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Kenneth ONeill

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Posts posted by Kenneth ONeill

  1. Another vote for a new Hampden, not least because we have new tools of all the other British WW2 service medium bombers in some form.

    Also a Vintage Classics re-release of the Sunbeam Rapier would be nice. As it builds as coupe or convertible I'd buy at least 2, maybe 3 if I can find references for a Holbay Rapier, and even 4 if I can find references for a Peter Harper rally car.

  2. Go to a model shop, get a Humbrol chip/conversion chart, and see for yourself just how rubbish the Revell colour range actually is for anything not painted in German RAL tones.

    You're not getting much help here because...

    1) This is an official Humbrol/Airfix/Hornby forum, and promoting other manufacturers is understandably against site rules.

    2) At least one of the cited Humbrol tones will be a mix of 3 Revell tones.

    3) Pretty much no-one, not even WW1 experts, knows for sure what colour(s) a British Mk1 tank was originally painted in, although we do think they were repainted in H27 grey.

  3. I built a version of this a few years ago, suspect it was Revell, and the main undercarriage was an absolute pain in the proverbial ! Either using the wing as a jig wasn't an option or I didn't notice it .

    Separate parts for either a bomber nose or a bull "universal" nose? If so, then it was tooled by Matchbox, not Revell

  4. As John says above; also note that the apparent shade of some colours varies depending on what (if anything other than plastic or primer grey) they're applied over. For instance I have RAF single seaters where I've applied H30 (green) over H26 (dark earth) and others that are H30 over H27 (dark grey) and the green looks to be 2 different shades even though it came out the same tin.

  5. "Once the courier has the parcel Airfix/Hornby have no control over it"

    OTOH they most certainly do have control over which courier company their customers' orders are entrusted to. I've also had issues with Hermes, including them putting packages in the porch and running away without even knocking the door or ringing the doorbell (I was in; I'm not asking the guy to hang around, just to alert me to "there's somebody at the door".

  6. For that matter, revisiting the existing Rescue, Recovery and Refuelling sets, and rewriting the painting instructions to produce all WW2 schemes rather than a mix of WW2 and post war would be nice, and only take a day or 2 of someone's time.

    A new RNLI lifeboat (more or less any class except another re-release of the Severn).

    I've said it before, but a Hampden is the obvious gap in a collection of British WW2 (1936 to '45) medium bombers, and possibly a Havoc to go with?

  7. Ok, so which kit(s) spent longest in your stash and/or as works in progress?

    For me the stash kit would be the Tamiya Lola T-70, which spent 10 years in stash before I decided that converting the front clamshell from "as moulded" to the David Piper "Le Mans (1970 film)" specification would be too hard a job.

    The WIP would be the 5 years I spent converting an Italeri MAN 20-321 from a 6x4 semi to an 8x4 platform truck.

  8. Hi,

    Does anyone know how to renew club membership (lapsed by a couple of years now) for those of us overseas?

    I am in Singapore and would like to renew my old club membership but the website says it can't ship here, yet the blurb says that club members in ROW (Rest Of World) get the same as the UK based members but without the hardcopy of the magazine, only a soft copy.

    What am I missing? Is there a renewal page for overseas members to rejoin the club from?

    Basically what they're saying is that they won't send you hard copy magazines, or supply "free" kits through the Passport scheme.

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