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Puffed Out

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Everything posted by Puffed Out

  1. The fact is cheaper goods are made overseas, wherever that maybe. There were quite a few British Companies who moved into Eastern Europe, spurred on by the EU with what was essentialy bribes, under the pretence of resettlement costs. Still cheap labour there. Anything attached to Electrics/Electonics are made in the far east. Pick a product and see where it's made. Nissan wiring is made in China. Bosch oil filters are made in Algeria. Cheap labour there. I can remember the USA Gov, saying we will NEVER trade with a Communist Country, yet here they are, arguing over import tarrifs. As for profiteering, depends where it's made and who's selling it. And is the quality any good, if you can find it. Would you pay double for UK produced parts. Higher labour costs, running costs, raw material costs. etc etc. Is a new Hornby Train Set worth more in the box, or broken up and sold in seperate parts.
  2. I sent mine to Scalespeed.co.uk for a service. Just under £35 including postage(£14.50) outside the UK. So the cost for postage in the UK will reduce the total cost. All parts required included. Runs like a dream. 😆
  3. http://www.hornbyguide.com/default.asp http://www.hornbyguide.com/item_details.asp?itemid=745
  4. N gauge ballast is far better, and looks more realistic than OO gauge ballast.(That looks like boulders).
  5. I did exactly the same as you, and 25 years older than you, but the mistake I didn't make was buying new track for old Loco's, and rolling stock, that came later on. I started mine not long before lockdown etc, so that was a blessing. At my age I have a bit more patience, but I inderstand your pain and annoyance. Things 'back in the day' were generaly made better, no doubt others will disagree about that. All this techy stuff has bypassed me, and that's how it will stay as it's too damn expensive and more to go wrong, for the sake of a tiny drop of solder missing, or a lousy job doing it. So it's rather old school for me, which I am happy with. I wish you loads of luck @carlnewfor2020.. 😀
  6. @atom3624. Yes, they are slightly longer, but not as much as you would notice(about 4mm). I bought a rake of them, as we all know they are one of the first things to break. That's why I bought a few, in anticiption of that fact.
  7. They certainly did for me. 😆
  8. Have you checked the wiring to the bulb/bulbs.? Common fault and easily fixed.
  9. Drive gear on the motor shaft could be spinning when it's under load with coaches attached. If it is, don't bodge it by sticking it with any form of glue..
  10. Also possible the magnet needs remagnetising.
  11. I have used track screws on the whole of my layout, but I drilled a pilot hole through the sleepers for all them. Must have used about 300 - 400 of them. I have had no problems with them at all, just screw them down and backed them off a turn with the screwdriver provided with screws. . You can also damage the track with a slip of a hammer when using track pins. So the choice is yours, but on 'hairy grass', I'd be concerned about the fibres like others have mentioned.
  12. Eurostar Power & Dummy, plus 2 Saloon Coaches. Hornby - Lady Godiva. Black. Tender driven.
  13. Well now, everything is about to change with my 8 x 4 layout. I have managed to get another 8 x4 included to extend it to an 'L' shape. The old layout board will be scrapped, and has beem replaced with 12mm MDF sat on 3 x 2 timber frame on 16 legs and wheels. Just painted the boards with grey undercoat, with MDF sawdust mixed in for texture. Looks like battleship grey at the moment. Photo's attached, when the mods have vetted them to view. 😆 I'll be running 4 loops from 3 seperate controllers, but will be having isolating track connections fitted so I can run my Loco's on all loops. (Just need to remember to use one controller at a time). I have added an outer loop by using flexitrack, and extended the 2 inner sides of the 'L', by 120mm each, so essentialy a radius 5 and a bit. Radius 1 loop, has been halved, so it's now a long curved siding.(It will be removed or adjusted for more sidings). Far right of photo will be a small station plus a passing siding. This will be a passenger connection from Radius '5' loop to radius 4 loop. Wish me luck please, I will need it. 😆 Oh, this was the dining room, which has been hardly ever used, but at least it's still usable now the layout isn't sat on the dining table. 😮 😆 / /media/tinymce_upload/1562d4ae01892fff0876343de4f9a2c9.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/82c4aa82ae5af2a2ec476957f41eb29e.jpg
  14. X6148 Javelin (Coach) class 395, will fit the Pendolino.
  15. MESSAGE for DEREK123. Remove the magnet from the motor and test polarity with the compass provided. It's a bit awkard as the magnet isn't square. Just put the magnets between the pole pieces, and press the button. I have also re-magnetised without removing the magnets from the motor body. It does the trick despite the casing being plastic. I would guess it would have been better by removing the magnets, but the result was OK as there was a really distinct improvement. You need to remove the wheels from the chassis to do this quick 'fix'. There is a video for re-magnetising a Wren magnet, on u/tube. You can have a rest now, instead of bumping your post. 😆 😉
  16. I bought one of Ron Dodds re-magnetisers, brand new from him. Works brilliantly. It's paid for itself already. 😆
  17. There is 3 for sale on a well known auction site, apparently a Hornby product.
  18. What are the magnets like. If they have lost most of their magnetism, the motor will eventualy burn out. They can be re-magnetised.
  19. @Ducking Giraffe. That seems a very good idea, and might just that. It seems I'm a glutten for punishment, as I bought another set, unboxed but new, and also from different places, a Power & Dummy car, and a pair of centre coaches. So now I have 3 trains to contend with. It makes a change that they aren't broke or need fixing. So the lights will possibly be on numerous Loco's. I have also bought a new bodyshell, for the power car, because the inevitable will happen. But now, it's triple trouble for those divisable coaches. But hey, it can't be all bad. 😉 😀
  20. Three flatbed wagons being made from 3 coach chassis frames. They were the only thing that was worth saving. Totally trashed bodies from a 'job lot' that I purchased.
  21. Do you need to pay the full amount up front, or a deposit.?
  22. Ok thanks. @Going Spare. 😉
  23. At least fleabay has got some of it's house in order. Didn't expect a refund so soon after contacting the seller. I had another cobbling together for a linkage.....a piece of Airfix parts skeleton, heated up and bent to fit, at least that works ok. So I had run for 20 minutes without a problem, except for the closing gap on slow down of the train. Need some corridor bellows, in between, and see if that makes a difference. ?
  24. How long in general do pre-orders take. After a wasting time, trying to get hold of Indivisible coaches for the Eurostar from fleabay, and trying to be a smartypants, decided it would be better to try Hornby itself.
  25. Well, there you go. It was too good to be true. I asked the seller to look at them before he posted them, just to make sure they were divisable. He apologised, money refunded. Looks like his other real divisable set was sold to someone who got an absolute bargain.
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