come in 5g and 10g backed with sticky foam. Must admit I apply some UHU to make sure it sticks.
  7. Oh yes the Hogsmead signal box does look very very small, especially in comparison to the station buildings. However if you look at pictures of the prototype, it looks right. (google is your friend) There can't be room to swing a cat in there, but its probably easy to keep warm in the winter.
  8. 1. Microsoft Edge (latest at time of typing; chromium-based) 2. HP Probook laptop; Windows 10 Pro (20H2) 3. on LOGIN 4. Oh - you're right: when Remember Me is ticked (I don't even know why I keep ticking Remember Me, it never does anything...)
  9. JJ the other option for the door is what I've done (*) and that's re-hang the door so that it opens outwards from the room rather than inwards. That way you keep your ability to, well, close the door, and you have a few more feet of usable room space. First step is, of course, take the door off and see how you like that... (*) well, a Man From The Internet I Paid did for me.
  10. Righty: Its marked R60060 on the packaging. I've ruined its value by opening the box and pulling it out, but then I'm crazy like that. It has ye-olde non-nem "Airfix" style wide couplings; will look a treat popping up in a variety of fright trains on my layout. Basically does what it says on the tin. Yellow wagon with black roof and lettering. An additional "tm © BBC" painted on the bottom. Now to get the oo scale Reliant to have waiting patiently, if out of sight, at the station...
  11. It's a bit disconcerting with a Terrier tho'. Once you've given it enough welly to get it started it rushes off like, well, a terrier...
  12. It's a lovely little loco, but has the pulling power of a three-legged arthritic hamster on ice.
  13. When it comes to Hogwart's Express the rake we have from Hornby represents the loco as shown in the firms, which to all intents and purposes are contemporary with their date of filming (as evinced by examining the muggle-base scenes). First film being 2001 that counts as Hornby Era 9; best to treat it as a Heritage railway in that case:) As the coaches are MKIs, its possible that they could represent a train as early as 1951 and so Era 4. The loco itself dates from Era 3 (according to the lore) and so, with suitably repainted LMS coaches, could be included on a layout from that time period. So with no modifications you could use the Hornby Hogwart's express from Era 4 to "now". sorry all.
  14. To help with "close" coupling (as much as you can with normal tension locks) there is a mechanism that the coupling fits into; when working correctly this lengthens the coupling when the wheels turn. If that mechanism pops out / gets fouled then the coupling will be pushed a little lower and you'd experience the effect you see. If you turn the bogie, does the coupling extend and retract smoothly? (If you turn the coach upside down to watch it, beware of the coupling-arm fouling on the coach body:) ) The mechanism is between bogie and coach floor, so tricky to see... I've got a couple of these cars (don't ask) but ttytt they do have some manufacturing differences between them.
  15. I was wondering if we should be posting any mistakes that we find in the website content or not? For instance that the picture chosen for "Era 3" is clearly marked up as a BR train (the club 2021 loco in fact), or that the "14T Tank Wagon, United Daries - Era 3" appears when filtering on Era 11? Whilst some are jarring, I flip from laughing to getting annoyed, depending upon whether I'm failing to find an item or just coming across some strange juxtaposition of categorisation.
  16. Happy new forums everyone. I've felt bereft these past few weeks and RMWeb just doesn't give the same warm feeling that these forums do.
  17. I picked up a CD as part of something else I bought last year and I got it running on Win 10. But, i'm sorry, for the life of me I can't remember what I did :( So it is possible. However, it is really only useful for its Novelty Value as it lacks... well let's say the software is showing its age somewhat. I'd use the CD as a coaster and, if you want to Play Trains on your computer, buy something released a bit more recently. There's definitely current products which look quite good... However even I can't afford to have a Computer Habit *and* a Train Habit...
  18. Not that I'm disappointed, but I was hoping to see SECR coaches too, giving my Terrier and H Class (and the P and C and one-day incoming D) class something shorter (and more affordable) than a Birdcage to pull. Or maybe They knew I'd spent time pimping up a couple of railroad 4 wheelers for my Terrier and decided that I should run those for a year before replacing them. Or maybe I'll visit the milliner's.
  19. One thing to bear in mind is that the Santa's Express set includes the smallest curves that Hornby make (we call them "Radius 1") and lots of engines have trouble going round such tight curves. Crissaf's comments are pertinent to getting the engine running in the first place, but you may find that once it does actually move it doesn't like the curves very much. I speak from experience as I hoped to have Thomas (a China-built one) going around my Tree with the Santa's Express, but it wouldn't stay on the curves.
  20. He says this is "Santa's Express" so the loop of track you get with it is 1st radius. Just big enough to go round a xmas tree, but only a few locos will navigate those tight turns (Peckett W4: yes, Terrier: yes, Thomas The Tank: No! to my chagrin...)If you want to run larger engines you'll need an entire oval of track to run them on, simplest answer then is often to buy another train set (most of which have the larger 3rd radius which virtually everyything will get round) or the Family Fun Pack (which has the little-bit-larger 2nd radius curves which most things will get round). If budget doesn't stretch to a Highland Rambler (80 quid) then yes, start with a bunch of R606 second radius curves or R608 third-radius curves if you have the room)The Track Pack extensions expect you to start from a 3rd radius set of track nor Santa's express (as ever see the stickies at the top of the forum for the gospel on how to set that lot up)
  21. Well that sounded far more positive than I was expecting! Given the "Advise on decoder for my Beatles Eurostar" message in the DCC forum, do we have some way of jumping up and down shouting at Hornby "please please please?" I do, however, fear that "licensing" is the biggest cost in the way of this idea :( Maybe best to just put the record on the player when I start the train... The record player is a few rooms away so I won't have to crank up the volume too much to hear it from the train room... I'm sure the next door neighbours won't mind too much.
  22. Wish: TTS decoder for Eurostar, including a rousing chorus of "We all live in a yellow submarine"!
  23. I did this lunchtime. (added a decoder)No screws need to be loosened. Use a small flat-bladed screwdriver between the body and the chassis to lever the rear a bit, then look for purchase at the front. It is just a tight friction fit.
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