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Will Hay

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Everything posted by Will Hay

  1. The 'select' controller can act as a 'walkabout', i.e., second controller to the 'elite'. The specifics are here... https://us.hornby.com/community/forum/adding-a-select-to-an-elite-setup?p=1
  2. Tip. This cardboard packing material is perfect for edge protection, with small cuts to one edge to manipulate around curves. When I get around to it I'll do my four, internal curves.
  3. I have four such occurrences after constantly extending. I take a gamble with the drop [nothing yet *touches wooden forehead*] but not with the weight.
  4. I stand corrected. It's a while since I watched it but I do recall a map at some point. My mistake πŸ‘
  5. A couple of weeks ago I uploaded my 'final layout'. Yesterday and today saw some further layout/track amendments ο»Ώgrinningο»Ώ Mine is called 'Buggleskelly', the fictional town in Eire featured in one of my favourite films.
  6. There is a brand new white version on ebay with UK warranty for 232GBP, plus postage, with a best offer facility. What are you waiting for? πŸ˜„
  7. Good point, although isn't that only the white start [which is the same as the white, but designated starter set]? Now I remember I bought mine from our friends in Germany, in came in a large box without the locomotives so I guess the retailer was making more euro splitting the packs. After selling the handheld controller, mine worked out at 170GBP ish which, as I've outlined, was the best investment I've ever made in the two years I've been at this. Deem, I run a 14' x 9' layout, there's very little what people are calling a 'bottom end' version I couldn't use. Don't be fooled into thinking the white model is entry level. It might be the manufacturers entry level, but compared to some other brands on the market it's far from basic. Maybe you should compare models to other brands that are available, and see how much you need to actually spend and what you actually need, given that you can't afford the black version right now.
  8. I'm sure you've already seen it but here's my current view... ..Great choice, by the way, you won't regret it.
  9. Welcome to the forum. Values are pretty high at the minute. A dealer will give you two thirds of retail price, if they're being reasonable. The only sure fire way is to search ebay for current and completed sale items. No-one here, or indeed any forum will give you an accurate, definitive guide of price. Even comparing to new prices and using a percentage won't help, demand and availability are major factors. Best of luck and my condolences for your family's loss.
  10. Deem, There's a comparison page on the Z21 website showing the additional features between each model. The extra options on the black editions might as well have been in Greek to me, I'd never use them so quite obviously; look st the model that suits your own needs πŸ‘
  11. Hello. The Z21 has been fault free, it is absolutely stunning and my best investment since purchase in Aug 2020. I don't use it to control points but it has numerous, additional facilities. The app is soooooo simple to use, the ability to take a photo and select a locomotive to control in an instant is a godsend, especially as I have between two and eight running at any one time. I sort them into order of type [steam and diesel/modern] and what is on which track so can quickly scroll to each loco. I always figured my nephew might use the phone app while I use the tablet app, but he prefers to be in full control πŸ˜„ I've used a few LaisDCC decoders on my system, my only comment is they're not as well made as others, hence the price, so you have to be careful. It's the white model 10825. I paid 249EU brand new with a controller, but sold the controller on ebay for, IIRC, 55GBP.
  12. I can't take that. My wife did the vertical rock face, she's the creative one. I'll pass on your compliment πŸ˜„πŸ‘
  13. A useful tip for anyone using "celotex" type rigid insulation, as I did. I cut mine down in depth from 100mm to 70mm, and in doing so cut in the middle and then the same from the other side. This gave me a very uneven surface which I then painted as rock face.
  14. Complete, and I'm absolutely delighted with first attempt at modelling.
  15. Sincere thanks. I'm onto wash painting now. I used a simple craft knife.
  16. I'm currently undertaking my first ever modelling attempt for one corner of my layout.
  17. Don't pay any attention to the perceived complexity of a manual. Often these are produced and translated, which sometimes adds to 'confusion'. Had I considered the Z21 system on the basis that a complex manual equates to complex hardware I'd have never have bought it, and it is without a doubt my greatest investment and is effortless to use. As you already know, you need actual user review, full stop.
  18. May I ask your thoughts on the R3957, in particular the quality of the model?
  19. Oops, you're quite RIGHT, my apologies πŸ‘ My error is now corrected.
  20. I didn't realise this, maybe I need to read those instructions properly/again. Sincere thanks.
  21. You've lost me. You said "...Hornby brought in the 10% maximum discount on new released models to help retailers". How does this help retailers who should be obv. determining their own business model and setting their own prices?
  22. No, neither does electrical fires in the wings of airplanes, but I guess it depends who the author is.
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