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LY shunter

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  1. Southport beach is also a source of coal but remove the barnacles or they will show up white when crushed
  2. The top hopper part of the Dapol one is made from the Hornby dublo mould and now 63 years old so all the set up costs for that part have now long since been paid for. It is only finer painting detail and highly detailed chasis and some pipework of the Bachmann one that is improved.
  3. My local station is the tenth worst station in the country for cancelations Already 16 services for tomorrow have been cancelled , do I need to say what I think of privatising of railways
  4. As it was in April 2016 photo taken from under bridge into freight yard the far bridge is the line into Piccadilly now replaced by a new bridge as it was cast iron. Second photo is from under bridge to Piccadilly showing Stephenson bridge over river Irwell ,the cast iron pillar in far distance is line into freight yard
  5. If you want to print your own models why not use Scalescenes or Smart Models self print models which are designed to be printed yourself. Smart models actually tell you to rescale the print for different scales
  6. I believe Locomotion Models is run by volunteers and not the museum itself so has no fulltime staff. I received my NER 1201 about 14 Dec after ordering on 8 Dec I have no idea how parcels are sent to Australia or how long it takes My model was delivered by UPS
  7. I ordered an item at 4 o'clock Wednesday Royal Mail delivered it 2 o'clock Thursday ,that's 22 hours. A parcel I ordered on Saturday so put in Royal Mail post Monday .on Tuesday received email to say it would be delivered Wednesday but it failed to arrive I then received email apologising for non delivery. next day received email to say it was being delivered Thursday ,it was delivered on Thursday by a driver who waited for door to be answered . I have never had any problems with Royal Mail
  8. Lima made a Birds Custard van to go with this train
  9. This is the best site for a list of model railway shows Model Railway Exhibitions and Events on The UK Model Shop Directory (ukmodelshops.co.uk) The next big show is Manchester next weekend,10 and 11 Dec, very easy to get to by train from Southport,
  10. Hectare is a metric measure of 10,000 square metres nothing to do with acres
  11. I had to adjust all 8 pickups on my Fell, not one was adjusted properly. it now runs very well Do not try to adjust the pickups without removing them from the wheels as you will only turn them into dog's legs Use miniature pliers and bend them outward at the root of the spring.
  12. To late various Buggleskelly wagons are already made
  13. The LNER Gresley teak stock of 1977 is 10mm to short ,the real coach had a 60 ft long underframe and the composite should have 8 compartments not 7, (4 x 1st and 4 x 3rd).The coach was designed to fit onto the same chassis made for the great western coaches. The most obvious thing wrong with the underframe is that the battery boxes should be in the centre not 1 at each end
  14. If you google gaiety models and find website binnsroad it will tell you all about this model http://www.binnsroad.co.uk/railways/gaiety/index.html
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