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Posts posted by LTSR_NSE

  1. At the moment the HM6010 is the only accessory controller compatible with the app.  However Hornby are intending to make other accessory controllers compatible (through the HM7040 dongle) in the future.

    Depending on the number of points you wish to control you may need several HM6010 units (the app supports an unlimited number.)

    Be aware (you say you are new) there are multiple options for remote point control from manual (e.g. wire-in-tube) to electrical (e.g. switches & motors)  that don’t require the app interface - unless that is your primary interest?

  2. 1 hour ago, ColinB said:

    I didn't want to actually say who that person was, I am too polite to say who it is, just check all the posts…

    If you are too polite to state publicly - there’s nothing preventing you from sending the mods a private message!

    (A cynic could suggest that it sounds like you can’t produce any evidence & are simply trying to bluster!)

    Also you might want to reword your suggestion… it sounds more than a little unreasonable to expect unpaid volunteers to go searching the forum for a mystery authored post that allegedly states the Hornby Power Bank includes special powers!

    (A cynic could also suggest that it sounds like you are trying to offload the responsibility for finding potentially non-existing evidence onto the mods.  So that when they fail to locate it, you can blame their investigation rather than reality!)

    • Thanks 1
  3. All Hornby said was that the Power Bank incorporated tech which allowed the Decoder to control/delay charging. (Colin suggests he has identified these components - but that has neither been confirmed or rejected by Hornby.)

    Additionally Hornby advised using their Power Bank & stated they wouldn’t/couldn’t guarantee 3rd party stay-alive compatibility - which is standard practice.

    Nowhere have they suggested anything was special/magic/fairy dust & nowhere have they stated it was impossible for other manufacturers to develop alternatives!

  4. On mobile devices - for those interested in all new posts within Airfix:

    On the main screen headed ‘Hornby Hobbies’ click ‘3 horizontal lines button’ (top right)


    On the screen headed ‘Airfix’ click ‘Menu’ (2nd thing down from Top Left)

    Both of those bring up same menu -> choose ‘Airfix’ & then ‘Forums’ - brings up the all Airfix topics screen (with new/unread posts shown prominently!)

    On mobile devices - for anyone interested in a similar view of all Airfix/Hornby/Scalextric topics:

    Do as above, but then click ‘Forums’ (1st thing down from Top Left) on the all Airfix topics screen.


  5. @Dave the Busker - before you switch polarity are you turning the speed control down to 0 first?

    In the unlikely case you aren’t aware, motors really dislike having polarity switched before being allowed to come to a natural stop (they are effectively stalled during changeover otherwise.)

    Hornby train set controllers incorporate a physical impediment to prevent polarity change whilst dial is above 0, but GM do not.

  6. 12 hours ago, Augustus Caesar said:

    You would be amazed at the direct email I get from some members who still think you have to upgrade Windows from a previous incarnation to get RM running. This, simply because some think RM is brand new.

    Perhaps they (foolishly) expect it to be brand new? - especially if they’ve just paid for a licence!
    I imagine the reality in those instances is rather a nasty shock.

  7. I agree wholeheartedly that an improvement to service sheets & spares practice would be fantastic.

    However (playing devil’s advocate) I believe that Hornby’s current practice can be explained (but not altogether justified) by reversing @What About The Bee’s question - why do you need an exploded diagram of parts, if those parts aren’t going to be made available separately?

    Hornby currently appear to be operating the following practice:
    • if something breaks during or just after warranty period - contact them & they will repair/replace as spares stock allows.
    • if something breaks after a longer period (e.g. 5yrs) - modern items aren’t designed to last, so why produce large quantities of spares that would simply encourage customers to expect/attempt to keep their models running for longer than this?

    Regardless of any/all individual opinions of current prices - sealed motors & plastic gears are not manufactured to last.  Model companies have simply evolved from:
    • all metal parts that were designed to last - but models were only affordable by the wealthy.
    • brushes, springs, lubricationetc. sold as consumables to keep models running - but plastic parts start to reduce life expectancy.
    • sealed motors, plastic cogs, etc. sold as consumables to keep models running - but different models need different parts.
    • currently the different companies all have very different attitudes towards warranty periods, spares stocks, whether spares are separately  purchasable or only available for warranty repairs etc.

    ** Conclusion removed as it was a sustainability rant that almost certainly breached politics guidelines & therefore was only tenuously relevant anyway. **

  8. The HM|DCC App doesn’t currently support external Bluetooth controls.
    Although this option/feature has been requested, Hornby devs haven’t given any indication if/when they might consider incorporating it.

    Die HM|DCC-App unterstützt derzeit keine externen Bluetooth-Steuerungen.
    Obwohl diese Option/Funktion angefordert wurde, haben die Hornby-Entwickler keinen Hinweis darauf gegeben, ob/wann sie die Integration in Betracht ziehen könnten.

    • Thanks 1
  9. @Dominic Thomas Caution (or needing to build confidence) seems perfectly natural - a possible way to overcome this might be to take a variety of photos as a build progresses & then only post the stages if ultimately successful.

    That way you can enjoy the satisfaction of demonstrating achievements - whilst nobody is wiser of any learning experiences! 😉

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, ColinB said:

    May be next time Hornby shouldn't give a pre released copy to Jenny Kirk for her to do a demonstration to everyone for a currently non existent product. No wonder you guys are getting so much flack. 

    By that logic - no manufacturer should ever allow the general public to see any development stage (CAD, running samples, painted samples etc.) without  expecting the response to be an immediate demand of “where’s mine?”

    This concept of expectation/entitlement simply bewilders me. 🤷‍♂️

    • Like 3
  11. Since interface changes are a marmite subject…

    Whilst some will be very happy that RM retains what they know & enjoy, others will feel disappointed (or perhaps stronger) that what looked dated on XP, just looks hopelessly so today.

    That RM’s website security & installation ‘quirks’ remain frozen in the same era just seems incomprehensible to me.

    I genuinely have no wish to disparage or belittle software that brings people pleasure - I enjoy occasionally playing MS-DOS games, when I want to indulge in nostalgia - but I wouldn’t choose to pay modern licensing prices for that, GOG offers those for less than the price of a coffee!

    • Like 1
  12. Could 2 adapted Chaldron chassis (with some kind of pivot between) have been used? (akin to the later log wagons & Duke of Wellington coach on L&MR)

    If your undercut/overhang body is prototypical, that could possibly allow a small degree of pivoting? (alternatively 4 independently pivoting axles would allow curves to be negotiated with even smaller degree of pivot per axle)

    That suggestion is probably anachronistic for the period - but might assist with oo compromises & R2/1 curves?

    • Thanks 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, ColinB said:

    Either way you have decided that is what you are going for, so that is it but please don't try to belittle me with technology XXXX.

    18 minutes ago, ColinB said:

    So your guys are using style sheets, explains a lot.

    Colin, your opinion of me is unimportant - but please don’t assume that Hornby is foolish enough to employ me - I am merely a customer!

    I mentioned style sheets purely as an example (I possess no inside knowledge of the software Invision uses) to assist you with understanding that changes aren’t always as radical as they appear.  I’m glad if this has helped you to accept the situation.

  14. 2 minutes ago, ColinB said:

    Really so the tear up of all the menu options, completely changing the front end. In my book that is not a planned release.

    Err Colin, that statement actually does sound like you not understanding modern web tools (or even the simplicity of working with style sheets).

    Yes a couple of decades ago, significantly changing the front end involved dramatic redesigns - now significant front end changes can be implemented (& reverted) with a few clicks!

    This is not intended to imply that any numpty with a hammer can be a web developer, but merely that dramatic looking front-end changes, no longer indicate/necessitate dramatic back-end changes.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, null_null981707818191 said:

    Anyone else familiar with the adage "If it ain't broke, it don't need fixing"?

    I believe it references a time when craftsmen made items of quality, to last for an extended period of use… obviously has no relevance to the modern world (& especially technology) with planned obsolescence! 😉🤦‍♂️

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