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Valhalla last won the day on September 12

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About Valhalla

  • Birthday 01/01/1963

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  1. Still none the wiser. The main part of the order has turned up but it looks as though they've sent the Mystery Kit via Evri. (I'll expect to see that next weeks sometime then if I'm lucky, thanks Airfix) Ian
  2. Looking good @A J Rimmer & @Dominic Thomas
  3. Does anyone know if Airfix sell or have ever sold gift vouchers. I've had a look through the site but can't see any mention anywhere. Just seems as though they're missing an opportunity of getting new folk involved, especially with that time of year fast approaching. Ian
  4. In fact you get 1000 points from Jadlam just for participating so that another £5.00 of the now £14.99 Spitfire Ian
  5. Lego did a cool Star Destroyer ... come on Airfix. Mind you, I think some other outfit already did one. But time to think outside the box. Ian
  6. It'll be free delivery too, knowing them Ian
  7. Agreed, I tend to use nailcare products from Tesco though, with the last one being a nail buffer before hitting the Tamiya compound. Much cheaper 🙂
  8. Great work again Andy, the detail is fab
  9. That, looks fantastic. Looking forward to seeing the end result Ian
  10. They look amazing, fab job Ian
  11. Awesome, I won't be getting my next order until Thursday Ian
  12. Valhalla

    1/48 Sabre due

    So what are the differences between the Sabre F-86F-40 and this new F-86F? I can see the new versions are F-86F-30 and 25 but the only difference I can see so far is that this new kit has wing fences whereas its predecessor does not Ian Think I've answered my own question. "(first two orders of F-86F-40 blocks comprising 280 aircraft that reverted to leading-edge wing slats of an improved design)" "The F-40 had a new slatted wing with a slightly higher span, resulting in a slight decrease in speed, but also much better agility at both high and low speeds and a reduced landing speed of 124 mph (200 km/h)"
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