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Jeff Mennell

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Everything posted by Jeff Mennell

  1. 81f, how long did it take to draw the GWR Cordon? I assume you used an an app? Is this process easy to do?
  2. Looking forward seeing some photo updates Jeremiah. Here's hoping you did well in your exams too!
  3. I bought this for £10.50. Mint Unused http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/800AAOSwDKtY1tfx/s-l1600.jpg
  4. Well done SoT. How come I never see anything like this in charity shops?
  5. /media/tinymce_upload/54cd32ebf60f62da990d341023735040.JPG /media/tinymce_upload/5550cd73c0fb6c5df7d6a9325ab670af.JPG /media/tinymce_upload/a8865e1dbf98212fda16138f01457cde.JPG
  6. Won these three from the auction place, total cost around £43....all work well:- Hornby 00 LNER B12 4-6-0 number 8509 http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/wIAAAOSwWxNYzo~q/s-l1600.jpg LIMA OO GAUGE CLASS J50 BR BLACK 0-6-0 TANK LOCOMOTIVE 68920 (5E) http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/pecAAOSwWxNYvqJV/s-l1600.jpg LIMA L205129 B.R Class 33 Diesel Engine No.D6506 http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/InwAAOSwzgBYz7Af/s-l1600.jpg
  7. If model rail companies fold then there may come a time when the only way get locos is to make them from scratch/3d printed.
  8. Some 2mm card for a wordsworth project, Hornby fishplates and a card loading shed. No locos but I've been that close to giving in........!
  9. Looks good to me. What amount of detail are you planning? Glazing, hoses/pipes, lighting etc? Jeff
  10. It's flexitrack...I should be able to salvage enough for what I'm up to!
  11. Some Peco flexitrack, rolling stock and a couple of water crane thingys! http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/RpcAAOSwB-1YrtbT/s-l1600.jpg http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/9GkAAOSwWxNYqwx9/s-l1600.jpghttp://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/h9wAAOSw4CFYrzf2/s-l1600.jpg
  12. I'm 50......obviously too young for playing trains!
  13. I think I'll keep a look out for an early 70's Jinty chassis and swap the bits. Have you noticed how there are loads of very old Jinty chassis on ebay? Nobody wants them! You could make a pretty penny by buying them and turning down the wheels if you had the equipment, then resell them!! Cheers Jeff
  14. My old old Jinty is ok on the new Hornby track and isn't tooo bad over the points but I may just buy a new chassis as I don't have the necessary tools or experience to take off wheels and turn them. I wonder if the train shop in Scarborough (not far from where I live) would do it? Ta Jeff
  15. Would the latest Hornby points be better for old Triang locos or new Peco?
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