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HST Mainline

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Everything posted by HST Mainline

  1. The 70th anniversary Jinty, along with a Smokey Joe arrived in the mailbox this week. Here on the rolling road being run in.
  2. I think it is fair and clear. Postage has to be paid by Hornby regardless. The points are spent on the products. Much like when you buy something at a discount. I don't hear people complaining about not getting free postage if the discounted total cost is below the threshold. They simply add something else to the basket to get the total cost over the threshold. IMO it is the same thing.
  3. Yeah, I have noticed that with pre-orders, which is why I don't pre-order much. I have never seen it on packages where everything was in stock though.
  4. Hi. Does anybody know if Hornby ships different products from different locations? Meaning, that if an order consists of two different products, it might be splitted into two separate deliveries?
  5. Oh okay? This is new to me. My 2024 catalogue contains a section with new items and a section with current program. This is where the Elite is listed along with the rest of the digital products, except the Select. I have always assumed that the annual catalogue was a complete list of what is in the current range.
  6. Exactly. I am not at all surprised if that is the case. Personally, I think Hornby should take care not to alienate itself completely from DCC (I do not consider HM7000 using the app and Bluetooth to be DCC as in "the protocol DCC"). As long as HM7000 is a closed system only Hornby can provide, and as long as decoders lack features like true function mapping, output type switching on AUX 3 and 4, and other manufacturers deliver their models with a DCC decoder, it will be impossible for the user to go full HM7000 and Bluetooth. If Hornby does not have a DCC controller, they will push the users into the arms of other manufacturers, and potentially loose them eventually. HM7000 decoders are excellent, I have several, it is my opinion though, that if you mix and match models from different manufacturers (as people do) the road to full blown Bluetooth control is not without its challenges. If you buy only Hornby models, it is much easier, but not many do just that anymore (I assume). At the end of the day, I think there is still a role for the Elite (and to some extend the Select) to play. For now.
  7. I can understand that (to some extend) with regard to the webshop. I do not understand it with regard to the catalogue. If it is not in the printed catalogue, I think it is safe to assume that it is no longer in the program. Models come and go, but digital controller going out of the printed catalogue and coming back? Has this happened before? The Select is a great little controller, I think it has its place in the program.
  8. The Select is no longer in the program. It isn't on the website or in the 2024 catalogue.
  9. By the looks of it, the "under the table" point motor is also on the list. So, I would not worry too much. It has been on the list several times before. The Elite stock is also up by 10 since the last time I looked (a few days ago). It is probably a fluke.
  10. Last chance also some times mean: "Last chance to buy before it will be out of stock for a while". The Elite is in the current 2024 catalogue, so I suspect it will be available further down the line. The Select, on the other hand, has been discontinued and is no longer in the range, sadly.
  11. I agree. Personally, I am not the target audience for the Beatles wagons, but I get why they appeal to others. It hits me anyway, because one day Hornby will make some silly loco that I would want. Isn't that what collecting is all about? I was "insulted" by something he said about the "70 years in Margate" anniversary locos. Part of my hobby is also an interest in the history of model railways and the history of Hornby. I am considering some of the anniversary locos. I know they are not the exact models as the originals, but they still provide great memories of the past. I don't know how else to put it. I know these models are not for everyone, but there is no need to insult people.
  12. I think it is safe to say that all manufacturers struggle with getting models to the right price and quality. Also remember, that quality is not only "more detail". There is a tendency to consider "more detail = better quality". I think this is a misconception. I see quality as a much broader subject, meaning everything from boxes to quality of assembly and running conditions. Personally, I think the Hornby Railroad range is good quality, when the concept of the range is taken into consideration. I have a lot of German H0 models, and Märklin, Trix or Roco is not always good quality, simply because they sometimes seem to cut corners on the internal mechanisms. The model may look good but performs poorly. The later models from Märklin/Trix (about 2 - 3 years back and until now) have been better quality overall, but the prices have also gone up significantly.
  13. They are exactly the same. Same running number, so probably just going into a bigger box at the end of the assembly line along with some tracks. I don't get why people cannot just enjoy the fact that they can get a good value package. I get why it is annoying to have paid for another set, but isn't that just the way life is? Deal with it, and do not complain. Complaining gets you absolutely nowhere. Sam has a grudge against Hornby (for some reason I, at least, do not know). He also lacks insight into how models are made, since he keeps suggesting that smaller should be cheaper. That is not how manufacturing works. It is not the materials that cost, it is the development, and that cost is in the same ballpark no matter the scale. I used to enjoy Sam's videos. Now, I don't enjoy them that much anymore. His behavior in some videos also hints that he is seeing himself as a voice that matters, like the Bachmann video where he threatens them "I dare you" he said. Nothing good usually comes from being too sure of your own relevance. I don't like that. Personally, I like a review when it is not filled with personal opinions and grudges. Just let me see the model and listen to how it performs. I also do not care much about what the box is like, because we have all seen that a thousand times or more. 😊
  14. Of course they are looking at something. You do not release a TT version of the team that actually measures the prototype in order to create models, and then not have an agenda of some sort. Regardless of what they say...
  15. Yeah, I was surprised by that. I was waiting for some "Hornby bashing" but it never came. Quite a contrast to his earlier "Doom and Gloom" video. Good to see that he gives credit where credit is due.
  16. Ah, European Sleeper is a "new" operator. ÖBB Night Jet is the Austrian operator that operates night trains around Europe. The car trains mostly run on the north/south axis. They are a great way to skip a lot of driving on the motorway when going to Southern Germany, Austria or Italy. I hope you have a great trip!
  17. Did you book the ÖBB Night Jet? The sleeper trains are absolutely amazing. We once took the car-/sleeper train from Munich to Hamburg. Rolled the car on the train in Munich and went to the passenger coaches. Slept all the way and rolled off in Hamburg the next morning. Amazing. Sometimes they park somewhere for a while in the middle of the night. So do not be worried, if you wake up and the train is completely silent, holding still in a goods yard. It happens when the schedule allows for it. There is no fun in arriving too early in the morning. 😉
  18. You know what, I get that "oh that's a toy train" a lot. To be fair, it is a toy, it is made to be a toy, but it is also a model of a train, which makes it a model train. 😊 I just hope the tooling for the TPO is not lost. It has been a while since we've seen it in the program. What coaches would go with the TPO? I believe the current Hornby TPO is based on the LMS TPO. I don't mind that my GWR is not completely realistic, but I do wonder which coaches would go with it. Also, do these older coach models have the same width and height as newer models?
  19. This is not really a question, but simply a finding. I really think the Hornby TPO deserves some recognition for being a great toy. I bought one after seeing the "Night Mail" documentary on YouTube and a video by Oscar Paisley. What an interesting train service and the way it is replicated by the Hornby TPO is just amazingly simple. I have two mail coaches now (one for the kids, the privatization livery "Royal Mail Letters" in screaming red) and one in GWR livery (R4526) - the latter is for dad's use only. Putting up mailbags and have them delivered gives hours of fun, and in such a simple mechanical way. And you know what, in the digital age: Sometimes, you need that. 👍
  20. Standard continental prices. The Hornby stuff is pretty cheap compared to what we're used to. So that's a nice change. I wonder how they will justify the higher Arnold prices not that they've shown they can do cheaper. We'll see.
  21. I ended up airbrushing mine in some stone'ish colours. The roof is loose on the picture, that has since been fixed. It now sits flush. I think it works.
  22. If you want to keep prices of model railways down, I don't think reshoring is an option at the moment. I do think, however, that it might be in the future. China is not as cheap as they used to be. I wouldn't mind buying "Made in England" Hornby, but I would if I had to pay premium for a Railroad model. Prices need to be the same level as today.
  23. Aren't those £8 for checking the parcel and that the VAT is correct? I am pretty sure the webshop (if they want) can register with the UK customs and do the VAT handling for the customer, so you save the "penalty" at the border. The Hornby web shop does this the other way around. When you order from Hornby, they handle the VAT and flag the parcel in the customs system. That way the parcel flies through customs without any additional charges. You only pay what you pay Hornby. I expect there is a way to do the same thing the other way around, but it depends on the webshop. When shopping online in the UK, I only shop at stores that are members of IOSS (Import One Stop Shop EU). AFAIK Hattons used to do the same thing, but they are not here anymore. Sadly. For UK webshops it is definitely worth considering as it will keep them interesting to customers inside the EU. It is a bit more work, but most can be automated.
  24. The above statement is from the same page, so let's check the duty rate (here's the link: https://www.trade-tariff.service.gov.uk/commodities/9503003000?country=DE#) My point is: I interpret this as the import duty rate is 0%. You pay VAT regardless of the value of the product. There is a chance that you do not pay anything else than shipping and UK VAT on model trains and accessories ordered from the EU (Modellbahnshop-Lippe), if the parcel is declared correctly. Here in Denmark I only pay Danish VAT when ordering from Hornby. They even have free shipping over £100, which is totally nice. 👍
  25. Are you sure that you pay tax on model railway items (HS code 9503003000)? Here in Denmark you do not pay tax on model railway items, only VAT, when ordering from the UK.
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